
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

How to support DSK - D. S. Kulkarni

5 Tips for DSK Supporters:

5 Tips for DSK Supporters

The other day, I spent a lot of time talking to people who had just visited the head office of D. S. Kulkarni Developers Ltd. on J. M. Road, Shivajinagar, Pune 411 005.

All of them were Fixed Deposit Holders who haven't registered complaint with Economic Offences Wing of Pune Police. Mainly because they were "Supporters of DSK" who are sure that DSK will come out of the trouble and will return their deposits along with outstanding interest.

Some of these "DSK Supporters" haven't filed complaint because their F D would mature in 1st or 2nd quarter of 2018 and they are hopeful that by that time DSK would be out of trouble and pay them.

"If you are so sure that DSK will give your money back, why did you visit DSK's office?," I asked.

"Just to make sure that we are right," the DSK Supporter F D Holder said.

"What did you ask?," I asked.

"Are you paying F D Holders?," the DSK Supporter F D Holder said.

"What was the answer?," I asked.

"Currently our bank accounts are frozen so we can't issue or honor cheques - I was told," the DSK Supporter F D Holder said.

"Did the answer satisfy your curiosity?," I asked.

"Yes! I am satisfied. It means that when police will let DSK operate his bank accounts - DSK will pay us," the DSK Supporter F D Holder said.

"Are you sure?," I asked.

"Yes, I am sure," the DSK Supporter F D Holder said.

"If you are so sure - why did you visit DSK's office?," I asked again.

"Just to make sure....I told you," the DSK Supporter F D Holder said.

After having this type of conversation with many DSK Supporter F D Holders, I realized that they were confused.

They wanted to support DSK, but they didn't know how!

So, I thought that I should share a few tips with them.

You know why?

Because, though I am on the side of those F D Holders who have gone to MPID Court against DSK, I care for F D Holders who are DSK Supporters.

All of them are good human beings.

They all are too innocent to understand MPID Act.

They all are too emotional to accept the reality.

That's why I believe that it's my duty to give them practical tips about how to support DSK.

1) DSK will be jailed:

Every DSK Supporter needs to accept the reality.

DSK has committed the crime.

DSK collected deposits in the name of companies which didn't have permission.

DSK didn't pay interest on these FDs on the committed dates.

DSK didn't refund the deposits on the date of maturity.

DSK refused to return money when people wanted to withdraw their deposits before maturity.

So, as per MPID Act, crime has been committed. Criminals are identified. FIR is filed.

And eventually these criminals - DSK, Hemanti and all - will be jailed.

So, DSK F D Holder Supporters, please, accept that - Now, DSK is not what he was.

Yes, DSK hasn't jailed yet but DSK is no more a builder - no more a businessman. DSK is a criminal. And you are supporting a criminal.

When you will accept that DSK is a criminal who will be jailed, you will free yourself.

You will stop visiting DSK's office.

You will stop expecting that DSK will return your deposits.

You will start supporting DSK wholeheartedly.

You will start supporting DSK without any expectations.

Result is - You will become stressless and, once again, you will start living enjoyable, pleasant, relaxed life.

2) Bail or No Bail - DSK is no more a free man:

Some DSK F D Holder Supporters and some flat buyers in DSK projects like Aanandghan and all believe that Supreme Court / Bombay High Court will give bail to DSK and after that everything will become normal. DSK will start running his business. DSK will start operating his bank accounts. DSK will start paying interest. DSK will restart construction of the stalled projects.

Means, after DSK gets the bail, DSK Supporters believe that - they will get back their money and flats.

This is not true.

Even if DSK gets the bail, he will not be able to run his business.

DSK's bank accounts are going to remain freezed.

DSK's properties will remain in the possession of the government.

Nothing will change after the bail hearing.

Except one thing.

The place where DSK will sleep at night.

If DSK gets the bail - instead of sleeping in police / magistrate custody - DSK will sleep in his bungalow.

That's all!

So, DSK Supporters, stop daydreaming. Tell DSK -

"DSK, please, take rest. Take care of your health. Close the office. Spend time at home. Enjoy the company of your dear ones."

"DSK we care for you. We understand you. We don't expect anything from you. No flat. No F D. Nothing. All we want is - DSK, you should be physically & mentally fit to serve the jail sentence"

- Whatsapp this message to DSK and see the results!

Your love, respect and sacrifice will energize DSK.

DSK will stop crying and start laughing.

DSK will be ready not only for the police interrogation but for the jail sentence too.

And you will stop blaming yourself for keeping fixed deposits with DSK and booking flat in DSK housing scheme. What a relief!

3) DSK was not a man. DSK was just a mascot:

Most of the DSK Supporters are senior citizens. Nearly of the same age of DSK. Even elder than DSK.

They find it difficult to think of sending 67 year old DSK to jail.

"It's inhuman - cruel - to send someone so old to jail - and that too only for a few lakh rupees - not acceptable," one DSK Supporter told me.

"But DSK duped you!," I said.

"So what? We trusted DSK for so many years. We kept deposits on our own. DSK didn't force us. When for so many years - DSK was giving us interest - higher than any bank - we respected him. Partly we are also responsible for this situation. It would not be fair only to blame him and send to jail!," the DSK Supporter said.

"But you are not sending DSK to jail! You are sending Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni to jail!," I said and gave him this explanation:

With the help of Late Sharad Deshpande of Setu Advertising, Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni created a mascot for DSKDL. Mascot means a person, an animal or an object that represents an organization.

In those days, Late Mr. Shantanurao Laxmanrao Kirloskar, though he was an industrialist, he was very much respected in all sections of society. Not only in Pune but in entire Maharashtra. He was popularly known as SLK.

To take advantage of popular trend of knowing people by their initials - Kulkarni & Deshpande named their mascot as DSK.

Then they created an aura around their mascot called DSK.

They described their mascot DSK as an honest builder, trustworthy person, kind hearted human being, god fearing gentleman, dynamic businessman, follower of Savarkar, a rag to riches legend.

Instead of using some other person or an animal or an object - they used Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni as the mascot of D. S. Kulkarni Developers Ltd.!

That's why people believed that DSK and Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni are one and the same.

They never realized that DSK is just a mask of Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni.

Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni has no qualities which are associated with the mascot DSK.

In the last 2 years, only F D Holders who have filed complaints against DSK have realized the difference between the two.

Even after Mr. Vijay Kumbhar exposed the criminal acts of DSK, Hemanti and co, not only the DSK Supporters but most of the Maharashtrians still believes that DSK is Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni. That's why they find it difficult to believe that their lucky mascot is actually an evil mascot!

So, dear DSK Supporters, now is the time to accept that DSK was just an imagination. Not a real person.

DSK was just an imaginary unreal character. Created to influence you. Mislead you. Cheat you.

There is nothing wrong to send that imaginary unreal character DSK to jail.

It's not you but Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni is responsible for sending DSK to jail.

Of course, if you don't want to send him to jail, I have no problems.

But, at least, accept that DSK and Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni are two different things.

Stop expecting Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni to behave like your beloved imaginary unreal character DSK.

Accept that the one - to whom you gave your money to - doesn't exists anymore.

DSK is finished. Only Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni is left.

Not bothering Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni is the best way to support him.

So, please, just forget about your money. Your fixed deposits. Your flats.

Let Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni enjoy the rest of his life.

4) Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni has no powers. He is just a puppet:

Dear DSK Supporters, you know who has all the powers. Hemanti! Right?

Hemanti has power of attorney of all companies of DSK Group.

All money has gone to the companies owned by Hemanti, her son Shirish and her sisters and their husbands.

In your encounters with her - you have experienced that Hemanti has all powers and Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni has none.

He is just a puppet. A talking puppet of Hemanti.

Even though you know this truth, sometimes you believe in what Deepak talks.

Don't do that.

If you stop taking D. S. Kulkarni seriously you will find him more entertaining.

He is much better actor than any TV star.

So, if you really care for him, please, see that the jailer gives Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni a microphone and lets him give a 30 minutes speech to all inmates every morning and evening.

Why? Because a talking puppet needs to keep on talking.

And Deepak Sakharam Kulkarni has a lot to teach to all jailmates - in all jails - in all countries - of the entire world.

5) True DSK supporter never tells the truth:

For a long time, DSK Dream City was considered as reason for the financial problems DSK is facing.

Then DSK blamed his car accident, his viral video, slowdown in Pune real estate market, demonetization, RERA, GST for the 'cash crunch' he was facing.

Then, one day, DSK blamed 2 Mahamurkh Bhampak Bloggers for his downfall.

In the next few days - he not only blamed Mr. Vijay Kumbhar - but accused Kedar Vanjape, son in law of his elder brother, for plotting a conspiracy to destroy DSK business empire.

Surprised to hear that a family member is trying to destroy DSK, I interviewed DSK's elder brother's son in law and DSK's son in law - who are ex-employees of DSK.

You know what they said?

Both of them blamed - "No land appreciation in the last couple of years".

Both of them avoided taking name of DSK.

Both of them didn't criticised or blamed DSK.

Off the camera, Sanjay Deshpande told me many things about DSK.

But nothing on the camera!

Though DSK has tarnished image of Kedar Vanjape - he only said that "I am the black box of DSK. Don't force me to open it"

- Means Kedar knows many secrets of DSK but he doesn't want to reveal them.

Not only that!

Kedar Vanjape announced that he is going to file a 100 crore defamation case against DSK.

Yes! 100 crores defamation case against DSK who failed to deposit 50 crores to obtain a bail!!


Because, a true DSK supporter never tells the truth.

Only people like Vijay Kumbhar keep on researching & revealing truth.

So point is - when you will tell the story about - "how you lost all your life savings" - to your great grandsons & great granddaughters - feel free to imagine - invent some convincing but false reason - decorate it with some personal heart touching incident - like Kedar & Sanjay did in their interviews - and avoid telling the truth about DSK. Promise?

Related Stories:

37) Who destroyed DSK - D S Kulkarni?

36) DSK F D Holders, Be Positive, Be Patient & Join Hands with Pune Police to Recover Your Money

35) Government to attach all 300 properties of DSK anytime soon

34) डीएसके घोटाळा: तक्रारी रोखण्यासाठी डीएसकेंचे गुंतवणूकदारांना गा-हाणे ….

33) डीएसके प्रकरण: उच्च न्यायालयाने फटकारले , लेखापरिक्षकांनी वस्त्रहरण केले ...

32) डीएसके प्रकरण : उच्च न्यायालयाच्या पवित्र्याने गुंतवणूकदारांना लवकर पैसे मिळण्याची शक्यता

31) How Public Prosecutor Sunil Hande Single Handedly Restored Punekars Faith in Judiciary

30) F D Holders rush to file complaints against DSK

29) DSK flat buyers, register complaints against Shirish, Hemanti and D S Kulkarni today

28) डीएसकेंवर गुन्हा दाखल, आता जबाबदारी गुंतवणूकदारांची ..

27) अखेर डीएसकेंवर गुन्हा दाखल

26) The 5 skills of DSK every Pune builder needs to master in post-RERA Regime

25) DSK keeps on threatening & emotionally manipulating Fixed Deposit Holders

24) DSK F D Holders v/s DSK Flat Buyers - Who will win?

23) Flat buyers will now be covered in case builder goes `bankrupt'

22) डीएसकेंवर कारवाईची शक्यता.......

21) आमिष दाखवणाऱ्या संस्थांवर पोलिसांची नजर

20) What actually happened at DSK Anandghan flat owners meeting on 21st September 2017

19) Breaking News! Flat owners takeover DSK Anandghan!!

18) Flat Buyers in DSK Projects - End This Fiasco Now

17) खांदेपालटानंतर अवघ्या चोविस तासात डी. एस. कुलकर्णी डेव्हलपर्सला नोटीस, डिबेंचर धारकांचे पैसे तातडीने द्या अन्यथा ………

16) डीएसके, फ़डणीस, टेंपलरोज गुंतवणूक घोटाळे म्हणजे सामूहिक गुन्हेगारीचा प्रकार ......

15) डीएसकेंच्या दिवाळखोरीच्या धंद्यांना बँकांचीही साथ

14) डीसकेंना लोकांचे पैसे परत द्यायची इच्छा आहे का ?

13) डीएसकेंच्या गुंतवणूकदारांचे आता काय होणार?

12) DSK group’s crisis is likely to affect Pune’s real estate market

11) DSK in turmoil: Pune investors want builder’s passport seized

10) Why DSK must be prosecuted under MPID Act

09) Probe DSK under MPID Act

08) Vijay Kumbhar exposes DSK of D S Kulkarni Developers Ltd

07) Sonu Tuza DSKvar Bharosa Nay Kay

06) DSK is struggling to get his ducks in a row

05) Investing in DSK Dream City Pune

04) Is D S Kulkarni Developers offering 25 per cent discount?

03) ROFL! DSK's Master Plan for Home Loan Free Life!!

02) Pune Home Buyer, Hurry Up! Make a Fool of Yourself!!

01) April Fool

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  1. Excellent discussion with Sanjay Deshpande and very useful points..

    Thank you Ravi Sir, very good blog and keep good work.

    1. thanks a lot arjun plz share it wit ur frds n family to make them aware

  2. Enough of the DSK puran for now. Please provide other news, RE evaluations, and expose other crook builders as well.

  3. Very good blog Ravi.
    Hope this crook DSK gets severe punishment for the sins & illegal things he has done. Else this will again show that anyone with connections & money is free to loot even more.

    And those paying money to builder for buying flat, should look into this aspect as given in this news.

    No agreement for sale, no refund, rules MahaRERA -

    Dashing the hopes of over 2,500 home buyers, who have invested their hard-earned money in projects promoted by the Bhagtanis, the Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA) has dismissed complaints of 15 home buyers ruling that in the absence of a registered agreement for sale, the provisions of Section 18 of Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act (RERA) do not apply.

    So avoid under-construction flats.

    1. monk problem is wit most flat holders as they enter in agreement blinfoolded without bothering to check terms n conditions which when the matter goes to courts or maharera arebin adverse of the clients!! agreed not all are lawyers but one can atleast apply some logic while signing for life times saving thing like a home!
