
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Whitefield at Sus will be launched on 1st December 2015

Whitefield at Sus - 1 BHK, 2 BHK & 2.5 BHK Flats on Baner Hinjewadi Road - Possession on 1st December 2018:

Whitefield at Sus - Elevation
Whitefield at Sus - Layout

Today, Balaji Alliance Developers will officially launch Whitefield at Sus.
Besides convenient location at Sus Gaon
- on 60 meter wide road
- near Baner & Hinjewadi
main attractions of Whitefield are -
01) Transparent & fair terms of transaction in the agreement
02) Assured Possession
03) Competitive launch property rates
04) Property Rate Protection
05) Rs. 10,000 per month per flat penalty in case of delay in possession
06) Optimum room sizes
07) Need based - utility oriented - flat layouts
08) Essential infrastructure
09) No swimming pool
10) Easy to maintain elevation
11) Close to reserved green zone
12) Potential for appreciation
13) Ready to rent flats with basic fittings & fixtures
14) Close to Mumbai Bangalore Highway - suitable for investors from Mumbai & Western Maharashtra.
In this video, Mr. Kedar Vanjape, has explained all these features in Marathi. Have a look -

If you prefer English, you can view the video of Kedar - briefing creative team of Amura Marketing Technology. (Amura is selling Whitefield. One more unique feature!)

Please, read the comments on my blog - Amura to market Whitefield at Sus. Mr. Kedar Vanjape has not only answered the questions but has appealed to all property buyers to book a flat only after checking title of land, sanctions - approvals - clearances from sanctioning authorities, banks & financial institutions, draft agreement etc.

For precautions & tips in Hindi about buying a flat in Pune real estate market, please, view the video of Mr. Vijay Sagar of Grahak Panchayat.

To know more about Whitefield at Sus, please, contact:

Akhil Honalikar, Kedar Vanjape Developers Pvt. Ltd.
Mobile : +91 99223 88333 Office Phone: 020 2553 8833 / 2553 8844

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Of course, for a serious discussion, better fix an appointment at a time convenient to both of us. So that we can have uninterrupted & in depth discussion on my mobile (919860044110)
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- or on Skype (ravikarandeekar) .

For more than 3 minutes and up to 30 minutes - pay as you wish. After the conversation - transfer the money to my bank account. As much as you wish. From a few hundred to a few hundred thousand crore of U S Dollars or Indian Rupees. Here are my bank account details:

Ravindra Karandeekar,
Bank of Maharashtra.
Savings A/c no- 20047674794.
Branch- Bajirao Road Pune MICR Code 411014010.
IFSC- MAHB0000001



  1. Hi Ravi,

    I was expecting some pictures of launch. Seems you didn't went to the site.
    Also, no one is answering whether this project has got environment clearance or not which I had asked even in your previous blog post.

  2. Dear monk, Whitefield doesn't require any environmental clearance so the question doesn't arise and if u read my reply to the blog, there is no launch ceremony at all! Construction has started in full swing and that's the only launch! U r most welcome to visit!

    1. Thanks for the info. Seems Whitefield is smaller than 200,000 sq ft.

  3. Ravi can update the construction progress directly without any launch formalities! Those who are seriously interested in buying a flat, are visiting the site directly for all the details!

  4. For any under construction project, irrespective of builder, project -

    Add tax like VAT, service tax etc which is not there for ready for possession flats, so in under construction, total cost of ownership is much higher than shown on builder price sheet due to these taxes. Add to it the holding cost and the pre-EMI which are paid in just launched projects, total cost of ownership post possession changes. The income tax benefit under 80C is also not there during construction stage.
    As Ravi rightly says, when you buy in under-construction project, you are not a buyer but an investor, partner of builder.

    As far as Whitefield is concerned, some questions are still unanswered :

    No penalty on buyer incase of reasonable delay but delay will cause cancellation of agreement. This 'reasonable delay' is vague term. It will be good if we know the exact time, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month etc.

    Incase of delay of flat possession (assuring physical possession only, not with completion certificate), Rs.10,000 per month compensation to buyers is fine but actually it is hardly 2-3% interest of the amount paid to builder, which is peanuts. It means, incase of delay, builder will pay 2-3% interest.

    The good thing for buyers though is recently National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) ordered 12% compensation for delay in flat possession to the builder, followed by 18% interest if builder missed the next deadline.
    This is a very good verdict for flat buyers for any project across the country.

    Water supply not present, it will be tanker dependent. So even after spending 40-70L, buyer is dependent on water tanker. The 200 ft wide road is also on paper & builder certainly won't refund money with interest if 200 ft wide road doesn't come up. Baner flat buyers are still waiting for tar roads, streetlights -

    Rate protection is unique idea but what if builder takes money from buyer at ongoing rate and give a cheque of discounted amount to buyer and show to everyone that price has not reduced ?
    When prices will fall, ready for possession flats price at other locations in Pune will also fall. If buyer can afford to buy flat for Rs.X at Sus today, he can afford to buy flat at more developed areas at same Rs.X or less tomorrow after price fall. Good thing is builder himself admitted in video that just like people do black ticketing of movie tickets, builders are doing the same for flats. This again shows prices are artificially kept high.
    Maybe this is reason builder is putting rate protection clause, which shows that at the back of his mind, builder also knows about impending price fall in real estate market.

    However, one thing which I must say Ravi is, this builder atleast came out in open and shared his views publicly which is indeed good. Actually, lot of good interaction can take place if builders & buyers use your blog to share views and information, but builders simply don't want to listen & unnecessarily give additional work to already over-burdened cops by filing FIR against you. Frustration at level best due to poor sales. Full name of the organization should be changed to CREDAI FIR PUNE. Lol.

  5. In 14 points mentioned above -

    2. It should be assured 'physical' possession as completion may or may not come by this time,
    3. Launch rates as said before are practically not 4450 but 4850-4900 psf on saleable area after adding infrastructure charges,
    5. 10,000/month penalty works out to be hardly 2-3% of flat price. Ideally it should read 2-3% interest from builder incase of delay*,

    4. Very important aspect of 'Price Protection' - this is still not clearly talked about.
    I am sure there must be some *terms & conditions apply which is nowhere mentioned, in the blog or in video. It will be good to have some clarity on it.

    Water issue is not being discussed. Prima facie it looks like project will be completely water tanker dependent, just like several others in Balewadi, Hinjewadi, Bavdhan.

    Buying under construction flat is risky, nor is it value for money as rents are just around 1.5% of flat price, and as you have rightly suggested many times, it is best to buy ready for possession flats with all sanctions.
