
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Victims of Proposed N A Bungalow Plot Scams can recover their money!

How to file & win Consumer Court Case - without a lawyer - against Proposed N A Bungalow Plot Scamster and recover money with interest!

Yes! Even IT Engineers in Hinjewadi & Kharadi can file a case - without a lawyer - in consumer court & recover their money!!

Sounds impossible. Right?

But it's true.

Sumit, Vijay & their friend were as stupid as any IT Engineer in Pune.

Without doing any due diligence they 'invested' their 40 + lakhs in N. A. Bungalow Plot Scheme called Nine Jewels Prestige at Wadki on Hadapsar Saswad Road launched by Master Home Facilities Services - MHFS - a.k.a. Sumer Pratham.

The agreement of N A Bungalow Plot was registered.

But when the developer took some 4 months to handover their registered agreement they felt that something was fishy.

Eventually, they found out that the plot was not actually N A - as mentioned in the registered agreement.

Not only that!

It was not a plot at all.
Because the developer had not done any plotting.
The collector had not sanctioned the plotting scheme.

And they had paid the price of a N A Bungalow Plot for some piece of agricultural land - which existed only on the paper - not on planet earth.

How to file a consumer court case - without a lawyer:

There are around 50 stupid people who have invested in this so called scheme.
But only these three guys - Sumit, Vijay & their Friend - realized that their agreement was nothing but a piece of shit!

Rest of stupid investors are still hoping that someday what is there on the paper will take shape on earth. Miracles happens! You know?

Let us recover our money.
Three of them decided.
Of course, the developer refused.
Now, what?

There is something which is called - Consumer Protection Act, 1986. Under it - National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) is there in India. Which is popularly known as consumer court. They found out.

There are not only stupid investors and crooked scamsters in this world - there is a consumer court too - was nothing but Sakshatkar for the three.

They told about this Sakshatkar to other victims.
But victims were afraid of the scamster.
The scamster will get angry if we go to consumer court.
The scamster will scold us. May beat us.
Who knows? The scamster will punish us by not giving our plot.
Consumer court takes long time to deliver justice.
We do not have time to waste in court proceedings.
We do not know anything about the law.
Scamsters - particularly builders & developers - are beyond the reach of law.
The natural born stupid investors raised many objections about filing a case in the consumer court.

But Sumit, Vijay & their friend went ahead.
They filed a case in the consumer court.
Without a lawyer!
In the consumer court - they defended - represented - themselves.
They became their own lawyers.

Not only that!
They won the case against the developer!!
The consumer court - Pune District Forum of National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) - gave verdict in their favor.
They are going to get what they have paid to the developer + 9% interest on that moneys - from the date case was filed till they get their money back + compensation & case expenses.
Isn't this great?

It's not only great. It's simple too!
Anyone who can read, write means type and speak can file a case without a lawyer in consumer court and win.
Yes, even IT professionals! Even if he can not read, write means type & speak Marathi!! Along with Marathi consumer court proceedings are conducted in English too. (In fact, use of Marathi in consumer courts in Maharashtra is the recent phenomenon!)
Filing a case in the consumer court is not only simple - it is not at all time consuming.
What all you need is proper documents.
Follow the right formats - submit essential documents - pay nominal fees - submit your case.
If you made some mistake in your submission - don't worry - the staff at court will guide you.
Once your case is accepted - inform the accused by speed post and wait for the date of hearing.

These three guys - had three hearings - in 6 months - and received justice.
At every hearing they got a few minutes - from 5 to 10 minutes only - to presented their case.
On every court date - they took only half day leave at work.
Which their managers sanctioned proudly.
The atmosphere at the court was not at all tense. The judges were kind.

To keep in touch with the proceedings of court case - there is the ConfoNet - Internet based Case Monitoring System Computerization & Computer Networking of Consumer Forums in Country - which Sumit, Vijay & a friend - who is abroad - used it extensively. Plus Google is there to teach you about the consumer law.

In the above Marathi video interview
- Sumit & Vijay describe in detail - how they filed & won consumer court case - and claim that -

Information is not the problem.
Court is not the problem.
Problem is our attitude.
Our attitude generates the fear about scamster in our mind.
Our attitude generates the fear about court in our mind.
First we become a victim of the scamster.
And then the victim of our unhealthy attitude.

(That's why in Coaching Classes for Pune Flat Buyers on 7th July 2016 Dr. Vishwas Chavan is going teach - How to overcome fear of Pune builders! Join it today!!)

Related Stories:

1) Who coined the term "Proposed NA Plots"?

2) What!? Is Landson Realty's 'Wood County' an Illegal 'Collective Investment Scheme'?

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  1. On the flip side, I think why must common people refrain from reaping benefits of risky investments? Why can't Gov allow such schemes legally? There is no transparency in Gov policies as per as Agri plotting is concerned. An agri land which is just around the corner of city, being rock solid land hence non harvested, might hold some chance to get appended to corporation can be good for plotting. Not only owner but buyer may also benefit from deal. Sometimes we hear news that min 2150 sqft plot is eligible to be registered & appear on 7/12 extract. On the other hand we hear something else from lawyers. In the whole buying process 50% rules are legal while rest 50% rules are illegally legal! If the schemes are fraudulent, why is Gov incapable of ceasing it right away? For Example, Campa Cola was 'allowed' to construct & people lived their for ages, suddenly Gov finds illegal floors?? This is ridiculous!! Proposed NA must be taken as Agri. Allow aspirants to make provision to build their own houses is good idea. Today NA plot within corporation limits are so costly which leaves no option but to go for flat scheme under crook builders. In cities like Ahmdabad, Vadodara, Nashik, I have seen many people live peacefully in their own duplexes keeping away from buying space in air. Don't understand why such harsh rules in Pune?

    1. Governments in Maharashtra are bullshits. The ba**ard gov itself is involved in grabbing land here in many places and keep increasing the price. If you go to other states you will find government acquires land and sell it by plotting. I don't understand what these CIDCO & HUDCO in MH do? why the f**k those officers are sitting tight and paid salaries from peoples taxes?

      I think recently Ravi and some buyer had twitted to CM what happened about it? has anyone seen any action? Twits are also flittered out. Twits those give publicity are answered not all.

    2. The main money making business for politicians in Maharashtra happens to be land & real estate. In Pune, most of it is done by thug politicians from Baramati. Even the builders in Pune are not businessmen but simply fronts for these politicians to invest their black money. However, now with new actions, this has become very difficult for them & hence we are seeing builders going bankrupt.

      Once Pune land is freed from clutches of crook politicians, buying land & building house on it will be simplified like other cities/states in India. Infact, even today, buying land + constructing on it is cheaper than buying flat which is not even half the size !

    3. Dear Monk when you have raised subject of thugs let me bring to your notice how bjp is different from them they are also doing the same things. If you remember shana chaywala after election had family meet with thug. Recently greeted him in parliament through menon. Isn't it a insult of voters who voted bjp to keep thug out. You know that nagpuri pidda recently met thug violating protocol. This pidda acts like he his above all law and country. I want to know What wrong did thug do? Saheb...Robbing and dacoiting is all legal in politics.

    4. Do u think that land from clutches of thug will be freed so easily. Dear it will b day dream.

    5. Atleast new land is not added the way it was added before. And more importantly, several builders who were his pets are going bankrupt which means black money has reduced considerably since they can't keep doing one scam after another being out of power.
      As far as meeting with Baramatikar is concerned, it is again politics to tame so called Mumbai Tiger which is nothing more than cat now !
      What happens in public maybe lot different than happenings behind the scene.
      Fact remains, builders are stuck in big mess & price correction has to happen if they want to survive.

  2. Awesome blog as always and great inspirational facts described in very simple manner :)

  3. Why are most of the people conned by builders happen to be IT yedas ?
    And when Proposed NA plots terms doesn't exist legally, how can they buy it at first place ? It's not about only awareness but sheer greed. It's only when buyers get conned they think about legal issues. Why don't buyers hire a lawyer & get documents verified before buying ?
    Investments made with emotion &/or greed always is loss making one.

  4. Is there any notification by government on township act? Basically in how many years the township has to be completed? how many offices and hence jobs has to be created? If it is not happening is there any committee to take any action in these township?
    Otherwise what I see these townships is one way of land grabbing and then hoarding for years and increasing the rates as per ones wish.

    1. Most of the incomplete townships have become like white elephants for builders now due to poor sales of flats & commercial spaces. Cash flows aren't there & further expansion is stuck.
      DSK Dream City is one of the latest example of a major flop township project !

  5. As per my understanding, possibly incorrect, immovable property is not under the consumer protection act. Please enlighten me. Thanks
