
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Who is Ravi Karandeekar?

If you know Ravi Karandeekar, please, share your info on Indian Real Estate Forum (!

Few Days Ago on Indian Real Estate Forum:

On 13th of July, Mr. 1001acres, who became a Member of Indian Real Estate Forum in this month, July 2009, started a thread "Who is Ravi Karandeekar?".

In his post Mr. 1001acres writes,
"Got to see a lot of this guy in the internet related to Pune Real Estate.. Does anyone know who is he and how genuine is this guy?"
Thanks Mr. 1001acres! You pointed out my big mistake of not writing "About Me" on my Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog and on my other blogs. True, i knew that i must write about myself but i didn't. I kept on postponing.

This time, i decided to act immediately. I edited my Google Profile. Added names of 2 projects, Five Gardens and Aakashganga at Rahatani, and their builders, Pride Purple Group and Goel Ganga Group, under the heading of "Companies I've worked for". My ad agency's name was already there. Means, now, my professional profile is complete!

I am sure, you are not interested in my private, family life, like my girlfriends, affairs and break-ups but if you want to know about my "online life", you can read and subscribe to my FriendFeed, now, in the side column of this blog.

How genuine is Ravi Karandeekar?

"Congratulations! What a publicity!!," said Mukesh in his email informing me about the thread "Who is Ravi Karandeekar?" on Indian Real Estate Forum.

My first reaction was, "Why didn't the gentleman call me? My mobile number 91 98600 44110 is on my blog. I don't charge for the first 5 minutes. For talking about myself, for sure, I would not have charged for talking more than 5 minutes. For me, talking about Ravi Karandeekar would have been as enjoyable experience as providing free info and tips about Pune real estate market!"

However, when i visited the thread "Who is Ravi Karandeekar?" on Indian Real Estate Forum, i realized that Mr. 1001acres' real intention was to find out "how genuine is this guy?" "This guy" means me, Ravi Karandeekar. He must have thought that there was no point in asking me about my "genuineness". So he was asking the members of Indian Real Estate Forum, which is one of the best source of information and a platform for conversation about Pune real estate market.

Obviously, i am also a member of the Indian Real Estate Forum. I not only visit it quite often but recently i have started Twittering queries posted on Indian Real Estate Forum so that many more people can share their views.

As i always do on my blog, i took a part in the conversation on the thread "Who is Ravi Karandeekar?". I answered serious and honest questions or comments about me. But my long answers went to moderator and are not published yet. (Update: Now, published!) So i decided to blog my answer to the question 'How genuine is Ravi Karandeekar?'

I am sure, at some point of time, while visiting Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog, some of you might have asked themselves the same question in different words. For example:

Should i take Ravi Karandeekar's opinion seriously?

Should i follow Ravi Karandeekar's advice about buying a property in Pune real estate market?

Should i consult Ravi Karandeekar about investing in Pune real estate market?

Is Ravi Karandeekar selling or promoting Pune real estate or giving an "unbiased" opinion?

Informative conversation with a helpful real estate salesman:

Just imagine what would we talk if you are sitting next to me on the flight from New York to Mumbai?

Just imagine what you would have asked me if your friend would have introduced me as a real estate salesman if we would have met in the coffee shop of a Multiplex.

I consider my blog as a conversation between a real estate salesman and a property buyer on Pune real estate market. Here i share the information, collected or first hand, with the intention to start the conversation. Sometimes i put it from my angle, i express my views but it's only a conversation.

In the process, I don't expect you to think and talk like a builder, R.C.C. contractor, an architect or like a real estate salesman. And i do not "pretend" to be a property buyer, a critic or an analyst. I am honest enough to disclose my profession and keep on reminding you so you can decide how much seriously you should take me. However, i listen to you seriously. Because understnading your point of view is the main aim of my blog.

Helping to buy a property in Pune real estate market:

Even if i had not shared the news and happenings in Pune real estate market with you on this blog, i would have kept on collecting the information like i was doing for last so many years.

But the projects mentioned above in my profile under the heading ""Companies I've worked for" completely changed me. I was directly or indirectly involved in both events which are well documented on the web.

Because of these events, I realized that you, property buyers, don't need anyone to sell you property. You only need a little help to buy the property.

When i gave up my job at Aakashganga at Rahatani, i decided to stop selling and start helping you to buy the property. Decided to put to use my experience and time on Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog.

I know well that it's very difficult for the property buyer to believe that real estate salesman can think of helping him. Because real estate salesman don't help. Only sell. All the time, real estate salesman uses power sales techniques of carrot (free white goods!) and stick (property rates to go up) to get your bookings. So i can completely understand you when you question my "genuineness". Raise doubts about my being "unbiased". Ask me on whose side i am.

Plus, i know well that it's very difficult for you to accept that anyone can do anything for you for free!

Anybody offering almost professional quality service for free only because he has a passion for the real estate is beyond imagination of lot of people though they use most of the services on the web for free!

Good news is, i am not in a hurry. You can take your own time to accept and approve. For me, this is not happening for the first time. In my career, I have played important role in changing real estate advertising and marketing in Pune.

For me, i am not doing something unusual. In fact, i believe that who else but me can bring this change to Pune real estate market! Someday, i know, all real estate salespersons in Pune real estate market will follow me and will stop selling and start helping the property buyers!

Thanks Mr. 1001acres and Indian Real Estate Forum for giving me an opportunity to talk about me, Ravi Karandeekar, the real estate salesman who has stopped selling and started helping the property buyers to buy the property in Pune real estate market. (Oh! what a byline!! Didn't i tell you that i was in advertising?)

Related Story:

What should i write about Pune real estate market? Please, tell me!

Feel free to call me:

I enjoy talking, sharing my views and giving advice about buying property in Pune real estate market (so, i do not charge anything for the first 5 minutes!) Call +91 98600 44110

If you like to chat, join me, RaviKarandeekarsBlogs on Google Talk.

Yes, my email id is Feel free to write. I reply as soon as i can.

Check my Google Profile:

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For my blogs on real estate projects near Hinjewadi, real estate investment, advertising and other related topics, please, visit and join my Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Blog Group


  1. Ravi is a not a salesman but he is a social service personal, a journalist , a eye opener of all of us including buiders n buyers..well well he is my friend and he can receive calls more than 10 mins on real estate subject ...all the best ravi for your Real Estate research blog

  2. Hi Ravi, actually you cannot blame the readers of your blog for having doubts about believing you or not. The thing is that it has become our mindset that we do not and cannot believe anyone nowadays even if the other person is eagerly and genuinely trying to help you, one would always have doubts as you can see. A burnt child dreads the fire....

    But I liked your point when you say that you are intializing this change process where the property buyers would be helped. You are a man with good heart....

    Cheers mate !!

  3. Hi Ravi,

    I would have surely called you if I was in Pune.
    Keep writing. I enjoy you blog.

    Mukesh Pednekar

  4. Hello Ravi,

    I am a regular reader of your blog. First of all i want to appreciate your positive attitude towards any comments given on your blog. You always says Thank you to each commenter whether it is a appreciation comment or a criticism. Even I learn a good thing from you that from each of your criticism comment you take it positively and try to improve that. I am keeping eye on your latest word war on & then you have written about yourself on Google blog. I think you are doing best whatever you can. It is up to the individual whether he/she should accept you suggestion. you never make anyone to force to take decision. I think you are doing your job well by giving biased comment.
    I am also looking for a flat in pune since last 1 year. Currently i am staying in a rented flat in waraje. Can you please suggest me any project in waraje or kothrud area. i am looking for a 2 BHk.


  5. Hi Ravi,

    If anyone asks me any question about pune real estate,I just tell him about your blog and your cell no.

    Sanjeev Kulkarni
    A small builder,pune
