
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Delayed Possession of Flat....Stalled Project....What can Pune property buyers do?

The Case of Sanklecha Mango Woods, 2 BHK Homes at NIBM, Kondhwa, Pune:

Sanklecha Mango Woods, 2 BHK Homes at NIBM, Kondhwa, Pune - Delayed Possession of Flat? - Stalled Project? - What can Pune property buyers do?

Pune flat byers, please, help the flat buyers in Mango Woods.

Visit Sanklecha Constructions' Mango Woods ( at Survey No. 39/4, Pisoli, behind Kumar Princetown, NIBM Road, Undri (NIBM Annexe), Kondhwa, Pune 411 048(!?)

Inspect the construction status, and please, tell the flat buyers - when they can get possession of their flats.

The other day, I visited Mango Woods. Some work was going on. I visited a few flats. I talked to a couple of flat buyers. But, you know what? I failed to guess the possession date.

Someday - for sure - you will get the possession. That's all I could say.

Sure. Someday - we will. But when? In which year? For the last 3 years - we are waiting for that day. The flat buyers said.

Why don't you ask the builder? I asked.

Yes, we can! The builder will give the date. But not the possession. In the last 3 years he has only given dates - Tarikh Pe Tarikh - not possession. Said the flat buyers.

When you booked the flat - why did you think that the builder will be able to complete the project? I asked.

Sanklecha Constructions is from Nashik - they are in construction for many years - at Nashik their reputation is good - so we assumed that they could - said one flat buyer.

You were right - someday - as per their convenience - they will complete the project & give possession! I said.

Yes! What to do to get it as early as we can? Asked the flat buyer.

What have you done in the last 3 years? I asked.

We have done everything - we could. Collecting mobile numbers & email ids of maximum number of flat buyers. Forming Goolge & Whatsapp groups. Organizing builder & flat buyers meetings. Discussing & negotiating new possession dates. Helping the builder to sell the flats. Persuading flat buyers to pay their outstanding installments. Frequently visiting the site to confirm that the construction work is going on.

What more can we do? The flat buyer asked.

It means that you - the builder and the flat buyers - are on the same page - both of you are working together as a team to complete the project - Right? I said.

Yes! We have practically become - co-promoters!! Said the flat buyer.

When you book a flat - that's what you become! I said.

But we don't have any say - any power - to speed up the construction - we are helpless. Said the flat buyer.

In this situation - can't we do anything more than just waiting anxiously - suffering miserably - can't we do something more than begging for possession? Asked the flat buyer in Mango Woods.

Sure, you can! I will find out and come back to you. I said & took their leave.

So, please, help me find out what flat buyers can do in this situation.

Share what you did - when your possession was delayed.

How did you 'motivate' the builder to complete the project.

Did you take possession of your flat when the project was incomplete?

What did you do? Please, tell me in the comments.

Your experience & suggestions will help the flat buyers in Mango Woods.

Why only Mango Woods?

Many projects in Pune are already delayed. In the next few years - the number of delayed projects will increase substantially. Many builders will vanish forever. More number of projects will be stalled - indefinitely. So, your inputs will help thousands of flat buyers in Pune real estate market!

Flat buyers in Sanklecha Mango Woods, 2 BHK Homes at NIBM, Kondhwa, Pune

Text of Email Correspondence between Mr. Sanklecha, the builder & Mango Woods Flat Buyers' Group:

1) Date: 19 May 2015 19:43
Subject: Moms 3rd meeting

Dear all,

This was a third successful meeting between residents of Mangowoods & Mr Puneet Sankalecha with his team at the premises of Mangowoods.

Team thanks Mr Puneet Sankalecha for sparing his valuable time & specially travelling all the way from Nasik to attend the meeting to show his determination towards successful project completion.

Team observed & brought it to the notice of the developers that the commitments made in the first meeting regarding the deadlines were not coming through including the commitment for MSEB by 15th of the May 2015.

Mr Sankalecha on his behalf explained poor & lack of recovery being a reason behind the slow progress of the project & requested the team to cooperate by releasing the dues.

Team requested Mr Sankalecha to create a joint account whereby one of the team members remains a joint signatory & allows the team to regulate how the funds are assisting the speedy completion of the project.

Mr Sankalecha though considerate towards the above suggestion expressed an inability to comply as there are many partners & legalities involved & instead offered close scrutiny of his accounts by providing regular statements & control over the issued checks which was accepted by the team after deliberation.

He further requested to release the infrastructure cost from those who haven't paid same as it goes into a different account & can be immediately utilised for the project completion & agreed for the close scrutiny & also for checks to be verified of that account .

This suggestion was accepted by the team. Mrs Mayura Patki has agreed to cooperate by providing the list of remaining buyers & their contact emails & phone numbers though the individual dues will not get disclosed to another individual.

We on behalf of team have agreed to explain the situation & the control over the accounts to the rest & try to obtain a cooperation for the recovery of the dues towards an early completion of the project.

Dr Sameer Badami & Mr Saifee Lokhandwala have been chosen as representatives from the team to monitor the accounts & they both have agreed to keep the transparency with the team.

We discussed regarding the possible future location of the clubhouse & other landscapes with Mr Puneet Sankalecha, he has advised Mr Bharat Kohokade to arrange the meeting between the team & his concerned person towards which Mr Bharat has agreed to revert soon.

Team pointed out lack of the aluminium structures shown in the layouts that cover the dry balconies & ducts as shown in actual layout, Mr Puneet agreed to provide them towards completion of the project .

With the consideration of the present situation it is presently assumed that the project has been delayed by approximately a month from previously agreed timeliness.

In all it was a very productive meeting between the Team & the developers & we await the commitments made by Mrs Mayura regd the list & Mr Bharat regd concerned appointments by the end of the day.

Best regard

2) Date: 29 Jun 2015 13:27
Subject: Progress of Work at Mango Woods

Mr Puneet, Mayura and Team,

We had a meeting at the Mango Woods site on Saturday, 27th June to evaluate the progress of work. We understand that A building is nearing completion. However, we would like a definite answer with timelines on the following items:

MSEB: During our initial few meetings, we were told that MSEB work would be COMPLETED by 15th May 2015. There is still no progress on this front. Please provide a definite timeline as to when this will be done.

Water Treatment Plant: After repeated requests, we have still not heard from you guys with regards to the water treatment plant that is mentioned in ALL agreement copies. There was a mention in the meeting by one of your staff that it would be placed between the two buildings but we would like a written confirmation on that front.

This is not something like the LPG connection which was mentioned in the brochure and some of the initial agreements and was later removed. There also seems to be a fair amount of confusion between your staff in the simple difference between a Sewage Treatment Plant and a Water Treatment Plant. We cannot have borewell water pumped directly into the bathrooms for bathing/brushing as the American Standard fittings won't have any 'standard' left within a month of usage. Besides, from a hygiene perspective, direct usage of borewell water is not advisable. Please let us know where the WTP unit will be accommodated and when it will be setup.

Children's Play Area and Community Hall: It was decided during the meeting that the children's play area will be placed in the vacant spot next to the society entrance. The community hall space will be allocated next to the gymnasium. The rationale behind this is that the washrooms etc provided within the gym/swimming pool area can be used during any event that is hosted at the community hall. Besides, from a space utilization perspective, it makes more logical sense. Let us know if there are any issues with this arrangement or if you will be proceeding with this decision.

Backup Generator: We need to know the capacity of the backup generator that has apparently already been ordered. Several members had doubt as to whether the capacity will suffice for all common areas given the total price of the unit. Do share the specification details with the Mango Woods team so that we can evaluate.

Overall Project Completion Timeline: A tentative timeline of July end for A building and two months beyond that for B building was communicated. Most people are fast losing patience and hence it would be good if you can honor these timelines at least this time. A lot of us are losing out on tax benefits against the home loan since we don't have possession. Please take due cognizance of this fact that people are losing a LOT of money cause of this delay.

We are working together to collect funds but it is not our responsibility and more specifically of Dr. Sameer Badami to do the fund collection duty for you guys. It would be prudent for your team to do the required follow up for outstanding payments. We will continue to disburse amounts as we receive them.

At the bare minimum, we expect a reply to this email within the next two days. Please don't make us follow up on phone and SMS for a simple response.

Team Mango Woods

Kitchen, living cum dining, & main door - Sanklecha Mango Woods, 2 BHK Homes at NIBM, Kondhwa, Pune
Kitchen, entrance of 2nd bedroom , dining, & main door - Sanklecha Mango Woods, 2 BHK Homes at NIBM, Kondhwa, Pune
Sliding Door between living & terrace -Sanklecha Mango Woods, 2 BHK Homes at NIBM, Kondhwa, Pune
Master Bedroom with attached toilet - Sanklecha Mango Woods, 2 BHK Homes at NIBM, Kondhwa, Pune
Master Toilet with walk in wardrobe - Sanklecha Mango Woods, 2 BHK Homes at NIBM, Kondhwa, Pune
Work in progress - Sanklecha Mango Woods, 2 BHK Homes at NIBM, Kondhwa, Pune
California from - Sanklecha Mango Woods, 2 BHK Homes at NIBM, Kondhwa, Pune
Kondhwa from Sanklecha Mango Woods, 2 BHK Homes at NIBM, Kondhwa, Pune
Kumar Princetown - Sanklecha Mango Woods, 2 BHK Homes at NIBM, Kondhwa, Pune

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2) What can 3,000 flat buyers of Ackruti Hubtown do?

3) Wake Up, Chief Minister of Maharashtra! It's Your Duty to Protect the Flat Buyers in Hubtown!!

4) What can property buyers do when builder delays project?

5) What is Possession Letter, Occupation Certificate and Completion Certificate?

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Check the Environmental Clearance Proposal Status List before Booking a Flat in Pune Real Estate Market
(Published on

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  1. " Many projects in Pune are already delayed. In the next few years - the number of delayed projects will increase substantially. Many builders will vanish forever. More number of projects will be stalled - indefinitely. So, your inputs will help thousands of flat buyers in Pune real estate market! "

    Aptly put Ravi.
    And with current situation, things are only going to get worse for real estate market.

    For existing buyers, they can approach consumer court but since lot of stakes are at place, proceeding can be an issue collectively as a group. However, if united, this can be worked out.

    Other simple option is cancel booking and get rid of the flat. But today when many builders are facing cash crunch, refund becomes an issue.

    In absence of real estate regulator, the only sure shot way to be safe is to buy a ready for possession flat with clear title, and approvals. This is the only way to have headache free & financially stress free option to buy a flat.

  2. Nice post. Good environment. Good infrastructure. Luxurious apartments. Thanks for posting.!!!
