
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Pune Builders, Join Hands to Eradicate Corruption - Grahak Panchayat

Protest is good. But not enough.
To eradicate corruption builders & property buyers must join hands:

For years, corruption was builders' Aladdin's Genie! Even for a normal & regular work, builders were paying bribes to big & small politicians, bureaucrats & their peons to get the things done. And they were happy about it.

The bribes have become just an additional expenses - administration charges - extra fees. Which any builder can easily recover by looting property buyers. By hiking property prices. By charging exorbitant amounts for Infrastructure, MSEB, Society Formation, Legal Fees, Preferential Location Charges (PLCs), Floor Rise, etc.

Fact of the matter is, the builders have become looting agents of politicians & bureaucrats in Maharashtra. Corruption has given them license to loot property buyers. Real estate industry has become 'criminal enterprise' of corrupt politicians & bureaucrats.

But after the suicide of Mr. Suraj Parmar of Cosmos Group and president of Thane chapter of Maharashtra Chamber of Housing Industry (Credai-MCHI), builders suddenly realized that they themselves have become the victim of corruption. The corrupt politicians & bureaucrats are exploiting them too. And, they are as vulnerable as property buyers.

The corruption is no more an Aladdin's Genie. Corruption is a monster. Builders have realized. On 13th October 2015 they have decided to protest against corruption. All the members of CREDAI, are going to observe protest with closure of offices, sites office, registration and construction work throughout the country.

Good! Protest against corruption is a good step. But not enough to eradicate corruption.

To clean the system by eradicating corruption builders have to do much more than one day protest. They have to join hands with the property buyers. Says Mr. Vijay Sagar of Akhil Bharatiya Grahak Panchayat Pune.

Together we can open a war against the corrupt system & win it too. Says Vijay Sagar.

Of course, first builders must stop looting & extorting property buyers. The builders have to rationalize the property rates. Stop demanding exorbitant charges for Infrastructure, MSEB, Society Formation, Legal Fees, Preferential Location Charges (PLCs), Floor Rise, etc.

If the builders do this - property buyers will help & assist them to get sanctions & approvals, NOCs, completion & occupancy certificates and all required services from collector, town planning, PMRDA, PCMC & PMC offices - fast & without paying any bribe. Says Vijay Sagar.

Together we can fight for rationalization of ready reckoner rates, low stamp duty, VAT, service charges, double taxation and all other issues.

Together we can fight for low development charges, better infrastructure & efficient implementation of development plans.

Even for fair real estate bill.

Grahak Panchayat believes that property buyers & builders are actually two sides of the same coin. Our interests are common. We all are consumers of the state & local government.

And at the end of the day - the bribes you pay is our - property buyers - hard earned money.

If the property buyers refused to pay - the builders will be Na Ghar Ke Na Ghaat Ke.

Instead of that, if builders join hands with property buyers - it will become people's movement against corruption. And you know, corrupt politicians & bureaucrats have always proved powerless against the people's movements.

So, if you are truly against the corruption - members of CREDAI Pune Metro, Marathi Bandhkam Vyavsayik Association and all other associations of the builders & developers - you must join hands with property buyers. Together we will eradicate corruption. That would be true Shradhanjali to Mr. Suraj Parmar of Cosmos Group. Says Mr. Vijay Sagar is this Hindi video.

Related Stories:

1) Credai calls nationwide protest in solidarity with Suraj Parmar

2) 'Fee' for every square foot - Builders reveal bribe chart

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  1. i have a very strong feeling that nearly every builder in Pune is close to bankruptcy. There has been no cash flow due to almost zero sales and reduced launches. It is times like these that call for desperate measures like property flash sales, pre launch schemes and systematic brainwashing of the masses (by using the same ploy that mutual funds use every day printing one page on how you need 34 crores to peacefully retire 40 years from now and that you should start saving in a SIP ).

    It is my humble request to all Pune buyers to not just blindly participate in these protests but to actually start refraining from purchasing properties in this volatile market.

    1. Correct GipsyKing. Builders in Pune look close to bankruptcy given the fact the construction is not happening and projects stalled midway. Don't see labourers or material at construction site either. I had called a water proofing guy last week for some issue in dry terrace of my flat. He came with 3 people ! Asked why so many people, he said that he is now doing only private work of residential and commercial and not for builders as he has not been paid close to 4.5 Lakhs by couple of major builders in Pune.

      And like SIP ads you mentioned, CREDAI Pune is now organising yet another property fair. Lol. CREDAI should book some lawns/hotels on monthly basis :D

      Affordability, not rate cuts, to revive real estate sector -

  2. while the incident is indeed a tragedy, it appears more of the end result of self inflicted problems. In order to subvert and sabotage all rules and systems the builders engaged in propagating rampant corruption. Moreover as they shamelessly considered this a a given expense, there was their usual whooping profit margin on these ilicit expenses of bribes as well. Come to think, in each flat of say 50 lakh the bribe component is 2 lakh. So on that too builder claiming profit margin which they could effortlessly earn due to their strong cartel.

    It is very difficult for CREDAI to garner support of sympathy from Buyers.

    And imagine if farmer could strike work like the builders....!

  3. The story of Bhasmasur created by the all mighty Lord Shiva comes to the fore!

  4. Ye thieves are protesting against thieves...Agree there is corruption in corportation...but builders are no less corrupt...not delivering what they promise, cheat consumers with false promises...

    1. Thieves are protesting against theft !! Lol. This is like Ravan complaining about Hanuman !
      Builders won't get even 1% sympathy from buyers, I feel bad when any animal is hurt, but builders ?? Well, excuse me.

  5. I can understand everyone's views about the builders, but before deciding whats right or wrong; just mind one thing, even if hundred people supported in past a bad thing, it doesn't mean the thing is good; such is the case of corruption in real estate! There were good people & there are good people still in the real estate & to retain those good people in the business this fight is a must!
    sanjay deshpande

  6. Issue is not bribes here, issue is builders profits are squeezed due to poor sales. Builders are on verge on bankruptcy, some are already bankrupt like Orbit Corp of Mumbai. Bribes were there earlier, why builders didn't shout then ? Because it suited them then. Today with poor or no sales, they simply can't afford to pay bribes hence all this TAMASHA by builders.

    While scouting for flats, I know builders who boasted that don't worry even if sanctions are not there right now, it will come as we have concerned Govt dept in our pocket. Now what happened ? Pick-pocketed ? Lol.

    I believe in law of karma, what you do, comes back to you.

    What builders are facing now is due their own actions, no sympathy be expected from us, the buyers.

    And I came across really good news, in which our Ravi is also mentioned.

    Unsold units up, building permits down in Pune :

    What ails Pune’s real estate market :

    For buyers like Shinde, the supposed over-inflation of the market is a major cause of holding back. Property watcher Ravi Karandeekar also said that in case of working professionals, the quality of life that is being offered in the areas, is a major reason for them to refrain from investing there.
