
Saturday, January 28, 2017

RTI Katta on Plotting Scams in Pune

Right to Information - RTI - Katta
Sunday, 29th January 2017,
Chittaranjan Vatika, Model Colony, Shivajinagar, Pune
Time .9.30 AM to 10.30 AM

Nowadays thieves & dacoits don’t live in jungles or valleys.

They have established air-conditioned offices in cities.

From there they run scams like selling proposed N-A Plots, Villa plots, farmhouses, affordable housing, double your money by investing in real estate etc.

They appoint smart staff and agents. Most of the time staff and agents are get paid more than what they deserve and hence they don’t hesitate to deceive their own relatives or acquaintances.

Most of the time instead of running away from government authorities
these people make government authorities partners in scams.

In all this , common people get suffered.

So what is the remedy?

What to do if you got deceived?

Read more at Vijay Kumbhar's Exclusive News & Analysis Blog

Related Story:

1) Temple Rose City Pingori Purandar Scam Exposed

2) What!? Is Landson Realty's 'Wood County' an Illegal 'Collective Investment Scheme'?

1 comment:

  1. Found a good article about tricks used by builders. Please share this link.

    Buying a home? Beware of these tricks used by builders -

    The “perpetual appreciation” theory
    “This area will soon be a residential hub”
    The “most affordable project” claim
    “Book now or rates will go up”
    “You will be compensated in case of project delay”
    The sample flat trick
    Tie-ups with banks

    Frustration has kicked in & builders are offering big commission to brokers.
