
Monday, December 14, 2015

Misty Trails Hadapsar Flat Buyers to File FIR against Bhujbal Brothers

The first step on the way to victory:

Suraj Raman Bhujbal & Flat Buyers in Misty Trails at Kondhwa Police Station

Last weekend, after struggling for more than 2 months to file FIR - First Information Report - against their builder - Bhujbal Brothers Construction Company - the flat buyers in Misty Trails - located on Handewadi Road in Hadapsar, Pune - managed to record their statements in Kondhwa Police Station.

Along with them, the police also took the statement of Suraj Raman Bhujbal of Bhujbal Brothers.

Now, we will consult our lawyers and let you know whether FRI can be registered against your builder - police told the flat buyers.

After a week, the police told the flat buyers in Misty Trails that they need some more time to decide whether to register or - not to register - the FIR against Bhujbal Brothers.

However, the flat buyers in Misty Trails are hopeful. They believe that they have only one enemy. The builder. Rest of the world - including the police - are with them.

The FIR would be their first step towards victory.

By victory they do not mean to send the builder to jail.

Victory means to force Bhujbal Brothers to work. To construct.

Victory for them means - completion of their project Misty Trails & getting possession of their affordable 1 BHK - 2 BHK Flats.

For me, even registering statement against the builder in the police chowki - itself is a big victory.

Not because - I believe in what Pune builders claim - No police chowki in Pune will let any property buyer register a FIR against the builder.

But because, I know for sure, not a single property buyer in Pune has guts to register even a simple complaint against the builder in a police chowki.

If the property buyers had the guts - you would have found - thousands & thousands of complaints against all builders - in almost all police chowkis in Pune.

Most of the property buyers in Pune are so afraid of the builders - they prefer to eat the builder's shit - than email or whatsapp the complaint - FIR - to the police.

This is not only Misty Trails Flat Buyers' Tragedy.
This is every Pune property buyers' tragedy.

To support and admire 'courage - determination - unity' of the flat buyers in Misty Trails - I went to Kondhwa Police Station. I talked with them. And shot a few videos too. (Since I shot the videos at the tea stall, at the gate of police station, you will hear a lot of disturbance in the audio & video.)

You will easily identify yourself with 'tragic sufferings' of Mr. Vibhor Bhatia, the flat buyer in Misty Trails. Some of you may be facing the same issues. Many of you may face the same issues in the near future.

Because, the modus operandi is classic. Every builder in Pune follows it. A few property buyers escape. But most of the property buyers become victims of the builder.

Between 2008 & 2012, Bhujbal Brothers launched multiple projects. Without all essentials sanctions & approvals. Organized lavish marketing events. Released full page ads. Offered attractive schemes & competitive property prices. Obviously, received good bookings.

Impressed by all these marketing activities - naive property buyers assumed that Bhujbal Brothers must be a big builder. Some took efforts and found out that the builder's track record was okay. His history in Kothrud was good. Only Vatika at Balewadi had some issue about delayed possession. Chalta Hai.

How could Bhujbal Brothers manage to do this all?
Of course, by borrowing money.

How could so many property buyers manage to book so many flats?
Of course, by borrowing money.

Eventually, lack of sanctions & approvals created problems. Over borrowing created problems. Over trading - launching more projects at the same time - created problems. Dispute with landlords created problems. The problem in one project created problems in other projects. Result is all projects suffered. Contractors payments were delayed. Eventually all projects were stalled. Misty Trails was one of them. From March - April 2014 construction of Misty Trails is stalled. (But you can not prove it. Because you see couple of workers always doing some insignificant activity at the site!)

What does a builder do when he does not have enough money to complete the project? He lies. Avoids property buyers, borrowers, contractors & suppliers. Gives false excuses. Gives false commitments. And creates more problems. Originally possession of Misty Trails was in March 2014. Then he postponed it in December 2014. Then March 2015. Then December 2015. At Kondhwa Police Station, Suraj Raman Bhujbal promised to give possession in December 2016.

Sounds familiar! Right? You & your builder followed the same script. Right?

You are also waiting for possession. By paying the rent & EMI - you are also financially broke. You have also started feeling guilty for risking your family's life. You are also feeling that you are the most stupid - brainless - inferior human being on this earth. Against the powerful builder - you are nothing but helpless creature. Right?

But the flat buyers in Misty Trails refused to become victim like you. They came together. Formed group. Forced Suraj Raman Bhujbal to meet them. Not once but twice. When Bhujbal Brothers failed to fulfil its commitments - they decided to file FIR.

Filing FIR means - to record that Bhujbal Brothers is not doing his job for which he is paid for.
Police record of the deficiency in his service.
And official announcement of - The property will not tolerate it.
Public announcement of not remaining as a victim of Bhujbal Brothers.

All of them have decided to get possession of their flats. With or without Bhujbal Brothers Construction Company.

I am sure, the property buyers in other projects of Bhujbal Brothers will soon join them.

What about you? Are you ready to stand against your builder?

The site of Misty Trails, on Handewadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune - Photo Visit on 5th December 2015:

Digital Layout Plan - Visit Bhujbal Brothers Construction Company - Misty Trails - 1 BHK 2 BHK Budget Flats - Shops - Offices - Sr No 65 Handewadi Road - Near JSPM College - Hadapsar - Pune
C & D Buildings 5 Slbas - Foundation of B Building - Visit Site of Bhujbal Brothers Construction Company - Misty Trails
Foundation of B Building - Visit Site of Bhujbal Brothers Construction Company - Misty Trails
2 Slabs of A Building - Visit Site of Bhujbal Brothers Construction Company - Misty Trails
A Building - Visit Site of Bhujbal Brothers Construction Company - Misty Trails -
Shops in A Building & View of Visit Site of Bhujbal Brothers Construction Company - Misty Trails -
Cutting of Steel - Visit Site of Bhujbal Brothers Construction Company - Misty Trails -
Dinesh & Aparna at A Building - Visit Site of Bhujbal Brothers Construction Company - Misty Trails
Bhujbal Brothers Construction Company's One More Stalled Project - Forest Mist 2 BHK Flats - opposite Misty Trails -

Related Stories:

6) Brief Overview of an FIR

5) Reporting a Crime: All about lodging an F.I.R with the Police

4) Bhujbal Brothers & Vatika at Balewadi Pune - Share Your Experience - First Time Home Buyers Can Learn a Lot from Your Experience!

3) Delayed Possession of Flat....Stalled Project....What can Pune property buyers do? The Case of Sanklecha Mango Woods, 2 BHK Homes at NIBM, Kondhwa, Pune

2) Is Flat Buyers Direct Intervention The Only Solution for Marvel Realtors Problems?

1) 32 Flat Buyers & Hubtown Countrywoods - David & Goliath

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  1. Thanks so much sir for covering our pain and agony. I hope people come forward to help us to get our rights and value for money . we all flat buyers Buyers are in miserable state. Buyers be aware of bhujbal brothers and company

  2. We all are facing the same situation as expressed by Mr.Vibhor.Some of us even don't have agreement.Bhujbal keeps postponing the things.Its high time he took this project seriously.

  3. Thank you for posting video.

    I am also one of victims of Bhujbal Brothers con. Company.

    I have given my father retirement money to Bhujbal and booked flat in 2012.
    I am also depressed, if anything happens with me then only Bhujbal is responsible for same.

    Niraj Dhamangave
    You are very correct.

  4. This Builder and company is total fraud.. i have booked flat in Misty trails site. All these sites like forest mist and misty trails are launched way back in 2012 and still work is not completed. Misty trails site work is just 20% completed. I have sold my own 1 BHK flat to have 2 BHK but now am staying on rent from past 2.5 years and also paying home loan EMI. We had couple of meetings with the builder and he is just saying i will do the work but when only god knows. Builder giving false commitments and answers even in front of the police and Grahak Panchayat People.

  5. Hi Ravi
    Thanks for this blog. It suddenly reminds me that I suggested my cousin to go for this project in the year 2011-2012, but after checking with few of Bhujbal's customer I got a little bit suspicious about the financial stability of this builder and later on we changed our decision to go for RTM flat. Small investigation proved a lot beneficial here.
    The problem with such small builders (less than 500 Cr of turnover) is we dont even know how weak their financials are. Is there any mean to get this information?
    In current situation I think it makes scene to buy read possession flats (not even 'nearing possession') to avoid this.
    I hope the new regulation bill for real estate will stop this.

    1. Absolutely correct... in recession time.. to purchase ready possession flat would be more beneficial.

    2. Absolutely correct... in recession time.. to purchase ready possession flat would be more beneficial.

  6. I m one of the victim of bhujbal brothers...I sold ornaments of my wife n mother for buying flat. What I got is only false commitment from bhujbal. I can not go for cancellation also because who has cancelled and got cheque are bounced. God please help

    1. File case in consumer court. Grahak Panchayat will help you.

      Maharashtra State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission,
      Old Administrative Staff College Bldg.,
      Opp. C.S.T. Station,
      Hazarimal Somani Marg,
      MUMBAI – 400 001

      Find more details -

  7. Thanks a lot Ravi sir ! All above writtened is only truth... We all are ssuffering alot for this project.
    I have booked a flat in B Wing and paid almost 35% amount of my deal but No work from the day I have booked the flat.
    First I tried for agreement but no response from builder side, After 6 months I tried to cancel my booking but no positive response from builder nothing about returning money.
    Builder playing Very cheap politics customers.

  8. Thanks a lot Ravi Sir, for detailed information, at least the person reading this will get clear cut idea about builder.

    same story with another project "Forest Mist"
    1) Bookings/agreement started from Jan-2012
    2) Earlier possession promised as Dec-2013
    3) Then Apr - 2014, then Dec - 2014, then Apr-2015, then Dec-2015
    4) And now builder saying wait for 5-6 months
    5) I already mentioned details comments
    See more at:

  9. First of all, thank you Ravi for highlighting the issues of the flat buyers. I also watched the video. Sorry to say but 2 silly things done by buyers -

    1. Didn't get a proper search report from a property lawyer. We all know nexus between bankers & builders. Don't know what people try to achieve by saving Rs.6-7000 as lawyer fees ?
    2. Disbursement given by buyers without actually verifying the situation on ground.

    What is the solution for these buyers ? Maybe approach consumer court. But till justice comes, they will be having headche & till then, the builder has already enjoyed the buyer's money for free.

    " Eventually, lack of sanctions & approvals created problems. Over borrowing created problems. Over trading - launching more projects at the same time - created problems. Dispute with landlords created problems. The problem in one project created problems in other projects. Result is all projects suffered. Contractors payments were delayed. Eventually all projects were stalled."

    This is true not just with Bhujbal but several other so called major builders. And it's not just over-borrowing but over-greed to make more money from less efforts.
    Launching new projects after stalling older ones is nothing but ponzi scheme.

    I really don't understand that despite all these things, how dumb can flat buyers be that they go & buy in projects which are just launched and without all required approvals, like Paranjape Schemes Happiness hub at khed shivapur or no EMI till possession type gimmicky offers ?

    A very good chart prepared by ArthaYantra based from latest data shows that in city like Pune, even for high income groups, it's best to be on rent as property prices are way too high than their actual worth.

    So in today's time, keep renting, keep saving and buy ready for possession flat having all approvals when prices fall by atleast 50%. This way, financial as well as possession issues, both are sorted out & buyers are then not trapped like they are in such Bhujbal builders or any such builder.
    I wish that these buyers get speedy justice and if builder is found guilty, the punishment should be stringent enough that no other builder would ever dare to give such treatment to his flat buyers.

  10. All are white collar sharks time has come to take bull by there horns jai Hind

  11. Nice start indeed. If a buyer stand and file an FIR and police accepts it I agree that it is very good start. I think police should make a special cell for such kind of FIRs and Government should make a rule that such of kind of crimes will be considered equal to horrible crimes like murder/rape. The reason of comparing builder's act with murder because a person put all his life savings in such projects and then after taking money builders start giving such excuses. Even if there is some real problems with project. But how can government allow such builders to run such projects and play with lives of people. Its high time buyers/ investors on human grounds should stop putting money in such flimsy projects and let the prices come down.

    1. For this there is a special wing in commissioner office called economic offence wing one can approach them.

  12. Thank you very much Ravisir,
    With this effort of yours at least we have a ray of hope,
    I am one of the victim in the project & have paid 90% of the amount but don't even have an agreement done from the builder, Whenever I ask for the same I only get a false commitment, "pudcha week madhe karu"
    The project is absolutely in stand still position & the photographs reflect nothing else but the truth. We all buyers have put our hard earned money but have received nothing accept false commitment since last two years.
    I hope & pray that with efforts from you and core committee (which is formed by the buyers), this dark tunnel in which we all are has some light in the end.

  13. First I would like to thank Ravi Sir,to give his valuable time and to describe the situation of Misty trail flat buyers.I am a flat buyer in Misty trail project of Bhujbal brothers construction company. I booked a 1bhk flat in misty trail on March 2013.possession date according to agreement was April 2015.But till date only First floor of A building is completed. I Withdrawer money from my EPF to book this flat ,but I have nothing in my hand. Like other my situation is also miserable. I am paying rent and EMI both.No relief in tax.
    Ravi Sir has described our situation. Every thing is true in that blog.This builder 'Suraj Raman Bhujbal'is spoiling his father's name and the company's name which is formed by his father. This builder is totally fraud.Suraj Bhujbal always gives false commitment.Never keeps his promises. I hope after reading this blog many people will come to know that how fraud is Bhujbal brothers construction company. Many of his projects are like this only.So I want to say for new buyers that be completely sure while purchasing any property. Don't go with name only.Do proper investigation about builder, about property, about current situation of builder.In present situation, I will suggest do not go for under construction property.
    And lastly I would like to thank all the members of misty trail those who were present on that day on kondhava police station. Guys this is only the begning and we have to go a long way ahead. So be unite, be strong and have patience. Together we will achieve our goal.We will show Bhujbal brothers construction company that what can we do.These builders are because of us,we are not because of them.Without customers they are nothing. So I request all customer to be united all the time and show them'builders' their'aukat'.

  14. Mr. Ravi your article is reallyyyy GREAT, you are able to put in words exactly , especially your line "Sounds familiar! Right? You & your builder followed the same script. Right?"

    Its a one line summary of the issue faced by most..


  15. Thanks Ravi Sir for supporting us….!!!!
    Myself and my wife also are victim of this delayed project. We were also dreaming to purchase our own house because owning house is a really great pleasure. With perusing attractive advertisement and brand name of Bhujbal Brothers Construction Company we booked 1BHK flat at Misty Trails project on 01.01.2013. For paying down payment I sold jewelries of my mother and wife, withdrew PF from my account and borrowed money from money lenders with high rate of interest to pay amount quickly to Builder.
    Builder’s sales representatives and manager gave us false information about future progress of site. Since 1 year we are waiting for possession of our flat but till date only we are getting false commitments from this irresponsible builder and his employees.
    I saw to Mr Suraj Raman Bhujbal at Kondhawa Police Station. His behavior and reactions was like an irresponsible person. He has no any concerns with middle class people like us. Now I am paying rent, EMI on monthly basis and tax relief/ exemption till date and this is all because of him only.
    Now we all are together ready to fight with this builder and hoping best justice from authority of consumer court.
    My humble request to all new flat buyers, to go with ready possession flat in recession time, to check everything about all legal compliance, take an advice from parents and consultants like Mr Ravi Karandeekar wherever it’s necessary before investing our savings.

  16. Builder Should Expedite the construction and give the possession as soon as possible. Police should take action against Builder ASAP>

  17. I have booked a flat in Bhujbal Brothers 'Valay' project. He is doing same thing in valay. He is unnecessarily delaying the project. As per my agreement I suppose to get a possession in Oct' 2014. But still we got nothing. Valay 'C' wing has 11 floors but current condition is that only 4th slab is completed. We are also facing more issue due to delay in possession as we are paying Bank's full EMI with Interest & also Rent. Builder is giving only false commitment about possession.

  18. Flat buyers of Misty trials you have my support !!!
    These builders think nobody can't do anything & they loot the hard earned money of Common man. These builders should be punished accordingly too in order to set examples for others to stop following the same trait.

  19. What is the update on current status after a month now ? Has Bhujbal builder started work on the project or situation is at it was a month back ? If nothing has happened, it is high time to file case in consumer court now.

  20. What is the outcome of consumer case ? Will the builder return money with interest to the buyers ?
