
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Wage War Against Wagholi Mafia

Flat buyers in Suyog Nisarg appeal to all residents of Wagholi to unite & wage a war against the nexus of Pune builders & local mafia:

Wage War Against Wagholi Mafia

To protect the future of our children - we have to free Wagholi from Mafia Raj today.

We have to unite & destroy the evil nexus of builders in Pune & local Mafia gangs in Wagholi.

This nexus controls all essential services - water, housekeeping, security, repairs & maintenance etc. By charging exorbitant rates for these services local Mafia gangs extorts money from the societies in Wagholi.

If we don't unite & end the Mafia Raj in Wagholi - our families & our investments would be in danger.

In the video interview given to me, on behalf of the residents of Suyog Nisarg, Anirudh & Sujit have made the above appeal to all societies in Wagholi.

Mafia?! I hope, you are not exaggerating - was my first reaction when they told me about this.

Haven't you seen our photos on Facebook? - Anirudh asked.

Of course, I saw. Since Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' - everybody posts sweeping & cleaning photos! I said.

Ours is 'Swachh Wagholi Abhiyan' - said Anirudh and told in detail how the builder appointed housekeeping agency threatened the residents of Suyog Nisarg when they tried to appoint a new agency.

Your society is in my area. You must give housekeeping contract to me. You must pay my rates - irrespective of whether you like my services or not. The builder appointed housekeeping agent told the residents in plain words.

This is not only about one service, one service provider, one project. It's about all service providers in all projects in the entire Wagholi.

Only way to stop them from looting us - is the unity of all flat buyers & investors in all projects in Wagholi.

That's why we are appealing all societies in Wagholi - to contact us on 91 93 70 11 62 28 to prepare the plan of action. M/s Anirudh & Sujit said.

To know more, please, view their video & share your views in the comments.

Housekeeping (HK) Nightmare in Suyog Nisarg:

Housekeeping (HK) Nightmare in Suyog Nisarg:There was an unaccountable agency who was doing HK in Suyog Nisarg....

Posted by Suyog Nisarg on Sunday, January 3, 2016

Tip No. 3: Don't become prisoners of Wagholi

CREDAI Pune Metro Housing Festival 2016 - Mega Property Exhibition on 15th, 16th & 17th January at SSPMS Ground

If you are working in Kharadi & are planning to visit - CREDAI Pune Metro Housing Festival 2016 - Mega Property Exhibition on 15th, 16th & 17th January at SSPMS Ground, think twice before considering a project in Wagholi. Book a flat in Wagholi only if you have guts to join a war against Wagholi Mafia. Otherwise your will spend rest of your life as a prisoner of Wagholi.

Related Stories:

2) Struggling for Survival at Sus

1) Absconding Builders & Abandoned Housing Projects in Pune

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  1. Shame on to police department.. They just ignore this intolerence..A complaint to police commissioner should be made agianst these mafia and builder.

    1. Before blaming the Police dept, have these people complained at local police station ? If not, how can Police take any action ? Blame Police if complaint is lodged & still they don't take any action. And please send letter to CP only if local cops don't take any action, else the CP will say the same thing - Please lodge complaint at local police station & we will surely help.
      Though I may sound like Police spokesperson, do note that there are good & sincere cops too.

  2. Lawlessness at it's level best. This is the case not just at Wagholi but across several fringe areas of Pune. Other issues in fringes apart from water tanker mafia etc. is that of mathadis. Whenever furniture is to be loaded or unloaded from the truck, some goons will come & demand money from the flat buyer. In your earlier blog, you covered Sus area. These mathadis are there even in Sus. If anyone else tries to load or unload the truck, these goons threaten them. And they will take any amount for loading-unloading of truck.
    In almost all cases, these goons have blessings of local politicians who in many cases are themselves local landlords who became rich due to rise in land prices, builders or partners with the builders.

    The only solution to this problem is all such people should send a letter to local SP (don't know whether Wagholi is covered by Pune City Police as it is gram-panchayat so maybe Pune Rural Police) & also highlight these issues in media. Once it is in media, these goons don't bother much as their political masters don't want to get any controversy.
    For those who are yet to buy flats, ensure that you buy flat in good localities or stay on rent in good localities. There is no point in spending lot of money for getting this type of daily nuisance.
    Fall in property prices is good because the bosses of such goons will have less money which will result in lesser money power & thus lesser influence.

  3. Replies
    1. Well, do you really think that issues related to house-keeping services in Wagholi are for CM to look into ? This is like blaming Army, Navy & Air-Force if petrol is stolen from bike !
      Don't get me wrong but there is huge, huge difference between not getting completed flat from builder & having problems related to house-keeping agencies.

      @ Wagholi or any village flat buyers,

      You have voluntarily purchased flat in village & the PMC won't be coming there for giving water, sewage disposal, roads etc. This is true for all buyers buying flats in villages. Builder will promise you moon as usual. Wagholi gram panchayat has passed resolution recently that they will oppose merger with PMC.

      For any illegal activity affecting you, do lodge FIR at nearest Police station. Most issues are sorted out at this level itself.

      Leopard attack in Wagholi (I think this is near KUL Nation) -

      Wagholi residents say smoke does not let them breathe easy; move out of apartments -

      For such reasons only, it is always said by Ravi to buy ready possession flat in area having basic infrastructure.

  4. When the culture of the society is "be selfish" and "easy money", this is what happens.

    These guntha mantris are now running out of cash after selling their land and splurging the money and now they have found these new tactics.

    I say call 100 and report the incident. I have been very happy with Pune police response as and when I have called them for reporting a crime.

  5. You Sir are amazing!!! What a courageous thing you are doing with keeping this blog up and running!
    Thank you for all your updates & efforts! Once agin you are amazing!

  6. They should have named the Mafia house keeping agency and person who is threatening the residents. There are 600 Resident families they should be united and take action against the Mafia. This is the real ground situation of Law & Order in Pune. Poor IT guys and educated people migrating to pune and living a scared insecure life and no one taking action. Still all putting money in third class constructions.

  7. I have visited Wagholi Kesnand Road last week, planing to buy Flat 2BHK in Konark Orchid. Can you please share your views.

