
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Aura City Shikrapur Flat Buyers took over the site office

"No Construction, No Office" -
Protesting Flat buyers tell Jalan Group,
the builder of Aura City at Shikrapur.

Aura City Shikrapur Flat Buyers took over the site office

Yesterday afternoon, angry housewives of Aura City Shikrapur flat buyers sealed the site office of Jalan Group.

"What is the point in keeping the site office open when construction of Aura City is stalled?" - asked angry housewives to the bouncers of Jalan Group who were there to protect the office.

"Don't sit idle in the site office - start construction" - the angry housewives told the staff of Jalan Group.

"No more promises - we want performance - we want our homes" - the angry housewives told Jalan Group.

As Mr. Sameer Jalan of Jalan Group had told me in my last blog - Absconding Builders & Abandoned Housing Projects in Pune, in the second half of January 2016, Sameer had visited Aura City at Shikrapur, two three times.

However, there was no action at the site.
Mr. Jalan didn't start construction of the stalled Aura City.

To motivate Mr. Sameer Jalan to resume construction of Aura City Shikrapur, the housewives politely told his staff to vacate the office & go home.

What next?
Will the flat buyers take over the abandoned Aura City and complete it on their own?

"Don't sit idle in the site office - start construction" - the angry housewives told to the staff of Jalan Group

Related Story:

How to avoid being duped by the nexus of builders, banks & architects?

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  1. Great. But does this gives builder an excuse that buyers are not allowing him to carry his work from legal point of view?

  2. Great job, Lets do press conference too so that we can put builders wrong working in public.

    1. We must think logically and no drama...

      Anyway if we would have been logical, we would not have been duped.

  3. I feel we need to channalize energy of agitating buyers. Instead if these actions which are purely emotional outbursts they should hit where it hurts.... File case in consumer courts..supreme court had made it mandatory that respondent should reply with in 45 days...and cases are now also expedited...

  4. We are not stopping his (builder) work. We always welcome his work and respect his all commitment with petions ....But he taking benifit of our petions. He stopped work almost from one year and giving only date and date for possession with emotional commitment. It first commitment started from diwali 2013 and height is he given commitment on letter head also with good compensession. And still he giving only false comitment...Thanks Ravi sir for esclating our issue on this platform.

    1. Why you dont go and file case in consumer court? How long you can just wait? Would you agree on new dates by builder?

    2. Why do you assume that Aura City flat buyers haven't filed or not thinking of filing the case in consumer court?

    3. If they have or doing so now then its a great news. Puting pressure on builder to complte his work should be a priority.

  5. This is very important lesson to the builders, as they think that nobody can does nothing against any wrong things, it may be bad construction, delay passation, false commitment, Salute to all those who can does this. A Great movement. It's a beginning,

    1. File a case...thats the right way. Sealing his office wont help.

    2. Certainly, filing a case in the consumer court is the right way. But it is not the only way!

    3. Agree. But also taking law in our hand would create only a problem.

    4. @satyamev J
      We are already in process of filling case in consumer court and as well we planning all other possible way....only builder have right to do illegal things??

    5. Fantastic. File a case and keep updating this page with the force be with you guys...!

  6. agreed with ravisir.....
    Certainly, filing a case in the consumer court is the right
    way. But it is not the only way!

    builders are habitual for all legal ways...
    all aura city buyers are waiting for possession since last 4 years..
    and they are not sure whether the are going to get their dream home or not....

    Architects are giving fake certificates and and so called customer oriented banks are disbursing loans on such certificates.....

    MSEB is just printing electricity bills where as electrical meters are not installed...

    many buyers are living without parents as lifts are not functional...

    aura housewives are not allowing their children's to go out side as conditions in front of building are not safe for them...
    Sanctioning authorities are just sanctioning projects without checking the realities....

    No government authorities are taking follow ups to the builders regarding any of the compliance(i.e. solar water heater,greenery,water harvesting,internal roads etc)...

    Income tax department is not giving tax benefits for buyers who are already in huge loss because of delayed possession....
    Police are not registering FIR easily.

    सब लोग हमारा जीना मुश्किल कर रहे है....हम लोग ही सिर्फ legal तरिकेसे सोचे क्या????

    of course these buyers are fighting in court as well...
    but builder is least bothered about it

    1. I can understand your pain brother. I am in the same boat. Please keep posting updates here.

    2. Completely agree with you Vikas.
      Buyers need to fight against injustice of builder inside as well as outside the court & this is indeed a good start. Kudos to all buyers who did this.
      By doing this existing buyers are helping in a way by not letting new people become a victim of chor builder.

      And do post your experiences at :

      The PMO does look into each & every post & does take action on the same. Mentioning your problem alongwith request for early implementation of RE Regulator will be very good thing to start with.

      And don't give up your fight, remember, that buyers can exist without builder as buyers have option to build homes on their own or stay on rent but builders can't survive without buyers, which is why we see many builders in Pune going bankrupt.
      Wish you all the best & hope you get the possession with all approvals of your flat soon.

  7. I think people who all are duped by builder should send the letters directly to CM. Requesting government to blacklist these builders and their associate companies and ask courts to expedite the cases against them. Once one or two builders go behind the bars there people are not going to take flat buyers seriously.


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