
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Double FSI on all projects undertaken on government land!

Maharashtra government wants to amendment the development control rules of Pune and Pimpri-Chinchwad "without giving the due publicity"!

Real estate magnates and Hot cake:

A major amendment to the development control (DC) rules proposed by the state government, that among other things allows for double FSI on all projects undertaken on government land, has currently caught the fancy of real estate magnates in the city and its copies are selling like hot cakes at the government printing press here.

You can suggest and object till December 19:

The amendment, however, is open to suggestions and objections till December 19. But it is unlikely that many people will ever get to file these objections and suggestions. The notification was not published in any newspaper and nor was it uploaded on any government website, so that the only people who have any knowledge of it are developers who stand to gain the most from its content, sources said. Those who got their hands on the notification have found it is available only in English, so that its nuances still hold a mystery to many. Even Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) officials feigned ignorance on the notification, when contacted.

No adverse suggestions or objections:

The notification was not given due publicity probably to preempt adverse suggestions and objections that could stall clearance of the notification in its current state, sources said.

Sangali, Miraj and Kupwad too!

Besides Pune, the notification, issued by the urban development department also applies to the neighbouring municipal corporations of Pimpri-Chinchwad and Sangli-Miraj-Kupwad.

Surprise and Shock!

The state government’s decision to offer double the FSI comes as a surprise because a few years ago the PMC had tooth and nail opposed a request to allow a transfer development right (TDR) of more than point four (0.4), saying the city’s infrastructure was not designed to handle such a burden.

(New) Chief Minister of Maharashtra!

Activist Vijay Kumbhar has written to Chief Minister Ashok Chavan demanding that the government withdraw the notification, reissue a fresh one and invite suggestions and objection by publishing the notification in all newspapers, government websites and other sources of public information.

Related Story:

1) 8,000 citizens object to changes made by the state government in the Development Plan for Baner and Balewadi

2) Vandana Chavan reminds Ajit Pawar of his promise to Pune of no changes in land reservations for schools, playground and hospitals

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