
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Breaking News! Flat owners takeover DSK Anandghan!!

The flat buyers in the other stalled housing projects of D S Kulkarni Developers Ltd - DSK Sadaphuli Warale Talegaon, DSK Nandanvan - Mayurban - Chaitraban - Pushpaban at Pirangut and DSK Madhukosh at Andheri - to do the same!

Breaking News! Flat owners takeover DSK Anandghan!!

Tomorrow's News Today Bureau / Sep 21, 2017, 08.40 AM IST / Pune- At a grand ceremony organized at 11am at Maratha Chamber of Commerce on Tilak Road in Pune, Mr. Shirish Deepak Kulkarni, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of D S Kulkarni Developers Ltd, handed over the development rights of DSK Anandghan, the stalled premium housing scheme of 1 BHK & 2 BHK flats within DSK Vishwa on Sinhagad Road in Pune, to the ad hoc committee of DSK Anandghan flat buyers.

"Construction of a housing project is like gardening. It needs a lot of personal involvement of the developer. It's very clear that for the rest of our lives I & my family would be preoccupied with the legal matters. Hence DSK family will not be able to devote enough time and resources to complete the ongoing housing projects of the group. That's why I am handing over the responsibility to complete DSK Anandghan to it's true owners. The flat buyers!," said Mr. Shirish Kulkarni and handed over the legal documents.

"MahaRERA is here to promote real estate business. MahaRERA is not a big boss. MahaRERA is a big brother of the all builders in Maharashtra. Whenever there is an issue between the builder and the allottees - you come to the big brother - because you know that Gautam Chatterjee is square and fair. That's why when more than 60 percent allottees in DSK Anandghan approached me and expressed their desire to complete the project - I told Shirish - who is like a son to me - consider the offer seriously. If you do it voluntarily - you will be able to retain trust & respect your legendary father - Mr. DSK - has gained over the years. Otherwise, I will have to exercise my authority & force you to handover the project to the allottees. Shirish proved that he is not afraid to take a tough decision. He agreed immediately! I salute the allottees & Shirish from my heart!," said Mr. Gautam Chatterjee, MahaRERA Regulator, who presided over the ceremony.

"On behalf of all flat owners in DSK Anandghan, I thank Mr. Gautam Chatterjee, MahaRERA Regulator for convincing Ms. Hemanti Phadke Kulkarni to give us compensation for the delayed possession. It was Mr. Chatterjee who firmly said that - "Ms. Hemanti, you have to pay penalties for delays beyond what is stipulated in the registered agreement for sale. The possession date will not be based on the date submitted as the revised date at the time of registering the project with MahaRERA. It means that, Dear Hemanti, you have to pay for the period between 31-8-2018 - the possession date in the agreement - and 30-4-2021 - the revised date of possession submitted to MahaRERA!," said Mr. Deshpande, chief promoter of DSK Anandghan Co-Operative Housing Society.

"On behalf of all flat owners in DSK Anandghan, I thank Pune Police Commissioner Rashmi Shukla for explaining MPID Act to Ms. Hemanti Phadke Kulkarni and successfully convincing her to cancel "The Deed of Mortgage" by which she mortgaged the plot of land of DSK Anandghan - Gat No 186 Part 187 and 188 in Kirkatwadi - without obtaining our - the flat owners - consent! Not only that!! Ms. Shukla and Mr. Chatterjee also convinced Ms. Hemanti to give audited report of receipts - monies paid by the flat buyers to DSK - and deposits balance amount in escrow account - as per the 70% rule of RERA," said Mr. Deshpande, the deputy chief of DSK Anandghan Society.

"When Mr. Chatterjee came to me with the proposal of the DSK Anandghan flat buyers - I felt as if - once again - I am standing in Kurukshetra! Brothers are fighting with brothers!! However, I gave Mr. Chatterjee go ahead. Because, Modiji, my leader, Tweeted me - That is what you have done in the last life and that is what you are doing in this life. Karma. I congratulate all for upholding the rule of law," the guardian minister, Mr. Girish Bapat, read this special message of Chief Minister Mr. Devendra Fadnavis.

"If I have not taken initiative this would not have happened! It was me who persuaded DSK Sir to handover the reigns to Tarunai - to youth - to Shirish. It was me who persuaded Shirish to accept the reality and do not try to prolong this issue till 30-4-2021 - MahaRERA possession date. That's why he agreed to accept the proposal of Gautam Chatterjee & DSK Anandghan flat owners. This is my constructive reply to all Punekars who criticized me for taking the side of DSK Sir. Once again, I have proved that "Revolutions starts at a big Home and then it percolates in the small homes". This has happened in Baramati. Now, it is happening in Pune. Only because I am responsible for Pune," said Mr. Abhijeet Pawar, who presided over the function.

When Mr. DSK took over the microphone, entire auditorium gave him standing ovation and went on clapping till he was speaking. That's why I couldn't hear him. Sorry. Don't worry. Watch his video.

Yes. This has really happened.

I think.

Ask Mr. Vijay Kumbhar!

Latest Updates:

1) What actually happened at DSK Anandghan flat owners meeting on 21st September 2017

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  1. Dear Mr Karandeekar, I called the office of DSK to confirm the news of handover of DSK Anandghan Projects to the flat owners. But according to them this news is not correct. It is a rumor. They have advised me not to trust such fake news.

    1. Dear Ajit,

      1) Whom did you talk to at the office of DSK?

      2) Please, read this blog once again.

      This blog was published - before the meeting - on Sep 21, 2017, at 08.40 AM IST. (The meeting was at 11am on 21st Sept)

      3) At the end of the blog - I have written -

      Yes. This has really happened.

      I think.

      Ask Mr. Vijay Kumbhar!

      4) Please, read the update at the bottom of the blog -

      What actually happened at DSK Anandghan flat owners meeting on 21st September 2017 -

      5) If you read the speeches in the blog - you will ask yourself - "How come I didn't realize that this is an imagery event?"

      The answer is, Mr, Ajit, in your heart, you want this to happen.

      You want to take a help of the law - MahaRERA - and complete the project.


      That's why you took the blog as a possibility - truth - fact.

      Now, go head, unite the flat buyers, go to MahaRERA, takeover Aanandghan, complete it, take possession of your flat and live happily.

      Mr. Ajit, turn your dream into reality.

      I know, for sure, Mr. Ajit, you can make it happen.

      My best wishes are with you.
