
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Will Pune Police be able to arrest DSK, Hemanti, Shirish & Tanvi in Aanandghan case?

The Public Prosecutor is trying his best to give an opportunity to Pune Police to arrest DSK, Hemanti, Shirish & Tanvi in Aanandghan case:

Will Pune Police be able to arrest DSK, Hemanti, Shirish & Tanvi in Aanandghan case?

The Public Prosecutor, Advocate Javed Khan, was insisting that, as per Section 438, DSK, Hemanti and their son & daughter in law - Shirish & Tanvi - and others who have applied for anticipatory bail must be present in the court when the judge gives final order.

But the advocate of DSK argued that there presence is not mandatory. The court can decide whether DSK's presence is really in the interest of justice.

The Public Prosecutor was insisting DSK's presence in the court mainly because, if the anticipatory bail is rejected - Pune Police can arrest DSK, Hemanti, Shirish & Tanvi immediately in the court itself. Which hasn't been possible in the case of F D Holders.

However, it was almost 5.15. Court hours were almost over. So the court said that we will take this matter tomorrow.

What will happen today?

Will the court give order in the absence of DSK or in his presence?

What will be the order? Will DSK get bail?

If the court rejects the anticipatory bail application - Will Pune Police arrest DSK, Hemanti, Shirish and Tanvi?

Or will DSK manage to avoid arrest and go to high court - and even to supreme court - to get bail - like he did in the F D Holders' case?

I could see all these questions on the faces of the flat buyers of DSK Aanandgahn at DSK Vishwa who were present in the court yesterday.

After cheating 400 plus flat buyers and looting thousands of crores, DSK has so many options.

Why? Because DSK has money for lawyers.

Whose money is it?

It's Flat Buyers' and F D Holders' money.

To avoid going to jail - to get anticipatory bail - some claim that - DSK has already spent a couple of crores of rupees.

Couple of crores of Flat Buyers' and F D Holders' money to fight the court cases against the Flat Buyers and F D Holders themselves!

Moral of the story is - Anyone who wants to book a flat in an under construction housing project should keep in mind that you are creating a monster who is going to eat you alive.

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37) Who destroyed DSK - D S Kulkarni?

36) DSK F D Holders, Be Positive, Be Patient & Join Hands with Pune Police to Recover Your Money

35) Government to attach all 300 properties of DSK anytime soon

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24) DSK F D Holders v/s DSK Flat Buyers - Who will win?

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20) What actually happened at DSK Anandghan flat owners meeting on 21st September 2017

19) Breaking News! Flat owners takeover DSK Anandghan!!

18) Flat Buyers in DSK Projects - End This Fiasco Now

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  1. Just see how another city based crook builder, Darode Jog got off the hook by informing that he will pay interest for flat possession delay. This is latest news about the case taken by flat buyers in Pune against Darode Jog.

    In a separate case, 47 home buyers from Shriniwas Sinhagad County, a 13-storey project by Darode Jog Kulkarni Venture near Sinhagad Fort in Pune, had approached MahaRERA, saying that they had booked flats in 2011and 2012 and were promised possession by December 31, 2016. But a year on, the developer had failed to deliver the flats.

    But the developer told adjudicating officer Vijay Satbir Singh, Member, MahaRERA, that possession would be given by December 2018 and offered to pay interest to flat owners from the deadline till actual delivery of flats as per clause 13 of the registered agreement. The complaint was then dismissed.

    With this, he will now be least bothered about completing his other projects like Liviano, Kharadi also on time by giving same excuse.

    This once again shows why not to buy flat in under-construction project. You pay money to builder & again run behind him for either money or flat.

  2. " To avoid going to jail - to get anticipatory bail - some claim that - DSK has already spent a couple of crores of rupees.

    Couple of crores of Flat Buyers' and F D Holders' money to fight the court cases against the Flat Buyers and F D Holders themselves! "

    - Question is how many FD investors & flat buyers even think about this aspect ? No wonder there is yeda gang operating who support DSK. Need to investigate whether DSK is also paying them unofficially to break the unity of buyers & portray himself as victim.
    If DSK can spend crores for keeping himself out of jail, it certainly means he has money but doesn't want to refund it as his real estate company has gone bankrupt.
    Need to keep tab on him too, else he may flee India via Nepal.

  3. FD holders are dreaming that DSK has come clean & paying 14-15% interest once again & they are leading happy,safe life. What a height of foolishness?

    FD holders are acting desperate as if their entire lifestyle depends upon interest payout by DSK. Such greedy nature is going to put them into losses over the time.
