
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Sonu Tuza DSKvar Bharosa Nay Kay

DSK - Mr. D. S. Kulkarni - The Founder, Chairman & Managing Director of
D. S. Kulkarni Developers Ltd - presents his version of
"Sonu Tuza Mazyavar Bharosa Nay Kay"
to entertain his faithful Fixed Deposit - F D - Holders!

Yes! "Sonu Tuza Mazyavar Bharosa Nay Kay" - Sonu, Don't You Trust Me? - is the current social media trend. Everyone is presenting his own version of this viral Marathi folk song on YouTube. In different languages. In different styles.

The #SonuSong is not only sung for fun. It has been performed to highlight the civic issues too. For example - RJ Malishka of Red FM, presented her own version "Mumbai, Tula BMC War Bharosa Nai Ka" to complain about the pothole issues in Mumbai.

All theses versions were performed by the groups of young boys & girls. Obviously, the young at heart DSK couldn't resist the temptation of presenting his own version on his YouTube channel.

And you know what?

DSK's version is one of the most creative version of Sonu Tuza Mazywar Bharosa Nay Ka.

Why is it the most creative?

Here are the reasons:

1) Solo Performance of #SonuSong:

You know?

DSK has performed it solo!

His solo performance of #SonuSong is more entertaining than any group performance. Yes! More entertaining than the group performance of Six Pack Band!!

Why didn't DSK give group performance?

In his video, DSK tells us that his staff is in a fighting mood. Not in a singing mood. Without bothering about the monthly salary DSK's staff is fighting a war against "Cash Crunch".

And by the way, DSK Group is actually a couple. Ms & Mr DSK!

Nowadays, the main job of this couple is to talk to their F D Holders.

2) Talking the #SonuSong:

Yes! Talk!! Considering the preference of his F D Holders - instead of singing, DSK decided to talk the #SonuSong!!

Yes! No music. No group. No lyrics. No tune. Still DSK's spoken performance of #SonuSong is lot better than any version of the folk song!

3) Message in #SonuSong:

DSK has published his version of #SonuSong with some intentions:

1) Stop the FD Holders from bothering DSK for interest payments.

2) Prevent FD Holders from withdrawing their Fixed Deposits kept with DSK.

3) Convince the FD Holders that DSK is facing cash crunch.

4) Assure the FD Holders that DSK is not bankrupt.

In his version of "Sonu Tuza Mazyavar Bharosa Nay Kay", I feel, DSK has succeeded in achieving these intentions.

Using folk song & social media for corporate communication itself is a big achievement. Like other versions of #SonuSong, DSK is not only entertaining - he is emotionally appealing & persuasive too. DSK has achieved this by mixing facts with fiction.

Are the two prominent groups of DSK FD Holders like it as much as I? I was curious to know. So I talked to the leaders of both groups.

4) Enemies of DSK:

First, I called Mr. Anil Karmarkar. He is considered as Enemy of DSK! Why? Because Mr. Karmarkar tried to unite DSK FD Holders!

Recently, his message - given bellow - has become viral on Whatsapp:

डी. एस. कुळकर्णी ह्यांच्या कंपन्यांमध्ये मुदत ठेवी (Fixed Deposits ) असलेल्या गुंतवणूकदारांना आवाहन .

आपली सर्वांची फेब्रुवारी २०१७ पासूनची व्याजाची रक्कम थकलेली आहे. "डीएसके" SMS वर आश्वासने देत आहेत पण ती आश्वासने ते पाळू शकत नाही असे दिसत आहे. मुदत संपलेल्या ठेवीही परत मिळत नाहीत. म्हणून आपणास एकत्र येण्याची आवश्यकता आहे. कृपया येथे ई-मेल वर आपले नाव , पत्ता (पिनकोड सह) , फ़ोन क्रमांक , गुंतवणूक केलेली रक्कम एवढी माहिती कळवावी. ह्या कामात सक्रिय सहभाग घेण्याची इच्छा असल्यास तेही नमूद करावे .
- अनिल करमरकर ९३२१२७१८१८

आपण "डीएसके" चे ठेवीदार नसलात तरीसुद्धा आमच्या मदती साठी हा मेसेज तुमच्या ग्रुप मध्ये forward करावा - धन्यवाद

"Why are you trying to unite the F D Holders of DSK?," I asked Mr. Karmarkar.

"I am one of the F D Holders of DSK. I have visited DSK's office many times. There I have seen F D Holders fighting & arguing with the staff. Some begging for refund. Some crying with frustration. Most of them were like me. Senior citizens. In their 60s, 70s & 80s. Aged. Helpless. Desperate. Facing this individually is frustrating. If we join hands - we may be able to deal with this issue effectively - I thought," Mr. Karmarkar said.

"Deal effectively means what? What do you want to do?," I asked.

"To begin with - DSK must start paying interest on time - like he used to do before - for so many years," Mr. Karmarkar said.

"Then? What next?," I asked.

"Then we want our Fixed Deposits back," Mr. Karmarkar said.

"That's all you want?," I asked.

"Yes!," Mr. Karmarkar said.

"In the latest YouTube video DSK has assured to do this! Did you view it?," I asked.

"Yes, I saw. I want action plan. Not blah blah," Mr. Karmarkar said.

"Blah...Blah....Blah! Mr. Karmarkar, don't you trust DSK? Tumcha DSKvar Bharosa Nay Kay?," I asked.

"I trust DSK. That's why I kept FD with him. Even after all these delays - I am only expecting timely interest. And after knowing the difficulties he is facing - I am ready to renew FDs," Mr. Karmarkar said.

"Do you think that DSK will be able to return your Fixed Deposits?," I asked.

"I hope so," said Mr. Karmarkar.

"Means, you are not plotting to send DSK to jail....," I said.

"I want timely interest & my FDs back," Mr. Karmarkar said.

5) DSK Well-Wishers Group:

Mr. Mohan Tapare feels that Mr. Karmarkar wants to file a case against DSK and send him to jail. Mr. Tapare believes that Filing a case against DSK is a wrong strategy.

A court case will not help us to get our money back. Instead of that, in these difficult times, all F D Holders should support DSK. We should give time to DSK to revive his business. When DSK will be out of read, for sure, he will return our money. Believes Mr. Tapare.

To gather support, Mr. Tapare Whatsapped this message -

अनिल करमरकरांची बूमरँग थेअरी
गेल्या काही दिवसांपासून श्री. अनिल करमरकर यांची डीएसके ठेवीदारांना एकत्र आणण्याची एक पोस्ट फिरत आहे. यामध्ये व्याज मिळत नसल्याने ठेवीही बुडतील अशी भीतीही त्यांनी दाखवली आहे. आता ठेवीदारांना एकत्र गोळा करून डीएसकेंना कोर्टात खेचण्याचा त्यांचा विचार असेल तर खालील गोष्टींचा त्यांनी विचार करायला हवा.
1. डीएसकेंवर केस लावली तर कदाचित ते तुरूंगात जातील.
2. पण काही दिवसातच जामीनावर बाहेरही येतील (तसे ते नक्कीच करू शकतील)
3. त्यानंतर दीर्घकालीन (म्हणजे कधी ते माहित नाही) इतका काळ ती केस चालेल.
4. त्याकाळात डीएसकेंकडून एक रूपयाही मिळायचा नाही.
5. मग हा खटाटोप करून ठेवीदारांच्या पदरात पडणार काय?
(फडणीस ग्रुपचं ताजं उदाहरण लक्षात घ्यावे)

श्री. करमरकर किती वर्षांपासून डीएसकेंकडे ठेवी ठेवत आहेत माहित नाही. पण मी गेली 25 वर्षे डीएसकेंच्या चोख व्यवहाराचा अनुभव घेतला आहे. इतक्या वर्षात डीएसकेंनी व्याजाची तारीख चुकविली असे घडले नाही. मग गेल्या वर्षभरात डीएसके अडचणीत आलेले असताना (हे जाहीररीत्या ते कबूलही करतात) आपण लगेच मागचे विसरून त्यांच्याविरूध्द गटात जाऊन बसणे मला व्यक्तिशः पटत नाही. ज्या माणसाने माझ्यासारख्या हजारो ठेवीदारांना दामदुप्पट फायदा करून दिला, त्या भल्या माणसाला त्याच्या अडचणीच्या काळात आपण ठेवीदारांनीच साथ दिली पाहिजे. हे नैतिक कर्तव्य म्हणून पटत नसेल तर निदान स्वार्थ पाहून तरी मदत करायला हवी. कारण डीएसके बुडाले = आपले पैसे बुडाले त्यामुळे श्री. करमरकरांची ही थेअरी बूमरँग सारखी आपल्या ठेवीदारांनाच गाळात घालू शकते याचा बुध्दिवंतांनी विचार करावा.

मी डीएसकेंचा चमचा नाही. पण ज्या माणसाने हजारोंना घरं दिली. तरूणांना उद्याेजकता शिकवली. मदत मागायला आलेल्या प्रत्येक गरजूला हात दिला, त्यांना आरोपीच्या पिंजर्‍यात उभं करणं हे मी पापच समजतो.

लक्षात घ्या, तुमचे लाखो हवे असतील तर लाखांचा हा पोशिंदा उभा राहायलाच हवा

म्हणूनच श्री. करमकरांसारख्या अनेक सूज्ञ ठेवीदारांना मी आवाहन करतो की, चला, सारे मिळून त्यांच्या पाठीशी उभे राहूयात. पुढची 1-2 वर्षे माझे पैसे नाही मिळाले तरी चालतील. पण डीएसके पुन्हा उभे राहायलाच हवेत

यासाठीच मी DSK WELL WISHERS हा ग्रुप तयार करत आहे. माझ्या विचारांशी सहमत असणार्‍या ठेवीदारांनी व डीएसकेंवर प्रेम करणार्‍या सर्वांनी या ग्रुपमध्ये यावे.
-मोहन टापरे
92255 20923

ग्रुप जॉईन करण्यासाठी खालील लिंकवर क्लिक करा.

तुम्ही ठेवीदार असाल किंवा नसाल डीएसकेंना सपोर्ट करण्यासाठी हा मेसेज तुमच्या सर्व ग्रुपवर पाठवावा.

Accepting the fact that DSK has failed to win Mr. Karmarkar's heart by his version of "Sonu Tuza Mazyavar Bharosa Nay Kay", with great hope, I called Mr. Mohan Tapare, the promoter of DSK Well-Wishers Group.

"How is the response?," I asked.

"Overwhelming!," said Mr. Tapare.

"Congratulations to you! Means no court case. Right?," I said.

"DSK has a good heart and a great business brain - entire Maharashtra knows this. Only a few - very few - are against him," Mr. Tapare said.

"Mostly those petty minded people who have kept 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 lakh Fixed Deposit - as DSK has said in his video. Right?," I asked.

"Some senior citizens - who's houses run on the interest they get from DSK - it is their pension - monthly household expenses - sustenance - all is from interest from DSK F D - they should get the top priority - others can wait. I have told DSK," Mr. Tapare said.

"You know DSK?," I asked.

"DSK is my childhood friend! I know most of the builders in Pune. I know their financial conditions. DSK is not the only one - most of the builders in Pune are facing financial difficulties. Since DSK has taken Fixed Deposits from thousands of people - his problems are discussed in public - whereas those who have taken private loans their problems remain private," Mr. Tapare said.

"How do you know all this?," I asked.

"I am builders' financier!," Mr. Tapare said.

"That's great! It means that you have reliable information!!," I said.

"Yes! I know who has how much!!," Mr. Tapare said.

"In the video DSK has said - I have lot of properties. 10 times of liabilities. Is it true?," I asked.

"Must be! Otherwise DSK would not have said so in the video," Mr. Tapare said.

"True! DSK must have. But in that case - why is DSK not taking loan against these properties and paying back all Fixed Deposits? F D Holders would be glad to get their money back. Instead of facing the F D Holders' anger & curse and spoiling his reputation - DSK can concentrate on rebuilding his construction business," I said.

"He is trying! That's why we have to give him time. Support him, Mr. Tapare said.

"How much time? As per DSK - this is going on for the last 2 years!," I said.

"Look at his integrity - honesty - he accepts everything = publically!," Mr. Tapare said.


There are some people in this world who appreciate talking.

They believe in the words spoken in YouTube video.

Social media has become an option to court of law.

DSK was very right in publishing his version of "Sonu Tuza Mazyavar Bharosa Nay Kay".

6) DSK Flat Buyers Group:

How can DSK forget his Gods! Addressing to F D Holders - DSK also talked to his flat buyers.
Even though - like the F D Holders - the flat buyers had not formed any group!
Even though - like the F D Holders - they are not gathering at the head office of D S Kulkarni Developers!
Even though - like the F D Holders - they are not arguing for possession of their flats!

Possession of the flats in the projects like - DSK Aanandghan at DSK Vishwa - DSK Sadaphuli at Warale - Talegaon (Launched in 2013) - DSK Mayurban, DSK Vasantotsav, DSK Mayurban (Launched in 2014) - DSK Dream City (Launched in 2014) is already delayed. Including DSK Madhukosh at Andheri, Mumbai!

These flat buyers have already accepted the delayed possession. So, technically there was no need to talk to them. But DSK talked to them too!

What did DSK say?

1) DSK honestly accepted that because of the cash crunch he is finding it difficult to pay VAT, Service Tax, TDS and all.

It means that a wise flat buyer can guess that DSK may not be able to pay the registration fee & obtain MahaRERA registration number.

2) DSK honestly accepted that some 13 projects are stalled for more than a year.


Because DSK diverted funds! Nearly 250 crores!!

Instead of spending money for constructing these projects - DSK paid those monies to F D Holders!

3) Not only that! DSK has claimed that he needs some 1100 crores to complete under construction projects!!

It means that DSK will complete these projects only when he will get that much money.

And then DSK will have enough money - nearly 1500 crores in profit - to refund 400 - 500 crores to Fixed Deposits Holders!

Of course, only when he will be able to get 1100 crores and complete 48 lakh sq ft construction and sell it for 3700 Crores!

4) DSK predicts that henceforth people are going to buy only ready possession flats. Like they do all over the world.

Was DSK suggesting that -

MahaRERA registration is not required for the ready possession flats.

It means that - what all DSK Flat Buyers in these projects have to do is wait some more time. That's all!

I don't know what exactly DSK is suggesting!

I know only one thing. Every flat buyer and F D Holder should ask himself - Sonu Tuza DSKvar Bharosa Nay Kay?

What say you? Do you believe in DSK?

Please, share your views in the comments.

Related Story:

1) DSK is struggling to get his ducks in a row

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  1. DSK Flat buyers (bookers) are also in fact FD holders with zero or (maybe negative) interest rates

  2. Always remember, transparency is action & not mere words! Unlike old golden days, these are different markets for real estate & here the buyers or FD holders knows only one thing & that is output! I think all the builders should understand this fact!

    1. Agree completely.
      But see what Pune builders are doing -

      Few builders register with RERA -
      PUNE: With just about a fortnight left for developers to register ongoing projects with Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA), less than 5% of them have registered with the authority, according to MahaRERA officials.
      The deadline for registration of ongoing projects with RERA is July 31.

      This means rest of the projects will be deemed illegal if not registered by 31st July which also shows that builders have done illegalities on huge scale.

      I-T raids offices of Avinash Bhosale, Vishwajeet Kadam -
      Officials from the investigation wing of the Income Tax office in Mumbai carried out a search operation in the offices of realtor Avinash Bhosale and his son-in-law, Congress leader Vishwajeet Kadam. The search operations were conducted till late on Friday but the immediate reason for the raids could not be ascertained.

      I-T probes offshore deals of Pune realtor, ‘searches’ ex-minister’s son -

      THE INVESTIGATION wing of the Income Tax (I-T) department is probing multiple offshore transactions of Pune-based real estate giant Avinash Bhosale in Mauritius, British Virgin Island and Dubai made in the last five years, according to sources familiar with the development.

      The I-T searches on Bhosale and his son-in-law Vishwajeet Kadam, which began on July 21, continued for the fourth day on Monday, and the department has reportedly expanded its investigation to at least four business associates of Bhosale.

      According to sources, from the searches so far the I-T investigators have allegedly unearthed unaccounted cash payments and several bogus sub-contract payments worth crores made by Bhosale’s firm. The agency, which suspects alleged tax evasion by Bhosale, is learnt to have seized unaccounted jewellery during the searches.

      “The real estate and infrastructure projects bagged by Bhosale during the (previous) Congress-NCP regime in Maharashtra have come under the tax scanner.

  3. First what DSK himself said -

    * Builders sell flat to investors for 28-30L while same flat is sold to end users for 50-52L. Now even at 28L, builders are making profit, calculate how much they have inflated the prices,

    * 13 projects have been stalled. Why ? Because of fund diversion. Why ? Because of greed. If the money would have used to complete project rather than diverting it, so many projects would not have been halted at all,

    * Even now he says, if he gets 1100 Crs, he will sell these flats for 3700 Cr. Look at the profit ! Even if flat prices fall by 60%, these builders still make huge profits.
    But issue is this is mungerilal ke haseen sapne. If this happens, that will happen...,

    * Post buying of flats in ready possession, there won't be any price hike, rather prices will only fall further.

    Now some questions to DSK -

    * Do you accept if flat buyers don't pay you money when construction is on or if he has any problem ? Builders simply sent notice to cancel agreement, pay interest etc. Builder problem is problem, but buyers problem is incapability ?

    * Demonetization hit real estate hard, which means you accept as a builder that there was lot of black money involved. This was open news but never openly admitted by builders.

    * You have so much of assets, land etc. which is 10 times your loan, which means your assets are worth atleast 6000 Cr as per you. So why not sell off half these assets for 3000 Cr which will repay your loan, give FD holders their money back & also complete the projects as only 1100 Cr are required ? You then make 2100-2300 Cr profit + also retain 3000 Cr of assets, which means you can be in surplus of 5100-5300 Cr. Isn't this easy & simple idea to raise money in weeks if not days ?
    If you are not doing this for past 2 years, these numbers are fake, isn't it ?

    Last but not the least, if a company is just single person oriented, it will never last long. Also, emotions & money don't go hand in hand. This you or any other builders know well when market is good, but if market is bad, start reading filmy script.
    Not all buyers are emotional fools.

    To conclude, this shows that all builders are indeed bankrupt & there are profits to be made even at 60-65% lower than prevailing rates, which again means that big crash in real estate prices will happen or rather has already started if you see the prices now. Add to it IT woes, real estate market in cities like Pune is in doldrums.

    Housing sales fall over 41% in January-May on slow market -

    Unsold inventory in the real estate sector is piling up -
    As per the report, this slump is despite the 20% price correction in the past 18 months.

    Apartment funding’ route will perish post Real Estate Regulatory Act , says JLL -

    With the Real Estate Regulatory Act (RERA) making it mandatory for developers to deposit 70% of the receipts through any kind of sale in an escrow account, ‘apartment funding’ mode of raising funds from investors is likely to perish, according to property consultant Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL).

    “Since the basic purpose of the structure now effectively stands defeated, apartment funding and most similar structures are no longer feasible or even possible.”

    1. Monk one more thing, no more taking up granted to the flat buyers is what builders must learn! There are buyers & there are homes, just like in any commodity segment; so stick to basics ie pay attention to improve your product as well towards the customers, that all! But this is something real estate has failed to do it for years as most are in this industry just because the money gets doubled! And they were getting enough fools to fall prey for their schemes but now only those builders will survive which will mean business & only those customers will be benefited who will deal with only such builders!

    2. perfect monk, I repeat times are changing for real estate & those who wont understand it will get wiped out! Even today there are homes available & buyers for the same but the builders who knows /means business they only will be able to sale it not unlike all the greedy lot around, even buyers also should book only with the builders who gives morals & values & not just discounts & promise amenities!

    3. Very good reply Monk. If DSK really has so much assets. Why to take so much pain and depression. Just sell some Assets and Pay back FD holders. Whatever assets he is saying he has looks more of emotional mumbo jumbo.

    4. DSK to shut down FD scheme from Jan 18 -

  4. Now see this another latest news -

    DSK service centre downs shutters; car owners in dilemma -

    The ailing group is unable to afford spare parts at its Bavdhan centre, has not paid workers in 3 months; customers are being redirected to other places

    With financial woes plaguing the DSK Group, employees of the service centre in Bavdhan find themselves without employment or salaries as the centre shut down last week, due to its inability to pay for spare parts. Toyota customers, too, are either being asked to wait for a month, or redirected to other centres.

    Workers have not paid for the last three months and now, with the service centre closed, any hope of retrieving their arrears is gone.

  5. DSK's current market cap is only 90 cr.This is the only accurate and impartial measure of his worth (minus all the debts) as its only market that's objective but never emotional like people.One can only pity the FD holders who are experiencing "Stockholm syndrome".Further, if DSK is so confident of raising of selling the completed flats for 3700 cr - he should commit to share full profit with FD holders and not just repay the principle.
    Or maybe if he has so much land bank - he could just divide into plots and give it to FD holders - but maybe all the land bank would be pledged with secured lenders!!! and banks!!!

  6. @themonk agree the sales are plumetting with 18% as tax to be paid on almost ready possession flats with no OC buyer is left with 2 options
    1. Buy at launch where one gets input credit and the tax is lower
    2. Buy when flats have OC so no GST
    it remains to be seen how many people want to burn cash by giving builders money now (FD Holders and other financers )
    Builders are definitely stressed currently and buyers should bargain hard...

  7. first time i heard / saw this guy.
    Typical salesman
    talks so much that he confuses/tries to confuse you with the pt on job of the friendly uncle/grandpa.

  8. Such looose talks are hurting our industry and so called brands like DSK are doing nothing but putting the industry in danger just to save their own skin! Today they r not in a problem bcoz of downturn in real estate but heavy unrelated diversification. Market ups and downs are part of business and this is not his first time to face this! I also do same business and their in not even 20% IRR in today's scenario and i am happy even in that too! If DSK is reading this blog then I would like to challenge him to prove whatever he has said in the video on paper and in reality.

  9. perfect monk, I repeat times are changing for real estate & those who wont understand it will get wiped out! Even today there are homes available & buyers for the same but the builders who knows /means business they only will be able to sale it not unlike all the greedy lot around, even buyers also should book only with the builders who gives

    1. Agree. Transparancy is the key & builders should now understand that the market will now have only end users for whom what matters is their flat & not price appreciation. Builders earlier used to get away by hiking the rates for no reasons & hoarders used to be therefore happy. This is no longer the case now.
      Btw, saw your name on RERA Pune news. Good to see that you have registered your project at the earliest.

  10. The ailing group is unable to afford spare parts at its Bavdhan centre, has not paid workers in 3 months; customers are being redirected to other places

    With financial woes plaguing the DSK Group, employees of the service centre in Bavdhan find themselves without employment or salaries as the centre shut down last week, due to its inability to pay for spare parts. Toyota customers, too, are either being asked to wait for a month, or redirected to other centres


  11. This DSK company is a one man show.I don't think anyone has been paid anything including employees,FD holders, suppliers, government,etc.They hv no money,no one is buying,no one is lending.
    In fact I had sent some potential lenders but DSK is not even ready to show the books.
    I think he is sure to go down.

    1. Some more latest DSK news -

      DSK to shut down FD scheme from Jan 18 -

      DSK Group investors up for a united fight -

      The DSK ship is clearly sinking and those who had wagered on its decks are scrambling for survival.
      Despite Mirror’s repeated attempts to contact DSK Group owner DS Kulkarni, all calls and messages to him remained unanswered.

      Investors warn DSK of police complaint if money not returned by August 15 -

      550 citizens who had invested in fixed deposit scheme barged into JM Road office on Saturday, seeking answers

      Toyota seeks alternative dealerships with DSK shut -

      he financial woes plaguing the DSK Group in the realty sector have now spilled over to its 11 dealerships with Toyota in the state, which have been shut down gradually over the past two months.
