
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Probe DSK under MPID Act

Hemanti & D S Kulkarni are nothing but "Bunty & Babli" of Pune!

Hemanti & D S Kulkarni are nothing but "Bunty & Babli" of Pune!

In his latest blog, Mr. Vijay Kumbhar has proved that for years Ms. Hemanti & Mr. D. S. Kulkarni were running a criminal enterprise. Builders & Developers was just a front. The main business of this couple was to loot the shareholders, flat buyers, F D Holders, Banks. The couple was systematically syphoning those monies in their personal accounts.

The obvious result is shareholders, flat buyers, F D Holders & banks are in trouble. Bunty & Babli and their Baba are not.

(Baba is living in Trump Towers. Whereas senior citizen F D Holders are finding it difficult to survive.)

In fact, Bunty & Babli are having great times!

They are enjoying the pleasure of playing with the lives of their victims.

You are weak. I am powerful.

You can't catch me. You can't go against me.

You have no option but to dance to my tune.

I am the Pied Piper of Pune. You are nothing but rats. I am going to drown you all.

Say Bunty & Babli in this letter -
डीएसकेंच्या विरोधात पोलीस तक्रार देण्यापूर्वी...
मी, आपले पैसे देणे लागतो हे मी आजही मान्य करतो. या पैशांची तरतूद करण्यासाठी मी आटोकाट प्रयत्न करित आहे व त्या प्रयत्नांना लवकरच यश येईल असं मला दिसत आहे. तथापि मागे सांगितलेल्या तारखांना पैसे देण्यात मी अपयशी ठरलो. त्यामुळे काही ठेवीदारांचा माझ्यावरचा विश्‍वास कापरासारखाच उडून गेलेला आहे. परंतू माझा स्वतःवरचा विश्‍वास आजही भक्कम आहे. तुमचा एकेक रूपया मी परत देणार आहे आणि तोही अगदी लवकरच !

पण...अशा परिस्थितीत तुम्ही पोलीसात तक्रार केल्यास...
1. पोलीस कारवाईत माझा अधिक वेळ जाईल.
जो वेळ आत्ता मी पैसा उभा करण्यासाठी घालवतोय, तो वेळ पोलीस स्टेशनमध्ये गेला तर आत्ताच्या सुरू असणार्‍या प्रयत्नांनाही चांगलीच खीळ बसणार आहे.

2. हे प्रकरण न्यायालयीन कक्षेत जाईल.
या प्रकरणाची पुढे कायदेशीर सुनावणी होईपर्यंत तुम्ही आणि मी, आपण दोघेही काही करू शकणार नाही. निदान आत्ता तुम्ही माझ्याशी भांडायला तरी येत आहात. पण उद्या कोर्टाची तारीख पडल्याशिवाय आपण एकमेकांना भेटू शकणार नाही. सगळं काही कायद्यानंच होणार असल्यामुळे त्याला किती वेळ/महिने/ वर्षे लागतील, हे कुणीच सांगू शकत नाही. (हे मी तुम्हांला घाबरवत नसून वस्तुस्थिती सांगत आहे)

3. तुमचे पैसे तुम्हांला लवकर मिळू शकतील का?
संपूर्ण कायदेशीर प्रक्रिया पार पडल्यानंतर माननीय कोर्टाचा जो काही निकाल हाती पडेल. त्यानंतर पैसे परत देण्याची प्रक्रिया सुरू होईल. पण ती कधी? आणि जर एवढा वेळ वाट पाहण्याची तुमची मानसिकता असेल तर मग आत्ता आणखी थोडे दिवस का थांबू नये?

तुमचे पैसे मिळणं महत्वाचं की
डीएसकेंना कसा धडा शिकवला हा आसुरी आनंद मिळवणं?
तुम्हांला तुमचे पैसे लवकर देऊन मला माझा उद्योगही सुरू करायचा आहे. कारण हजारो कुटुंबं या उद्योगावर अवलंबून आहेत.

तेव्हां तुम्ही मला सहकार्य करणार की माझ्याविरोधात तक्रार करणार?
हा निर्णय तुम्हीच घ्या. तुमच्या प्रत्येक निर्णयाचा मी आदर करतो.

आपले कृपाभिलाषी,
डी. एस. कुलकर्णी
सौ. हेमंती कुलकर्णी ⁠⁠⁠⁠

The latest incident proves that the victims of DSK have realized that they are not rats. They are not going to dance to the tunes of the evil Pied Piper. They are going to act like assertive human beings.

By disclosing criminal activities of Bunty & Babli of Pune, Mr. Vijay Kumbhar has empowered the victims to take action against Hemanti & D S Kulkarni. All evidences published by Mr. Kumbhar proves that Hemanti & D S Kulkarni can be probed under Maharashtra Protection of Interest of Depositors (MPID) Act.

Instead of begging for money. Better let the fast track court take Hemanti & Hemanti & DSK in custody. Attach their bank accounts, properties, assets. Auction their attached assets. Pay the victims.

Dear DSK victims, prove that you are not rats!

Maharashtra Protection of Interest of Depositors (MPID) Act.

MPID Act 1999 in Marathi - Android App on Google Play

Related Stories:

1) DSKDL public Limited Company or Criminal Enterprise?

2) Is DSK exploiting Investors, FD holders and flat buyers?

3) Vijay Kumbhar exposes DSK of D S Kulkarni Developers Ltd

4) Sonu Tuza DSKvar Bharosa Nay Kay..

5) New rules to protect depositors in State

6) Thane court directs collector to auction Kalpavriksha property

7) Ponzi scheme: Court orders sale of assets worth Rs 4,000 cr of fraud company

8) MPID court sends back Wasankars to central jail

9) Probe firm under MPID Act: Court

10) Mumbai: Rs 300-crore scam: Yash Birla seeks bail

11) How to send fraud builder - developer to jail & recover your money

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  1. Ravi Sir.. I am your follower and changed/took property decision (which is my life biggest decision) after your suggestion and respect you lot.

    But this time i am not agree with you.... DSK is facing this trouble (not running out of india like Mr.Vijay Malya).
    And calling them "bunti and Bubli" etc.we should support him so DSK will come out of it.

    Please do not write such kind of blogs which make people more panic.

    1. What irks me is that DSK wants to showcase he is a victim yet he has not made any changes to his lifestyle.
      If I have to payback a loan and have very less income, I will change my lifestyle. I will make sacrifices and adjust. But DSK is living just like he was living before.

      Mallya ran away after 10 years. Every fraudster cannot run out of the country. I hope DSK files for insolvency and everyone gets their share by selling off the company assets.

    2. DSK is crook & is gone builder. Lot of diversion of money has also taken place including the useless DSK Hyosung bikes.
      Siphoning off the funds has taken place by buying land from Kulkarni family members at several times the cost by DSKDL.
      Even shameful is crook DSK's son is staying at Trump Tower whose rent of 4L per month is being paid by DSK Toyota while this same company has not paid salary to any of their employees including the mechanics.

      This DSK is nothing but fox in sheep's skin with skin which can put even Lalwa Yadav to shame.

      Btw, Ravi, today was the deadline as per crook DSK to refund the money to FD holders. Did he refund or he is still enjoying on gobbled up money of investors, flat buyers ?
      Also DSK planned to sell DSK Vishwa to Godrej properties but Godrej has backed out.
      Wasan Toyota was keen to buy only 1 outlet of DSK Bavdhan but reports are they are not willing to pay for land what DSK is demanding. Don't know what is the current status though.

      @ Dilbert,

      "I hope DSK files for insolvency and everyone gets their share by selling off the company assets."

      - First right on assets will be of banks & financial institutions. If at all any money is left, it will be given to FD holders, else they may not get anything. Also selling DSK on Olx may not fetch more than couple of hundred rupees. See the Jaypee builders news below as to what happens in such cases.

  2. Even after so many years of failed Ponzi and Chit fund schemes why do people run after higher interest without thinking about the Principal?!

    Why no invest in Mutual Fund !! Yes there are market risks but even in a 2 year window you will earn more than 12% compounded returns even though there is a stick market crash.

    FDs are best kept in Banks if not then in good private companies like L&T Tata etc. certainly not with DSK or any builder

    1. There is no dearth of greedy people. Just see the hoarders, they will tell how intelligent they are that they are making 300-400% on selling flat but when these same hoarders get stuck which is happening now, they will make face like small cat & ask Government to help them. Why should Govt spend tax payers money on these crook builders projects ? Anyway, this is the price one pays for greed & gamble.

      What you said holds true only for people who have a more content mindset & don't look for 1-2 ka 4 !! Don't we keep reading about all the frauds done like online lottery scams etc. mostly by Nigerians ? There is no solution for greed.

  3. Like DSK, these are another latest set of builders to join the bankrupt builders bandwagon. See how the issues faced by buyers are similar.

    DSK flat buyers, FD holders should ensure that the passport of entire DSK management is confiscated like the other builders seen in news below. This has been done on behalf of flat buyers, hoarders/investors.

    Realty developer Amrapali's office to be auctioned due to non-payment of debt -

    Buyers in panic mode over Amrapali building auction -

    Court declares Mantri a proclaimed offender -

    Experts unsure over safety of buyers’ money invested in Jaypee projects -

    A section of experts said that the insolvency proceedings against the Jaypee Infratech following the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) order will give homebuyers an option of getting back their investment. Another section is of the opinion that if Jaypee Infratech’s assets are not adequate to pay off the bank loans, buyers will be in trouble.

    And in Pune, Kolte Patil has sold off it's land at Wakad. Seems they know that due to IT sector in doldrums, selling flats in areas around IT hubs is now almost impossible.

  4. recently i came across a writeup by sanjeev chandokkar about dsk group & dream city... think its greed and over ambition is what lead to downfall of the group as well no study of the market has been done before launching the project as big as size of dream city as no more real estate clients buys what you are building! Need of the market is simple affordable homes and that we could do by keeping our over heads limited. Also 25 projects get succeeded doesn’t means 26th one will get succeed and especially when its way bigger than all of 25 ongoing projects (BTW 25 is wrong figure, it’s hardly 5 to 6 projects were ongoing check the web site of company ) as well the management never thought what if this projects fails, no fall back arrangement! One thing Mr. Sanjeev is silent and that is borrowing by the group, no body exactly knows how much DSK Group has borrowed and what is logical assets valuation as projections has no meaning or base. In this market buyers decide value of your land or flats and not the developer, also what kind of money it will take to complete the dream city and how the group is going to raise it and what still then the product is non saleable? All these questions the management needs to answer transparently then only flat holders and investors will believe in the group and it will stop the discussion in media about the group!
