
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Pune flat buyers, support homeowners in Bijali Nagar, Chinchwad

Pimpri Chinchwad New Town Development Authority (PCNTDA) wants to demolish thousands of homes in Bijali Nagar to construct a ring road for you. 
Will you be happy to drive on the road that will be built by making thousands of families homeless? 
No! Right? 
Then support Ghar Bachao Kriti Sangharsh Samiti Pimpri - Chinchwad and defeat monstrous PCNTDA

But these homes in Bijali Nagar are illegal.

How can we support the families who have committed the crime of constructing homes on the land reserved for the ring road?

For the development of the entire city it isn't wrong to demolish illegal constructions.

Why should we feel guilty when we know that the residents of Bijali Nagar are responsible for their tragedy!

Some of you may argue. I know.

Yes! They are responsible!! So are we all!!

True! Constructing homes on the land reserved for a ring road was an irresponsible act. But, certainly, not a crime.

If it is a crime then we all have committed the crime of not preventing the crime.

If it is a crime then we all have committed the crime of encouraging - nurturing - promoting the crime.

In fact, it's time to accept that we all are irresponsible.

We, the citizens of Pune, allow the bureaucrats to play with our lives.

We didn't question PCNTDA & PCMC - Why do you keep on designing the development plan which you are not in a position to implement?

Now, is the time to tell these bureaucrats -

Mister, you better accept that for the last 30 years you have miserably failed to execute the plan of the ring road.

Now, instead of punishing the citizens for your failures - go back to drawing board and come with a new development plan.

You can delete a plan on a computer screen.

You can not delete the lives of thousands of families.

You can redraw a development plan many times.

A lower middle class family takes a lifetime to build a home.

Mister Bureaucrat, you are responsible because though you were in the know - for the last 30 years - you went on collecting normal property tax + 2 times of it as a penalty tax - Shashti Kar - from every home - for years you went on supplying basic urban infrastructure services to these homes in Bijli Nagar - for years you treated them as normal citizens.

Yes! Yes! You did this on humanitarian grounds.

But it doesn't mean that you can be inhuman now.

At your whims & fancy no citizen can be treated as a criminal.
You can not demolish their homes.
You can not destroy the lives of thousands of families.

By the way, it's not only about a couple of thousand homes in Bijali Nagar. It's about approximately 67,000 homes - so called illegal constructions - in Pimpri Chinchwad.

Just imagine what will happen if you demolish all!

If you destroy the lives of so many families - there will be civil unrest in the city.

In short - this is what Mr. Vijaykumar Vasantrao Patil of Ghar Bachao Kriti Sangharsh Samiti Pimpri - Chinchwad told me in his above Marathi video interview.

After talking to him, I remember a typical case frequently reported in the newspapers.

A boy & a girl fall in love. Promising to marry her the boy establishes sexsual relations with the girl. But one day the girl finds out that the boy is marrying some other girl. She gets angry and files police complaint. "What can I do? My parent arranged my marriage with a girl in my community. I don't have an option but to oblige my parents," the boy tells the police. However, the police register the FIR. The judge sentences the boy for sexually exploiting the girl.

Of course, in the case of Bijali Nagar, the bureaucrats themselves are the boy, the police & the judge. That's why a girl is punished. Right?

What say you? Shouldn't we all citizens of Pune unite and protect our fellow citizens?

We are a democracy. We own this city. We should rule it too. Right?

Please, share your views in the comments.

Related Stories:

1) PCMC set to prepare new DP for old city areas

2) Citizens to be part of smart city projects



5) रिंग रोड बाधितांची शांती चिंतन पदयात्रा

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  1. Don't get emotional Ravi. What is illegal is illegal. Those who have built houses illegally must have taken everything under consideration then itself. Are we fools then to pay heavy taxes of various types & still not get infrastructure ?
    Put emotions in dustbins & do what is right. If something is illegal, it has to be pulled down be it 67,000 or 670000000. If you keep allowing illegal constructions, the entire city will be come full fledged garbage city with people staying like rats.

  2. And one more thing, why is this person connecting all illegal buildings with ring road project ? Have you seen demolitions carried out at Sinhagad road during it's widening ? Or old Pune-Mumbai highway ? He is talking as of all illegal houses will be demolished for ring road which is not at all the case. You need to tell viewers what are the self interests of such persons for opposing these projects, financial, political ? And this is not limited to ring road here, even where there are no constructions, people go to court to oppose land acquisition. Eg. Pune airport at Purandar.

    This logic is if murder is done 15 years back & culprit is caught today, he should be left free because it's old murder case !

    Anyway, these people can go to court & obtain stay order based on merit why tell fake stories ?

    And Ravi, I am really dissapointed with you supporting illegal constructions. Henceforth, please don't talk why PMC/PCMC is not improving infrastructure.

  3. Ravi sir, i never thought that you will write a blog in favor of illegal constructions. We expect everything from authorities, but when they come up with some plan to set right the previous mistakes, we start talking about humanitarian angle. If we support them then we are encouraging everyone to start building temporary/permanent structures on footpaths & roads. What is the mistake of rule abiding citizens who pay stamp duty, registration, property tax etc etc.

  4. Nothing will happen to those people Ravi... With that huge number of people involved, it will be political issue where each party will fight to change the ring road plan..including people in power..
    Corporation will happily change plans and regularize the slums as it means more money..
    Also the number of affected houses looks huge for a road

  5. The most interesting part is why did they collect property tax - with penalty and still ALLOW them to stay there for years. Why not begin legal proceeding against PCMC officials who have not taken enough steps to vacate the land for so many years.
    (That reminds me of Pune Traffic police, who allow everything, so that the day they have annual targets - they finish it in a week)

    One can correlate it to a rented property. Now the landlord wants you to leave.

    Logic in the post will never allow slums to be rehabilitated.

  6. I wonder why we are such an idiot and say 'no illegal construction' so what you want, those building to be razed and see people crying and begging on the street. Is it fun to watch?? How about trying with your house and family first. Emotionless society takes decades to take small steps of progress. Learn to care.

  7. Thanks for bringing humanitarian angle in to picture. But why should we try this with our family. Did we encroach on GOVT property, did we do some illegal activity by purchasing a Flat in a society having all the paper work in place. Lets take a reverse approach why don't you allow those people to encroach your plot, land & etc. (or allow them to stay in your flat). You will never do that. It's easy to bring care & emotion in to the discussion when someone else is on the receiving end (GOVT in this case).
