
Saturday, April 16, 2016

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Housing for All or Plain Loot?

Vijay Kumbhar, RTI Activist, on Housing Scams in Pune, Maharashtra:

पुणे शहरासह राज्यात अनेक ठिकाणी प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजनेच्या नावावर अनेक संस्था आणि व्यक्तींनी असे फॉर्म भरून घेण्याचा धडाका लावला असून प्रोसेसिंग फी च्या नावाखाली राजरोस पैसे उकळले जात आहेत. वास्तविक पहाता अशा अर्जांवर प्रक्रिया करण्याचा किंवा लाभार्थ्यांची पात्र अपात्रता ठरवण्याचा अधिकार कोणत्याही खाजागी संस्थेला नाही, तरीही काहींनी राजरोसपणे जाहिरात देऊन हा उद्योग सुरू केला आहे. समाजाच्या तळागाळातील लोकांच्या भावनांशी काही समाजकंटकांनी सुरू केलेला हा खेळ थांबवायला सध्यातरी कोणतीही सरकारी यंत्रणा पुढे सरसावताना दिसत नाही . त्यामूळे अशा प्रकारांना बळी पडणा-याच्या पदरी सरतेशेवटी निराशाच पडणार आहे .

Read more at - प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजनेखाली गरिबांना लुबाडण्याचा उद्योग राज्यात तेजीत, शासनयंत्रणा ढीम्म!

Related Stories:

2) Maple Shelters refund Rs. 1,145 - Grahak Panchayat

1) Maharashtra Housing Day Registration at Maple Office


  1. No doubt that Govt should act but then Govt can't control each & everything what people do. If someone is hell bent in jumping from mountain cliff, what can Govt do ? Idiocy comes for free but with heavy price. Let's not pity the idiots.

    Many people are eager to get CREDAI drink - Bewakoofi ke aage, Pune flat buyer hain !

  2. Dear Monk,
    Everyone has a dream to have his own home. Poor people, who cannot afford to buy costly homes, will of course try to get one, when it is for 5 lacs, an affordable home, even it is based on lottery based system. Nothing wrong to have a Dream home, it's naturally a sentimental thing for all. They better know that Builders are playing fraudulently. However, Being needy buyers, What they think is that, unless they try an opportunity, they won't succeed. So, we should not blame them saying that Idiocy comes for free but with heavy price. Let's not pity the idiots. They are not idiots, they are optimistic.

    1. Dear Ms. Anushka,

      "Everyone has a dream to have his own home."
      - Agreed.

      "even it is based on lottery based system. Nothing wrong to have a Dream home, it's naturally a sentimental thing for all."

      - This is called not lottery but gamble, where idiots go & play at Maple Matka Centre.
      And financial decisions should not be taken on sentiments but on calculations & by head, not heart. Sentiments drive people mad, not calculations.

      "They are not idiots, they are optimistic."

      - Doing paragliding & expecting that one will land safely is called being optimistic BUT jumping without parachute is called being idiotic.

      And do check out latest update - criminal case has been filed against this chor builder, Maple. This is what happens to so called OPTIMISTIC LoL people !

      But then, as it's said - common sense is uncommon !

      Btw, CREDAI is starting new competition for such people - Kaun Banega Ullupati !

  3. Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.(Bible:—James 4:17)

    Awesome efforts of Vijay Kumbhar sir & Akhil Bharatiya Grahak Panchayat Pune, Thanks to them for taking action promptly :)

    Ravi sir thanks for your blogs!
