
Monday, June 20, 2016

Flat buyers sent legal notice to the builder Amey Prakash Lokhande

Kind Flat Buyers & Inconsiderate Builder:

Mr. Amey Prakash Lokhande, The builder of Sainath Palace, Wagholi, Pune

After meeting the flat buyers of Sainath Palace at Wagholi, I called their builder Mr. Amey Prakash Lokhande. He immediately agreed. We met at a mutually convenient place.

Amey Lokhande was well prepared. He told me that he reads & admires my blog. He also told me that I should write about the issues builders face. Particularly, the small builders like him.

Amey Lokhande's entire argument was based on - how it has become difficult for the small builders to operate.

Not Amey Prakash Lokhande but the circumstances are responsible for the stalled construction of Sainath Palace. Instead of blaming me - you should blame the circumstances and support me.

I am a good person. And in these circumstances - doing business has become difficult for good people like me. Lokhande tried to convince me.

"Circumstances? Means what?," I asked Amey.

"Government & big builders!," said Amey.

"You mean to say - the government and some big builder are responsible for the stalled construction of Sainath Palace?," I asked.

"Yes! You got it right!!," said Amey and added that - "Ravi, you should write about theses issues. In fact, I was planning to meet you to convince you to blog about it!"

I was impressed. What a strategy!

1) First, Amey Lokhande tried to win my heart by admiring & praising me.

2) Then Amey held someone else responsible & gave himself a clean cheat.

3) After that he tried to divert my attention from Sainath Palace to the government & big builder nexus.

Amey Prakash Lokhande knows how to play mind games! No wonder - he could easily convince the buyers to book a flat in the almost stalled project, take loan & give him 90 percent property price & patiently wait for possession for 2 years!

Ravi, go & tell those flat buyers - Amey Prakash Lokhande is a good human being. Though the ugly nexus of big bad builders & government almost destroyed him - he is trying his best to complete Sainath Palace. This was his parting message for me.

Amey Prakash Lokhande expressed no empathy for the flat buyers of Sainath Palace. Amey Prakash Lokhande expressed no guilt for hurting the flat buyers. Amey Prakash Lokhande expressed no shame for lying & breaking promises about flat possession. Amey Prakash Lokhande didn't express any concern for the flat buyers.

After coming home from the meeting, once again I viewed above Marathi video interview of the 3 flat buyers. In this interview they talk about sending legal notice to their builder - Mr. Amey Prakash Lokhande. In this viewing I realized how great these guys are.

Let me tell you why these guys are great:

1) In January 2015 these guys tried to play the kind of 'mind game' the builder was playing with them and made Amey Prakash Lokhande sign the MOU about giving flat possession before 31st March 2016 or giving rent if he fails to give possession. But when the builder's cheques were dishonored they freed themselves from playing 'mind games' and sent him the legal notice. Now, they have left no option to their builder but to pay for his misdeeds.

Only three buyers, who could afford to buy 10 - 20 lakh rupees property, has shown the guts to do what a group of 100 buyers who have booked 50,00,000 - 100,00,000 rupee property don't dare to do.

2) Though they have taken assertive steps and announced their intention to file a case against their builder Mr. Amey Prakash Lokhande in criminal, civil & consumer courts, they have expressed their concern & kindness.

If the builder starts the construction and gives us possession in 2 - 3 months we will pardon the builder for what he has done to us - they have said in the interview.

Showing compassion for someone who has hurt you so much is found only in human beings. Not in the builders. Right?

Related Stories:

5) My builder's unscrupulous tactics

4) Required - Builder's Credit Report & Credit Score Rating

3) My biggest mistake - I didn't construct a gunthewari house

2) In 2016 - where to book a flat in Pune real estate market? (Part 2)

1) In 2016 - where to book a flat in Pune real estate market? (Part 1)

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  1. You will soon find buyers who are finding peace in this project. And people praising them how they are negotiating with builder and its good to do that blah..blah..blah...

    1. Things are going get worse for builders & hoarders in coming time. Check this recent news.

      Home prices set to fall; Mumbai, Pune, Delhi set trend :

  2. Replies
    1. "Ravi, go & tell those flat buyers - Amey Prakash Lokhande is a good human being. Though the ugly nexus of big bad builders & government almost destroyed him - he is trying his best to complete Sainath Palace." - This was his parting message for me.

  3. " Not Amey Prakash Lokhande but the circumstances are responsible for the stalled construction of Sainath Palace. Instead of blaming me - you should blame the circumstances and support me. "

    - This crook should also answer if he is ok if buyer only pays 5% of agreement cost & then doesn't pay 95% amount saying don't blame buyer but circumstances due to which he is not paying the money to builder.
    These crooks make life hell for buyers despite taking money. Good to see buyers have stood up to fight for their rights.

    "Only three buyers, who could afford to buy 10 - 20 lakh rupees property, has shown the guts to do what a group of 100 buyers who have booked 50,00,000 - 100,00,000 rupee property don't dare to do."

    - Because 'Jigra' can't be purchased.

    बांधकाम व्यावसायिकांविरुद्ध तक्रारीच्या तपासात हस्तक्षेप होणार नाही- मुख्यमंत्री
    अखिल भारतीय ग्राहक पंचायतीच्या वतीने रविवारी मुख्यमंत्री देवेंद्र फडणवीस यांना देण्यात आली.

    पुण्यातील विविध प्रकल्पांमध्ये बांधकाम व्यावसायिकांकडून अनियमितता झाल्याच्या तक्रारींबाबत पोलीस तपासात राजकीय हस्तक्षेप होणार नाही, असे आश्वासन मुख्यमंत्री देवेंद्र फडणवीस यांनी अखिल भारतीय ग्राहक पंचायतीच्या शिष्टमंडळाला दिले.

    1. Actually government Should step in and speed up the proceedings...else you know what generally happens...

  4. I just realized whar Mr. Lokhande (Iron Man) is claiming regarding big builders nexus screwing up his business.. he mush have watched the Civil War movie and immediately assumed the role of Iron Man for himself..Iron Man in Civil the force with you.he he..

  5. It is such a shame that builder is enjoying at the cost of sweat & hard work of these middle class people. GOD know how does he manage to sleep at night? One simple question: How did construction cost override collection from buyers? Moreover builder pretending to be victim of bureaucracy, crooks & system. Isse kahate hai "Yeda banke peda khane ka!"

    1. "GOD know how does he manage to sleep at night?"

      - These type of people are in 'soul dead, body alive' state.

      People say aatma bhatak rahi, but incase of such builders, it is sharir bhatak raha !

  6. Grahak Panchayat is making new list of builders to be submitted to Govt. Hope these buyers also contact them & put name of rusted Lokhande in the list.
