
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Is Paranjape Schemes' Offer "The Baap Offer" - The Best Offer - in Pune Real Estate Market?

Mother of All Offers in Pune Real Estate Market is Mont Vert Luxury Homes' Offer:

Is Paranjape Schemes' Offer "The Baap Offer" - The Best Offer - in Pune Real Estate Market?

We, the Pune property buyers, are not orphans.

We not only have a guardian.

We have a mother too.

What about a father?

Help me find our Papa.

How about Paranjape Schemes?

Is Paranjape Schemes' offer - The Father of All Offers?

I think so.

I am happy to have Mummy Mont Vert & Papa Paranjape!

What say you?

Please, share your views in the comments!

Paranjape Schemes' Offer:

Paranjape Schemes' Offer

Click Here to Visit the Original Ad of Paranjape Schemes

Mont Vert Luxury Homes' Offer:

Mont Vert Luxury Homes' Offer

Click Here to Visit the Original Ad of Mont Vert Luxury Homes

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  1. Yet another gimmick which is nothing but old wine in new bottle.

    Paranjape builders -

    Reminded me of your post of DSK of aadhi ghar, mag paise !
    In these offers, the liability of loan remains on buyer, so if builder doesn't pay EMI, the buyer will be labelled defaulter as loan is in his name not builder, apart from which tax issues can also arise. Such scheme has * where builder position is 100% safe even if builder backtracks later.

    To cut long story short, in Paranjape ad, each and every point comes with *.
    This * means lot of pro-builder conditions apply.

    Good article to know more about tricks in such schemes -

    7 Risks Associated with Subvention Scheme :

    Mont Vert -

    Is the builder selling flat or a soap ?
    Rather than giving free* home to buyers, it's better to reduce prices. Seems this is ploy so as to show that rates on paper haven't reduced. It's the affordability which matters, not free gift. Better they reduce rates on all projects than do such gimmicks.

    Be it any offer, Paranjape or Movt Vert, what it clearly shows is builders are having big financial problems and so are desperate and trying various tricks to push the sales. This is the start of price fall in Pune real estate. Certainly the next step going forward will be massive reduction in prices as buyers have become wise enough not to fall prey to such offers.

    Funny part is builders keep coming out with such * 'pro-builder conditions apply' offers and still expect buyers to join their protest march against corruption.

  2. I still believe right location and right price is the only offer which will benefit to the client! Rest all the offers are crap!! We don't even give parking free and we are offering free cars!!

  3. It's only the product that does not sell which needs a lot of advt.
