
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Flat Buyers in DSK Projects - End This Fiasco Now

Unite and Approach Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA) Now!:

Dear flat buyers in all DSK projects, Mr. Gautam Chatterjee, Chairman, MahaRERA, is waiting for you all!

Give him a chance to prove how MahaRERA protects the flat buyers.

What Real Estate Regulation & Development Act 2016 is all about.

How Maharashtra Government is the government of the people and not of the builders.

"Why are DSK flat buyers not coming to MahaRERA? Will I be left out? How shameful it would be! All others - SEBI, RBI, EOW - will get all the credit. ," sometimes, Chairman of MahaRERA starts worrying and asks himself,"Should I take Suo Moto action against DSK? No! That would not be politically correct!! Let the DSK flat buyers approach me"

DSK is the representative of all evil & ugly monster builders in Pune.
MahaRERA is here to cut them down to size.

If the DSK flat buyers don't act now, they will be left with nothing.

The lenders - the creditors - the fixed deposit holders - the workers - and all - will get their pound of flesh.

And the DSK flat buyers - will have to keep on paying EMI for a home - the possession of which they will never get.

Visit the blogs of Vijay Kumbhar. He has proved that DSK has violated MOFA & RERA.

From diverting funds to creating third party interest in the project without consent of the flat buyers. Including avoiding conveyance, delaying possession and not giving compensation for delay.

When the auditors announce that DSK is not in a position to run his business - why are all DSK flat buyers not approaching MahaRERA to take an action to complete their stalled projects?
Mr. Gautam Chatterjee keeps on wondering.

So, the flat buyers in DSK projects, end this fiasco now.
Please, approach him.
Let him prove the power of MahaRERA.

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Vijay Kumbhar vs DSK - Sakal lends a helping hand to D S Kulkarni - Marathi Video

दैनिक सकाळचा DSKला मदतीचा हात - एक प्रतिक्रीया:

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  1. Very unfortunate state of affairs. Buyers must come together for benefit of all, else the builder will keep on feeding on your hard earned money. JAGO GRAHAK JAGO! Recognize the strength of unity. It's now pr never.


    Abhishek DeshmukhWednesday, April 17, 2013 at 8:05:00 PM GMT+5:30

    करंदीकर साहेब, तुमचा ह्या विषयातील अभ्यास गाढा आहे हे ऐकून होतो. पण वरचा लेख जरा जास्तच अतिरंजक वाटतो आहे. आपले आणि डीएसकेंचें संबंध कसे आहेत हे मला ठाऊक नाही. पण आपल्या प्रत्येक शब्दातून त्यांच्याबद्दल असणारा द्वेष मात्र जोरकसपणे आढळतो. या द्वेषाचे कारणही निश्‍चितच वैयक्तिक असणार यात शंका नाही. पण साहेब, ज्याप्रमाणे तुम्ही म्हणता, त्याप्रमाणे प्रोजेक्ट प्लॅन करणे हे संडास करण्याइतके सोपे नाही, हे सामान्य माणसालाही कळेल. कमोडवर बसून प्लॅन, दाढी करता करता जाहिरात मसुदा असे नसते हो. डीएसके असो किंवा अन्य कोणी, एखाद्याच्या मेहनतीवर अशी ‘शी’ करणे सोपे जरी असले तरी आपल्यासारख्या तज्ञाला ते शोभणारे नाही. राहिली गोष्ट, तो प्रोजेक्ट गुंतवणुकीसाठी योग्य आहे की नाही, तर हा ज्याचा त्याचा निर्णय आहे. तुम्हांला आवडणारी, पटणारी गोष्ट सर्वांनाच पटली पाहिजे असे नाही. आणि तुम्हांला पटली नाही तर ती वाईटच आहे असेही नाही. आज इतके लोक तुमचे फॉलोअर्स आहेत याचा अर्थ तुमच्या एकट्याच्या खांद्यावर फार मोठी जबाबदारी आलेली आहे असेही समजू नका. मीच एकटा तो तारणहार आणि बाकीचे सगळे चोर, असे नसते साहेब एवढेच मी म्हणू इच्छितो....comment on dsk sadafuli blog in 2013

    sept 2017

    ravi sir your blog now people will take more seriously as you see the future four years back..abhishek deshmukh saheb shii karata karata ad final karata yete pan asa blog nahi lihita yet.. paha aaata dsk sdafulicha kay zalay..


    Abhishek DeshmukhWednesday, April 17, 2013 at 8:05:00 PM GMT+5:30

    करंदीकर साहेब, तुमचा ह्या विषयातील अभ्यास गाढा आहे हे ऐकून होतो. पण वरचा लेख जरा जास्तच अतिरंजक वाटतो आहे. आपले आणि डीएसकेंचें संबंध कसे आहेत हे मला ठाऊक नाही. पण आपल्या प्रत्येक शब्दातून त्यांच्याबद्दल असणारा द्वेष मात्र जोरकसपणे आढळतो. या द्वेषाचे कारणही निश्‍चितच वैयक्तिक असणार यात शंका नाही. पण साहेब, ज्याप्रमाणे तुम्ही म्हणता, त्याप्रमाणे प्रोजेक्ट प्लॅन करणे हे संडास करण्याइतके सोपे नाही, हे सामान्य माणसालाही कळेल. कमोडवर बसून प्लॅन, दाढी करता करता जाहिरात मसुदा असे नसते हो. डीएसके असो किंवा अन्य कोणी, एखाद्याच्या मेहनतीवर अशी ‘शी’ करणे सोपे जरी असले तरी आपल्यासारख्या तज्ञाला ते शोभणारे नाही. राहिली गोष्ट, तो प्रोजेक्ट गुंतवणुकीसाठी योग्य आहे की नाही, तर हा ज्याचा त्याचा निर्णय आहे. तुम्हांला आवडणारी, पटणारी गोष्ट सर्वांनाच पटली पाहिजे असे नाही. आणि तुम्हांला पटली नाही तर ती वाईटच आहे असेही नाही. आज इतके लोक तुमचे फॉलोअर्स आहेत याचा अर्थ तुमच्या एकट्याच्या खांद्यावर फार मोठी जबाबदारी आलेली आहे असेही समजू नका. मीच एकटा तो तारणहार आणि बाकीचे सगळे चोर, असे नसते साहेब एवढेच मी म्हणू इच्छितो... 2013

    sept 2017
    ravi sir your blog now people will take more seriously as you see the future four years back..abhishek deshmukh saheb shii karata karata ad final karata yete pan asa blog nahi lihita yet.. paha aaata dsk sdafulicha kay zalay..

  4. Some more news about this crook & bankrupt builder DSK. Do read some of the comments mentioned below as well -

    Court summons DSK, wife in Oct -

    The stand-off between a large group of citizens and the wellknown DSK Group in the city has gone down the legal route. On Tuesday, the Cantonment Court issued a summons to prominent businessman D S Kulkarni, his wife Hemanti Kulkarni and five others, asking them to appear before the court for a hearing on October 26. Several investors in the group had moved the judiciary after the cheques they were issued by DSK bounced.

    Provident fund dept files plaint against DSK -

    D S Kulkarni steps down as firm’s MD -

    Son becomes chief; Toyota employees barge into their home demanding dues
    Bhushan Shinde, employee of Toyota, lamented, “We went to his showroom in the morning but were told that he will visit his home and asked us to wait there. We are here since morning, but he never turned up. Around 100 of us working with DSK Toyota are not getting salaries since April this year. We wanted to talk to him about the situation. We are facing a lot of issues. We have now decided to keep waiting till he decides to confront us.”

    DSK employees move labour commissioner -
    In a bid to recover pending salaries, employees of the DSK Group have now knocked on the doors of the labour commissioner.

  5. See how builders are fooling existing/pre-RERA flat buyers by changing the possession dates in post RERA agreements.

    Real estate builders 'lie' to RERA about flat possession dates -

    1. Dear Mr.Monk, as far as i know, whatever revised possession date u have mentioned while registering for RERA has no impact on the possession date mentioned your specific agreement to sale. MAHARERA chief has also clarified that the builder will have to abide by the clauses in the agreement to sale irrespective of the date mentioned in RERA or else they will be fined.
