
Sunday, February 12, 2017

The mystery of 45 Nirvana Hills flat buyers meet

Selfies never lie:

Ravi Karandeekar, 91 98600 44110, visits 45 Nirvana Hills by Kumar Builders KUL at Paud Phata, Kothrud, Pune on 11th February 2017

Where is everyone? I asked the security at the entrance of 45 Nirvana Hills at Paud Phata.

Everyone? Who? The security asked.

The flat buyers. I said.

Why would they be here? The security asked.

For the meeting. I said.

Are you a flat buyer? The security asked.

No. Then why are you here? The security asked.

Some lady invited me for the flat buyers meeting. I attended the meeting. Then I visited the show flats. And came down in the temporary lift. I told the security.

Who was with you in the lift? The security asked.

No one. Only a security guard & I. I was terrified to take that temporary lift. I didn't join others. I found it too risky to join 4 others in that temporary lift. I explained.

But you haven't yet entered the building. How can you come down if you haven't been up? The security said.

I have been up there. Approximately 2 hours ago. Around 11.15. I signed in this register. Check it. I requested.

What is your name? The security asked.

Ravi Karandeekar. 9860044110. I said.

Look...your name isn't here in the register. The security said.

It must be there. Because whatever I told you - has happened. Look at this selfie. I took it in there. At the reception counter. I claimed.

Okay. Tell me what happened at the meeting? The security asked.

Your representative shared the good news with the flat buyers. I said.

What was the good news? The security asked.

You will get a possession of your flat in the mid of 18 - announced your representative - Kumar Builders have appointed a new very efficient contractor to complete the construction of 45 Nirvana Hills. I shared the good news with the security.

Mid 18 means? The security asked.

Obviously 2018. I said.

Sir, you are hallucinating. You better go home & rest. The security said.

I came out of Kumar Builders' 45 Nirvana Hills and called the number of the lady who had invited me for the meeting.

Not believing in the automated announcement - I called two three times - but every time I heard the same thing. The number you are trying to call is permanently disconnected.

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Ravindra Karandeekar,
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IFSC- MAHB0000001



  1. Ravi Sir,

    So you were at haunted place, thank god you are safe and posted this blog.. God bless you..

    I started liking your sarcasm...

  2. Almost 8 years now from the date launch in 2009 & still project far off from completion ? Still yedas will go & book flat in under-construction project while super yedas will book flat without approvals ! Even Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building located in hostile geographical condition was completed in 5 years. Maybe Kumar builders is building 9th wonder of the world !

    While making a site visit at this project, what is more important than the helmet you are wearing is chanting of Hanuman Chalisa. If anyone wants, they can confirm it from Kelewadi slums located behind 45 Nirvana Hills project.
    Btw, isn't it surprising that despite being located in one of the prime locations in Pune, this project is neither able to garner enough bookings, nor is getting completed even after close to whopping 8 years now !!

    Housing sales fell 40% in Nov-Dec on demonetisation -

    This simply shows how black money played an important factor for inflating the property prices.

    After receiving flak, state to devise buyer-friendly real estate rules -
    After receiving flak for diluting the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act (RERA) to favour builders, the state government is all set to amend the draft rules in an effort to make it more consumerfriendly. The changes, which will be published some time after the elections, are based on the 550 suggestions and objections it received on the draft rules from individuals and consumer rights groups.

    So more sleepless nights for third class, sadak chap builders.

  3. Hello Sir

    This is your follower. I am following your blog from past 5 years. Mostly your blogs are on negative side and you are writing about few builders in Pune(Like Kumar Builders, DSK etc)

    Would like to know reason behind always this negative writing about few particular builders. Wish to see some positive blogs also in future.

    1. 1) Thanks for pointing out that my blogs are negative.

      2) Fact is I don't consider whether my blog is a negative or a positive. Is my blog useful - Am I sharing useful information - for the flat buyers is my only concern.

      3) Your observation is that I write negative about the few builders - Kumar Builders & DSK - 1) In this blog on 45 Nirvana I have shared a good news about possession - isn't it? 2) In my blog - DSK is struggling to get his ducks in a row - - I have shared positive efforts of DSK. Isn't it? Please, tell me aren't these blogs share positive useful information for the flat buyers and the fixed deposit holders?

  4. In case like 45 NH, how a buyer should do now. Neither can wait nor leave it.
