
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Bhrashtachar Ki Ganga

Builders, Bureaucrats & Politicians Nexus in Pune Real Estate Market:

Mr. Atul Goel of Goel Ganga Group - Builders for Change - Pune Builders' Protest March Against Corruption

Just 2 weeks after the builders in Pune real estate market organized protest march against 'corruption', Mi Marathi channel telecasted special show - Bhrastarachi Ganga - Bhrashtachar Ki Ganga - which exposed the nexus of builder, bureaucrats & politicians. The builder was Goel Ganga Group. The bureaucrats were from Maharashtra Pollution Control Board - MPCB. And the politician was the minister of environment Mr. Ramdas Kadam.

In spite of stop work notice from Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, construction of residential cum commercial project on Sinhagad Road is in full swing. Why? Is it because of some 'mutual understanding' between Goel Ganga Group, MPCB & politicians? Asked Mi Marathi.

MPCB has sent notices to cut water & power supply. But hasn't taken any action. Hasn't implemented the notice. Why? Who is protecting Goel Ganga Group? Asked Mi Marathi.

Mr. Ramdas Kadam, Minister of Environment, is known as "Dabagn Minister". Why isn't Dabang Minister taking an action against the builder who has violated Environment Protection Act? As per Mi Marathi TV Channel, the sanction was for 12 Buildings, 552 Flats & 84 Shops but Goel Ganga Group has constructed 15 Buildings 738 Flats & 115 Shops. Result is - environment is damaged & residents are suffering.

Impose Information Blackout:

महापालिकांच्या अधिका-यांचे आणि बांधकाम व्यावसायिकांचे सख्य हा काही आता लपून राहिलेला विषय नाही. कोणत्याही बांधकाम प्रकल्...

Posted by Vijay Kumbhar on Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Shoot the Messenger!

Curious to know Goel Ganga Group's take on the expose, at Pune East Property Exhibition, organized by CREDAI Pune Metro, I asked salespersons in the stall,"Your company is shining on the TV Channel! Any comments?"

"You know why? It's all because of one disappointed property buyer - who had contacts with the media & RTI activists. He was demanding a few lakhs to settle some construction related issue about his property. But we refused to pay. Because it was not our fault. The disappointed buyer went to media. And - you know - these TV News Channels need news to run it 24 hours," the salesperson in Goel Ganga Group stall said.

"Okay. It means that it's all about running a channel 24 hours. Not about violation - damaging environment - corruption - illegal construction - MPCB - politicians. Right?," I said.

"Didn't I answer your question? You asked me about TV expose!," said the salesperson in Goel Ganga Group.

Shiv Sena Workers Attack RTI Activist With Iron Rod, Blacken His Face

Yes, sir! Your response was classic. You have simply ridiculed the TV Channel, the so called unsatisfied property buyer & the RTI Activist. When you can't win - defeat the enemy by making financial allegation against him. Belittle - downgrade - discredit - the enemy. Shoot the messenger. The issue will eventually perish. Rot out.

Most of the builders & politicians have mastered this skill well. Recently, at the launch of an event, one builder did the same thing with me.

He caught hold of me and said - If you write negative about my offer - I will not spare you. I will not keep mum like other builders. I will tell the whole world that you are a blackmailer. You are writing negative about my offer only because I refused to pay you 5 lakh rupees. Look around - all these people are ready to testify that you demanded money from me & I refused.

He didn't stop here. He winked at his friends and asked - "Did you all hear what Ravi Karandeekar said - If you don't give 5 lakhs - I will write negative about your offer - He tried to blackmail me - You all are witness. Right?"

"Yes! We are!!," said all friends of the builder.

Except one. Because he was shooting the incident on his mobile phone!

Related Story:

1) Why we all must appeal to Guardian Developers to stop '100% Interest Free Homes' offer

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  1. These acts of builders are simply ridiculous. Builders keep destroying nature, don't follow norms, violate the sanctions and if still they fail, they will start blaming politicians, babus, environment activists and media. And as if this is not enough, start threatening, blackmailing people like you. But don't worry Ravi, we all are with you. What builders are doing is just the outcome of frustration of no sales which is leading them towards bankruptcy.

    Now I would like to know how many chaps in CREDAI, MBVA, MCHI will take out morcha against Goel Ganga group office ? And it is these very builders who talk about corruption. This is like Pakistan talking about anti-terrorism !

    Hope Govt takes some stringent action against such builders as well as bring in the real estate regulator without any further delay.

    1. "Now I would like to know how many chaps in CREDAI, MBVA, MCHI will take out morcha against Goel Ganga Group office?" - Great question! I will for answer, TheMonk!!

  2. Ravi ji,
    If you have video of the builder who tried to put false blackmailing allegation on you, can you please make the video public so that he will get exposed.

    1. Dear Sandeep, the builder may have the video. I was alone. I don't have a proof. That's why I haven't mentioned the name of the builder.

  3. Hello Ravi,

    sorry to put this question on this article as it's not relevant.
    But would like to know is it safe to buy a gunthewari property with approved loan from HDFC bank.

    1. Safe means what? What is the connection between HDFC loan & safety?

  4. New video -
    Builder gave very, very small area than promised.
