
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Maple Shelters' Chairman Sachin Agarwal Runs Away as Police Reach to Arrest Him

‘आपलं घर’ प्रकरण : गिरीश बापट आणि पोलिसांदेखत सचिन अग्रवाल पळाला!

‘आपलं घर’ योजनेत हजारो लोकांची फसवणूक करणाऱ्या सचिन अग्रवालवर अजामीनपात्र गुन्हा दाखल झाल्यानंतर पोलिसांनीच त्याला पलायन करण्यात मदत केली आहे.

आज सायंकाळी गिरीश बापट आणि सचिन अग्रवाल एका वृत्तवाहिनीच्या कार्यक्रमात लाईव्ह होते. याची माहिती शिवाजीनगर पोलिसांना मिळाली. पोलीस तातडीनं सचिन अग्रवालला अटक करण्यासाठी संबंधित वृत्तवाहिनीच्या कार्यालयात पोहोचले. मात्र जुजबी चौकशी करुन अग्रवाल इमारतीत नसल्याचं सांगत पोलिसांनी काढता पाय घेतला.

त्यानंतर अगदी पाच मिनिटात कार्यक्रम संपला आणि पालकमंत्री गिरीश बापट खाली आले. आणि त्यानंतर काहीच वेळात आपलं घरचा प्रवर्तक सचिन अग्रवालही इमारतीखाली आला आणि बापट आणि पोलिसांदेखतच त्यानं तिथून एका दुचाकीवरुन पोबारा केला. Read More

Related Story:

1) Maharashtra Housing Day Registration at Maple Office


  1. 2 things need to be immediately investigated -

    1. Why Police did not act swiftly despite being present on the spot, & why wasn't builder chased by cops ?
    2. Were any instructions were given by Minister Girish Bapat to Police ? This has to be investigated even if he belongs to ruling party.

    However, what is certain though is that the builder can run, not flee. This Government has lot to loose if it doesn't act for justice.

  2. hahaha ... this is pune nothing happens to builder here ... here both opposition and ruler are one and the same ... real face behind agarwal could be different.
    what a guardian this is !!!!

    1. LoL. Good one. But I am sure stringent action will be taken against this dacoit of Maple Matka Centre. Just wait & watch the fun.

  3. In our country police do the things when they are told to do but no action is taken when crime is happening. A giant advertisement which was faulty and luring poor people was observed by every one including police officials on senior rank and ministers too. But from there side there was no action taken. Here we should file case against police and ministers. What are they for is big question? Common people likes Vikas with help of Ravi Karandeekar, Vijay Sagar & Vijay Khumbar ran to save poors and took action for making ball rolling.

    We seriously need to question police.

    1. The action has already been initiated. Please understand that legal things are not simple as posting on a blog. You need to appreciate that the Govt machinery acted within 3 days of this gimmick done by Maple Matka Centre.

  4. Replies
    1. हे बघा वराती मागून घोड ...घे दगड घालून डोक्यात

    2. Read earlier blogs of Ravi to get your answer.

  5. This can turn out to be yet another scam where source collects nominal registration amount which becomes huge pile of cash due to large no of subscribers. Say 1 lac people register for cheap houses and only 10k allotted. But builder still creams it out with registration amount. And who shouts if they shoot prices by 20-30% in future through lame excuses of increased material costs, labor, gov permissions etc? People had already smelled such proxy schemes in Rs. 251 smartphone. And this has been happening in American Visa applications for ages, only exception is that the source is USA, hence our born DNA treat them genuine. If maple builder is genuine, they must return registration amount in case of failure to furnish an apt.

  6. They are ready to return the amount . He had dreamt to provide the masses housing . But however small mistake of printing photo has caused and eventually the dreams of masses to shatter

    1. Wrong.
      First, it's not just photos but mentioning on ad as if this project is of Pradhanmantri Awaas Yojana.

      Second, this builder doesn't dream to provide any type of housing but only con buyers & earn quick money.

      Check this link on Ravi's blog about this crook builder abandoning project after taking money from buyers :
