
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Why we all must appeal to Guardian Developers to stop '100% Interest Free Homes' offer

Pune property buyers want a professional builder - A housing service provider - Not a guardian.

We, Pune property buyers, don't expect much from the builders.
We only expect a flat.
A ready possession flat.

We prefer to own a flat, use it & sell it at some point of time - down the line.
Like a car.
Because most of us, in 3 to 5 years, not only change the job but the city too.
Or in 3 to 5 years, we wish to upgrade. Own a bigger flat in a better neighborhood.

But, unfortunately, most of the builders in Pune are financially weak.
Financial institutions don't trust these builders.
Banks are reluctant to lend to these builders.
Private equity funds demand, from these builders, exorbitant returns in the shortest period of time.
So, most of the builders don't have enough capital to build & sell ready possession flats.

So, most of us, after the Y2K, decided to join hands with the builders.
We started booking a flat at the launch or at the under construction stage of the projects.
We began borrowing money from the banks and started disbursing those moneys - in installments - to the builder as per the progress of construction.

In the first few years, from 2001 to 2007, this worked well.

But, after the world financial crisis, we all, property buyers & builders, realized that future is full of challenges & uncertainties.

Most of the builders in Pune became greedy & started exploiting the property buyers.
They formed builders - bureaucrats - politicians nexus.
Hatched the criminal conspiracy to rip-off the property buyers.
Between 2008 & 2012, this nexus launched more than 150 illegal projects - without environmental clearance - hiked the property prices - and duped more than 20,000 property buyers in Pune real estate market.

Terrified by the challenges & uncertainty at the jobs - we, the property buyers in Pune, had already became vulnerable. Only way to avoid being exploited by these unscrupulous builders in Pune was to stop booking a flat at the launch or at the under construction stage of the housing project.

Pune property buyers' refusal to become victims of builders' exploitation was taken as the 'slowdown' by the builders & banks.

Because of the so called 'slowdown' - as per Mr. Rohit Gera of Gera Developments - inventory of 90,799 homes is lying unsold only in Pune Municipal Corporation limits.

Just imagine how many unsold homes are lying in the fringe villages of Pune - where most of the housing projects exist!

Today, the banks - including RBI governor - are blaming the builders for the irrationally high property prices. Builders are blaming the banks for irrationally high home loan interest rates. Both of them are blaming the government for the inflation & slow GDP growth.

In this blame game no one is asking Pune property buyers - What do you want? Why are you not booking flats at the launch or at the under construction stage of the project?

Instead of that - builders & banks are - conveniently - assuming that - the property buyers' "sentiments are low"!

To boost the 'sentiments' of Pune property buyers - builders & banks are coming up with 'tempting offers'. One after another builders in Pune are organizing marketing events - Paranjape Schemes' Options Unlimited, Kolte Patil Developers' Nest Fest, Pride Purple Group's Tag Your Home Expo, Maple Shelters' India Housing Day, Darode Jog Properties' EPL Offer - Exclusive Pre Launch Offer, D. S. Kulkarni Developers' Aadhi Ghar Nantar Paise, Naiknavare Developers' "The Summer Home Carnival", Pate Developers + Mont Vert Homes + Vastushodh Projects' Sakal Big 3 Home Utsav, Maple Shelter's Bharatiya Jan Ghar Yojna etc.

And now - by launching "100% Interest Free Homes" scheme - Guardian Developers has also joined the herd!

When I first saw the post about "100% Interest Free Homes" on Facebook - I thought that it's "0 percent interest" scheme - popular in white goods market.

In "0 percent interest" offer for fridge & TV - actually, interest is not zero - but, much more than the normal rate.

I assumed that Guardian Developers is using the same funda and must have added home loan interest in the price of property.

To make their offer more attractive than the popular "No EMI Till Possession" offer - Guarding Developers - in association with some foreign owned private bank - must have invented this 'Gimmick'. I was sure.

But, I was wrong!

When I visited the venue - Pandit Farms at Karve Nagar in Kothrud, I found out that '100% Interest Free Homes' means 'Buy a Home Without a Bank Loan'!

Certainly, if I buy a home without taking a home loan from a bank - I do not have to pay any interest to a bank!

How stupid was I!

I have forgotten that I can buy 100% interest free home by paying my own money!

I have forgotten that I can have 100% free lunch every day if I carry a tiffin of homemade food to the office!

I have forgotten that I can have 100% free sex every night if I have a wife!

I have forgotten that I can have 100% free weight loss if I walk to my office every day!

You know what? I felt ashamed of myself when Mr. Manish Sabade, CMD of Guardian Corporation, explained his 'invention' to me.

From the bottom of my heart - I apologised to Mr. Manish Sabade for criticizing his unique invention without understanding it.

I realized that I am a dumb real estate investment adviser - who insists that before you step out to search a home - you must obtain a loan sanction letter from a bank.


Because I never realized that one can buy a home with his own money.

But, this was not all!

Mr. Manish Sabade revealed one more unique feature of his invention - "100% Interest Free Home" offer.

Mr. Sabade said that you do not have to pay 100% price of the property!!

You can pay around 30 - 35 percent property price - in 3 - 4 years - after taking the possession of your flat!!!

OMG! How dumb I am!!

It means that - I do not have to get married to have 100% free sex!

I can start enjoying 100% free sex from the date of engagement!!

To confirm that I am really dumb, I asked Mr. Manish Sabade, CMD of Guardian Corporation -
"Please, tell me exactly how much I have to pay to get the possession of my flat?"

"30 - 35 % after the possession, means - at the time of flat possession - you have to pay only 70 - 65 % of the property price!," said Mr. Manish Sabade.

You know what it means?

It means that - I can enjoy 100% free sex before I get married!

After the engagement - I do not have to waste my money on renting a room in some lodge.

My fiancee will start living with me - before we are formally married.

This is very cost effective. Isn't it?

Now, both of us - Mr. Manish Sabade & I, were totally aroused. Anger turned into intense passion.

If there hadn't been Mr. Rugwed Deshpande of Setu Advertising, Mr. Anil Gujar of Ink Flot, Mr. Manoj Gokhale of Media&TA Pune - both of us would have done something which two hetrosexual gentlemen do not do in public.

Somehow, we controlled ourselves & decided to meet the next day.

On my way to home, I tried to analyse - Why have I become so stupid about money?

Why have I become so obsessed with a bank loan?

A home loan is a debt!

Why am I so obsessed with debt?

Why have I completely forgotten about real paper money I use every day?

The real paper money my readers give me when I offer one to one advice in person about buying a home in Pune. The real paper money signed by the governor of Reserve Bank of India. The real RBI money I pay to buy milk every morning.

Why didn't I realize that by the same real RBI money I can buy a flat?

At Paud Phata, I stopped and requested Dashabhuja Ganpati to pardon me for not respecting real money issued by Reserve Bank of India.

I also prayed to Ganpati that please give long life to Mr. Manish Sabade who has reminded me that I can use real RBI money - I have earned and saved - to buy a flat.

But, as soon as, I left Dashabhuja Ganpati and started walking on Paud Road - I realized that it was not my fault!

In fact, Reserve Bank of India - RBI - was responsible for it.

RBI has established fractional-reserve banking system in India!

Because of RBI, I have started considering - Debt as Money.

I have simply forgotten the power of real money which RBI prints. That's why - whenever I think about buying a property I only think about debt. A home loan from the bank.

Not only that!

I use real money when I buy vegetables but when I dine at some restaurant - I use credit card. Not the real money issued by RBI. I prefer to pay by digital money than the real RBI money!

By using credit card to buy a dinner for my friends & a bank loan to buy a home, I am using digital money created by the banks - out of thin air.

Instead of using RBI money I have earned - I am using bank money to buy not only petrol & dinner but to buy a high value stuff like a home. By doing this, I am increasing supply of money in the economy. Which is leaving me trapped under a mountain of home loan & credit card debt for the rest of my life.

Thanks to Mr. Manish Sabade for pointing out my mistake. For stopping me from contributing to damaging world economy. For liberating me from the prison of debt. For saving me from becoming a slave of bank. For teaching me to use real RBI money I have earned to buy a home.

That night, in my dream, I saw Mr. Manish Sabade, CMD of Guardian Corporation, in the form of Goddess Laxmi - the goddess of money!

The next day, as agreed, I visited Pandit Farms. The venue of Guardian Developers' "100% Interest Free Homes".

I was shocked when Mr. Manish Sabade requested me to hand over a token of appreciation to the property buyer who has enrolled in "100% Interest Free Home" scheme.

"I don't deserve this honor," I told Mr. Sabade.

Yes! Mr. Manish Sabade, you are a Mahatma.
Mr. Manish Sabade, you are a Bhagvan.
Mr. Manish Sabade, you are a Muni - a Mahamuni.
Mr. Manish Sabade, you are a Sadhu.
Mr. Manish Sabade, you are a Guru.
Mr. Manish Sabade, you are the liberator of human race from the yoke of debt.
Ravi Karandeekar is nothing.

When the God breathed life into Mr. Manish Sabade - God must have had a purpose in mind.
God had sent Mr. Manish Sabade to offer 100% Interest Free Homes to us all in Pune. I was convinced.

"I want to know about "100% Interest Free Homes"," I said.

"Feel free to ask. By the way, first let me apologies for getting angry with you for your comments on Facebook," said Mr. Manish Sabade.

"No. Please, don't say sorry. I have realized that I am nothing but a stupid Pune real estate blogger," I said.

Mr. Manish Sabade, you are not a builder - you are 'God's gift' to humanity.

Mr. Manish Sabade only smiled.

I was prepared. I was curious to know the moment when Mr. Sabade realized that he is born to offer '100% Interest Free Homes'.

You know? Mostly all visionaries have told us that important "Sakshatkar" has taken a place at some insignificant moment. When Newton was sitting under the apple tree he had sakshatkar of 'Universal Law of Gravitation'. Archimedes discovered the scientific principles of 'density and buoyancy' in the bathtub.

When did Mr. Manish Sabade have sakshatkar of '100% Interest Free Homes'? I was curious to know.

Yesterday, I met him in person for the first time in my life. But I have seen Mr. Sabade in public functions & have seen his photographs. Mr. Sabade was always in the company of world renowned musicians, singers, classical dancers, mountaineers, cricketers, Olympic Gold Winners, newspaper barons, politicians, etc. So, it was hard to believe that Mr. Sabade ever had any insignificant moment in his life.

"For a while - I was keeping track of all marketing events organized by the leading builders in Pune - and I realized that - result of all those events was only one - bank was the winner - not the property buyer. How can a property buyer win? The answer was - if the property buyer could buy a home with his own money - without taking a home loan from a bank - without paying any interest to a bank. And an idea of '100% Interest Free Homes' came to my mind," Mr. Manish Sabade said.

"Brilliant!," I said.

"That's what I was trying to tell you yesterday evening! Before commenting - take some efforts to understand," said Mr. Manish Sabade.

"Big mistake! I regret. Your revolutionary idea of buying a home with your own money was beyond my limited intelligence!," I apologised.

"That's all right! Now, write about my offer on your blog. Otherwise, your readers will blame you for wrong information and you will lose your credibility," said Mr. Sabade.

"Yes, sir! You are right. You saved my face. But still - I haven't understood your '100% Interest Free Homes' offer completely. You know? Till now, I had come across the offers - where builders tell the property buyer to take a home loan from the bank and give away those moneys to them for free! I didn't like those offers because - those were nothing but interest free fund raising activities of the builders," I said.

"Yes. I know. That's why you have written adversely about those builders. Particularly, about Marathi Bandhkam Vyavsayik. We Marathi builders respect 'freedom of expression' - that's why we didn't take any action against you. Do you have guts to write negative blogs about Marwadi, Sindhi, Agarwal builders in Pune? No!," Mr. Sabade said.

"OMG! Yes, most of the builders were Marathi!! But for me a builder is a builder. Marathi or Non-Marathi - I don't differentiate. Because, I write for the property buyers. I only express my views about the offer. I am not against the builders. I am for the property buyers. And for your information - let me remind you that Marathi Builder - Mr. Sachin Kulkarni of Vastushodh Projects - had filed police complaint against me for writing the blog - 5 Reasons why you must not book a flat in Vastushodh Projects' UrbanGram & AnandGram," I said.

"I hope you will be more careful about me," said Mr. Sabade.

"Yes, of course! This time, I am not writing about a home loan subversion offer or some fake property price saving offer - fake property price discount offer - or about some freebies. I am writing about '100% Interest Free Homes' - about the flat - about the property - for that, I would like to see your '100% Interest Free Homes'," I said.

"Homes will be ready at the end of 3 years from the date of agreement," Mr. Sabade said.

The offer was - "100% Interest Free Homes". But the homes are not ready!

This was a big shock to me.

If the homes are not ready then what is the "100% Interest Free Homes" about?

"Sorry. I didn't get you. If the homes will be ready at the end of 3 years from the date of agreement - then why are all these people here today?," I asked.

"Didn't you see my ad?," asked Mr. Sabade.

"Yes, of course. It was 2 full page color ad. On the first page - headline was about "Gimmick" and on the second page - there were many 'NOs' - No Home Loan - No Interest - No Hidden Charges - No EMI etc. And yes headline was about - Public Interest. Right?," I said.

"See you remember my ad!," said Mr. Sabade.

Once again, I felt ashamed of myself. In all those NOs - how did I miss "No Homes"! Shame on me.

I kept mum because I didn't know what to ask.
After some time, I requested,"Sir, will you please explain "100% Interest Free Homes" Offer?

"In this event, you have to pay 1 Lakh rupees as enrollment charges. In the 4 months from 15th September 2015 allotment of flats will start. At the time of allotment you have to pay 20% of the flat value. In the next 30 days from the allotment you have to pay Stamp Duty, Registration Charges & VAT. After that your flat agreement will be registered," said Mr. Sabade.

"Means agreement would be registered around February 2016 and the possession of "100% Interest Free Homes" would be around February - March 2019. Right?," I said.

"I have told you - the customer will get the possession of the flat at the end of 3 years from the date of Registration of Agreement - don't confuse payments with the agreement & flat possession - payment are related to date of allotment of flat - payments have no connection with the formalities like - agreement & flat possession," said Mr. Sabade and told me the payment plan.

Besides paying 20% of of the flat value at the time of allotment of the flat,
the customer will make 3 bullet payments.
Each bullet payment will be 5% of the flat value.
The schedule of of these 3 bullet payments will be -
First Bullet Payment - 12 months from the date of allotment of the flat
Second Bullet Payment - 24 months from the date of allotment of the flat
Third Bullet Payment - 36 months from the date of allotment of the flat

Means, in 36 months from the date of allotment of flat - the flat buyers are going to pay 35% of the price of flat! -
Irrespective of whether the agreement is registered or not.
Irrespective of whether the plans are approved or not.
Irrespective of whether the project has received environmental clearance & all other necessary sanctions & approvals or not.
Irrespective of whether the construction of the project has started or not.

How great is this!
How great property buyers in Pune are!!
How great is Mr. Manish Sabade than all other builders in Pune!!
I realized that I am talking with someone who is truly blessed by God.
Or, I may be talking with God himself.

"Yours is 'time linked payment plan' - not like usual 'construction linked payment plan' - Right?," I asked.

"Yes!," said Mr. Sabade and continued with the payment plan of "100% Interest Free Homes" -

The balance 65% flat value will be paid in 84 Interest Free Installments.
The 84 Interest Free Installments will start from the date of allotment of the flat!

It means that in 36 months from the date of allotment of flat - the flat buyers are going to pay much more than 35% price of flat!

In 36 months from the date of allotment of flat - the flat buyer will pay - 35% property price + 36 Interest Free Installments!!
Irrespective of whether the agreement is registered or not.
Irrespective of whether the plans are approved or not.
Irrespective of whether the project has received environmental clearance & all other necessary sanctions & approvals or not.
Irrespective of whether the construction of the project has started or not.

How great is this!
How great property buyers in Pune are!!
How great is Mr. Manish Sabade than all other builders in Pune!!
I accepted that I am actually talking with someone who is blessed by God.
In fact, I must be talking with God himself.

"Okay. Got it. Possession of the flat is at the end of 3 years from the date of agreement. Considering that - in Pune real estate market - on an average - possession is delayed by 1.5 to 2 years - means - generally - instead of 3 years - Pune builders give possession in 4 - 5 years from the date of agreement - would it be possible for you to give possession in 3 years from the date of agreement?," I asked.

"If it was impossible - would have I committed to give possession in 3 years?," controlling his anger Mr. Sabade said.

"But, Sir, all these projects are 7 - 10 acre townships - and you have no experience of developing 7 - 10 acre township - till now, you were constructing single stand alone buildings...," I said.

"Don't you know my - 3.5 acre Lake-Shire & 8 acre Hill-Shire?," asked Mr. Sabade.

"Yes. I know. But, they are ongoing projects - not yet complete - what I mean is - without experience of completing a single 7 - 10 acre township - wouldn't it be an Herculean Task to construct 4 townships of 7 - 10 acres - simultaneously?," I said.

"Yes! It's is," said Mr. Manish Sabade and added that - "I love challenges. Big challenges. But, here challenge is not constructing a 7 - 10 acre township - here real challenge is giving '100% Interest Free Homes'"

"Yes! Considering that possession is 3 years from the date of agreement - by the time of possession - approximately - how much money - price of the flat - you would have received?," I asked.

"Around - 65 - 67 percent of the property price - approximately," said Mr. Sabade.

"Means - you will recover your profit - 35 - 33 percent of flat price - in 3 - 4 years after the possession - right?," I asked.

"33 - 35 percent? No! Now, there isn't so much profit in this business - builders' profit margins are shrinking," said Mr. Sabade.

"If there is not 33 - 35 percent profit - then the cost of land - plus - the cost of construction - must be more than 65 - 67 percent - in that case - how can you manage to construct & give possession of '100% Interest Free Homes'?," I asked.

"Reengineering! These are the times - to redefine - the housing business. I can offer '100% Interest Free Homes' only because - I have redefined it. That's why many builders are visiting my event to learn how I have done it - I am welcoming all - I am sharing my concept with every builder in Pune," Mr. Sabade said proudly.

"Yes! I saw many builders here. Even Mr. Satish Magar was here. Though Mr. Magar converted farmers into builders - he couldn't think of providing 100% Interest Free Homes! Considering that the landowners were themselves developing Magarpatta City & Nanded City - it would have been very easy to Mr. Magar & his farmers to sell 100% Interest Free Homes. But they didn't. Look at you! You must have purchased the land from the farmers or land traders - investors - or - may have signed development agreement with them - by paying a few crores of rupees as deposit - still - you are offering '100% Interest Free Homes' - Why? Because you can think out of the box. Because you are visionary. Right?," I said.

"This is not the first time! Do you know my LifeCycle?," asked Mr. Sabade.

"India's first & largest cycle mall!," I said.

"Right!," said Mr. Sabade.

"Sir, generally - when there is a development agreement between the builder & land owner - terms are 40 - 60. Right? It means that when a flat buyer pays 100 rupees - 40 rupees go to the land owner & a builder gets only 60. In those 60 rupees - builder has to market, construct & earn profit. But, you are going to get only 65 - 67 % till possession - if you give away 40% to the land owner - you are left with only 25 - 27% - how can you manage to construct & give possession in that?," I asked.

"I have Re-engineered - Re-defined - Re-written the rules of real estate business. I have convinced the landowners that the old payment terms between them & builders will not work any more. And you know what? I invited all landowners to this event - when they saw the huge response - they promised me to give hundreds of acres of lands for 100% Interest Free Homes," Mr. Sabade said proudly.

"Well - well - now, I have realized - 100% Interest Free Homes - is a real estate revolution!," I said.

"I am the guardian of land owners, I am the guardian of homeowners - no home loan interest - only 100% public interest - good - you understood - but I will be truly convinced - when Ravi Karandeekar - well-known blogger - will enroll in 100% Interest Free Homes," said Mr. Sabade.

"Sure, I will - if my wife allows," I said and took his leave.

Should Ravi Karandeekar enroll in 100 Percent Interest Free Homes? - I asked everyone - except my wife. Because, I know what she would have said. She is a banker first and my wife second. In this life, my wife has spent more time with the bank than with me.

My wife believes that I married her not because I love her - but because she is a banker. For marrying her - my wife is very much thankful to me - not only that - she admires & respects me a lot too.

"Ravi came to my bank to open a current account - but he left the bank with an ATM! From that day - without bothering to deposit any money - Ravi is only withdrawing money - interest free money - unlimited amount of cash - at any time - day & night," my wife keeps on telling everyone.

"Do you mean to say that Ravi is exploiting you?," her friends ask her.

"You didn't get me! I am telling you - my husband is my slave - not a slave of any bank!!," explains my wife.

Knowing her possessiveness, I was sure that my wife would have liked 100% Interest Free Homes. But, for sure, she would not have let me enroll in Guardian Developers offer.

You know why?

Because, my wife not only hates interest - she hates 'debt' - a liability - an obligation - too.

My wife believes that relationships - personal as well as business - should be debt free, without any liability - without any obligation.

If I enroll in 100% Interest Free Homes - and starts paying down payments + bullet payments + interest free installments - Mr. Manish Sabade would be in my debt.

When I will take the possession of my flat - without paying 100 percent price of the property - I will be in his debt.

The debt - will put our relationship in danger.

Instead of that, I am sure, my wife would have told me to follow Mr. Manish Sabade's plan. Save 100% price of the property. In those 7 years, Guardian Developers' 7 - 10 acre project would be 100 per cent complete. Pay 100 per cent property price to Mr. Manish Sabade - for the ready possession flat. Move into 100% interest free & debt free home.

My wife hates interest as well as debt. So, I didn't ask her about enrolling in Guardian Developers' 100% Interest Free Homes.

In the next 3 - 4 days, many property buyers called me on 919860044110 to seek my advice about 100% Interest Free Homes. Instead of 3 minutes I offered them 30 minutes free. Because I wanted to talk to them what I couldn't talk with my wife.

Most of the callers were as interested as me about the offer. Some have already enrolled by paying 1 Lakh rupees. Those who had less - had enrolled by paying 30 - 40 thousand & had promised to pay the rest in a week.

All of us have become big fans of Mr. Manish Sabade & Guardian Developers for the following reasons -

1) Mr. Sabade made us aware that we can buy a home with our own money.

2) Mr. Sabade taught us how to own a home without a bank loan.

3) Mr. Sabade saved our money - which otherwise we would have paid as interest to a bank.

4) By saving home loan interest - Mr. Sabade made it possible to own a home at less cost.

5) Mr. Sabade made it possible to become debt free in only 3 - 4 years from the possession of the flat.

6) Mr. Sabade is the only builder on this earth who is going to give me possession of my flat - without taking 100% property price from me.

7) By accepting property price in installments - Guardian Developers has proved that a member of CREDAI Pune Metro & Marathi Bandhkam Vyavsayik Association (MBVA) can be as buyer friendly as the promoter of illegal Proposed N A plotting scheme - on agricultural lands in some inhabitable corner of Pune district - a few kilometers away from Hinjewadi.

8) By accepting property price in small interest free installments - as small as Rs. 16,000 only - Mr. Sabade made it possible for anyone whose monthly family income is around 30,000 - 40,000 to own a flat without a bank loan - the privilege enjoyed by the people who are not eligible to get a bank loan because - they didn't have income proof - or - the project was illegal construction in some fringe village of Pune.

9) With 100% Interest Free Homes - Mr. Sabade has proved that a bank's approval & bank's loan is not the right parameter to decided whether the project is legal or illegal.

10) Mr. Sabade has reduced the gap between legal & illegal real estate development.

11) In the shortest period of time - by spending huge amounts of moneys to promote '100% Interest Free Homes' - Mr. Sabade established that Guardian Developers is a big builder.

12) By successfully launching revolutionary idea of '100% Interest Free Homes' - Mr. Manish Sabade boosted the sentiments of property buyers & builders in Pune.

13) By not begging for disbursal of home loans to the builders - Mr. Sabade proved that - all builders in Pune are not in deep financial trouble - an impression created by the recent events.

14) By opening booking of 4 projects in '100% Interest Free Homes' - Mr. Sabade proved that Pune real estate market is not dead. All builders in Pune are not buried under the huge inventory of unsold flats.

15) By organizing 100% Interest Free Homes at Pandit Farms - at the center of the city - Mr. Sabade saved huge amounts of foreign currency.

If like Kumar Properties' 49th Anniversary Celebration Offer - Mr. Sabade had organized '100% Interest Free Homes' event at the project sites - people would have burned thousands of liters of petrol to visit Wagholi, Kirkatwadi, Kasar Amboli & Kiwale.

16) Mr. Sabade has made valuable contribution in increasing GDP growth of India.

All these people - lakhs & lakhs of people - would have not only burned thousands of litres petrol but - they would have wasted thousand of hours of productive time too. Searching the project sites in a village - which you might not have ever heard of or visited before - is quite a time taking & tiring job.

17) By organizing 100% Interest Free Homes event at Pandit Farms - Mr. Sabade has not only saved foreign currency & added to GDP growth - but he has successful reduced air pollution level in Pune.

You know? Now, Pune is more polluted than Mumbai!

18) By successfully opening booking of 4 projects - Eastern Meadows, Grees-Shire, Wind-Shire & West-Shire - without site offices & show flats - Mr. Sabade has saved crores of rupees of all builders in Pune.

At the time of a launch of project - Pune builders spend huge amounts of money on constructing lavish site offices & show flats. These marketing expenses are loaded on property price & eventually recovered from the property buyers.

Because of the slowdown - in the last couple of years - no property buyers are visiting these site offices - show flats and booking flats - so, most of the builders couldn't recover the money from the buyers & are suffering huge losses.

19) By successfully launching 4 projects - Eastern Meadows, Grees-Shire, Wind-Shire & West-Shire - before obtaining environmental clearance & all other necessary sanctions & approvals - Mr. Sabade has given answer to CREDAI, MBVA & all other associations of builders who keep on complaining against Local, State & Union Government for the time wasted in waiting - couple of years - to get hundreds of NOCs, Sanctions & Approvals.

Mr. Sabade has demonstrated that 'single window' is not the solution - launching project without necessary sanctions & approvals is the answer.

20) By launching 4 projects without colorful project brochures - showing floor plans, layout plan, location plan, building elevation, long list of specifications & amenities - Mr. Sabade proved that Pune builders do not only waste paper but harm the mother earth too.

Fact of the matter is -
Pune property buyers do not bother about the floor plans.
Pune property buyers do not trust project layout & building elevations printed in the brochure.
Pune property buyers do not take seriously the list of specifications & amenities.
Mainly because -
Pune property buyers know that all these pictures are only artistic impressions.
All room dimensions are approximate.
All area statements are fake.
And the brochure is not a legal offer.
Means, the builder may not give anything printed in the brochure
- or change as per his convenience.
Mr. Sabade has demonstrated what Pune property buyers really think about builder's brochures.

21) At Pandit Farms - Mr. Sabade proved that if all builders had been 'trustworthy' like him - to protect the buyers from the builders - Indian government do not have to waste expensive time of State assemblies & both the houses of parliament for debating & passing Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill. The Indian Government would not have to waste taxpayers money on Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) & the appellate tribunal to hear appeals against the decisions of the RERA.

Any suggestion or advice to Mr. Manish Sabade of Guardian Developers about 100% Interest Free Homes? I asked every caller.

Mr. Manish Sabade gave me his business card & said - "I have given my visiting card to everyone whom I met in this event. So that anyone can contact me anytime on my mobile or write to me!"

Obviously, while discussing about 100% Interest Free Homes offer - I asked everyone - "Did you meet Mr. Sabade? Did you suggest anything to him?"

Unfortunately, most of the callers didn't meet Mr. Sabade at the event. But, they have some suggestions about 100% Interest Free Homes Offer or some advice for Mr. Sabade.

Here are some of the suggestions & advice -

1) We are 110% sure that you had 100% public interest in your mind behind launching 100% Interest Free Homes.

But - it would have been better if you had launched the offer after obtaining all necessary sanctions & approvals for all projects - - Eastern Meadows, Green-Shire, Wind-Shire & West-Shire.

2) We are 110% sure that there is "0% Gimmick' in 100% Interest Free Homes offer.

But - we would have felt more comfortable if you had not insisted on paying Rs. 1 Lakh - or the part of it - at the event itself.

3) We would have felt more comfortable if you had disclosed all the details about the offer at the event itself.

All of us are worried about the grey areas in the offer.

4) Though Guardian Developers does not have any experience & expertise of developing 7 - 10 acre townships - we are 110% sure that - you will develop all townships well.

Because - we know that most of the teams - for example Google & Twitter
- who invented revolutionary ideas
- didn't have any track record.

But - these ventures didn't ask us to pay for experiencing their revolutionary idea.

We would have felt more comfortable -
if you had enlightened us
- without forcing us to pay you Rs. 1 Lakh to enroll in your project
- without knowing all the details.

The concept - 100% Interest Free Homes - is good - but do you have any doubts about implementation of it? I asked everyone.

Here are some of the doubts about Guardian Developers' 100% Interest Free Homes offer -

1) Instead of calling '100% Interest Free Homes' - why didn't Guardian Developers call the offer - 'Own a home without a bank loan".

2) Instead of calling '100% Interest Free Homes' - why didn't Guardian Developers call the offer - 'Own a home by paying your own money".

3) Instead of calling '100% Interest Free Homes' - why didn't Guardian Developers call the offer - 'Own a home when you have saved & paid only 65% price of the property'?

4) Instead of calling '100% Interest Free Homes' - why didn't Guardian Developers call the offer - 'Own a home without becoming a slave of a bank for the next 20 - 30 years'?

5) Instead of calling '100% Interest Free Homes' - why didn't Guardian Developers call the offer - 'Own a home by becoming a slave of Mr. Manish Sabade'?

6) Instead of calling '100% Interest Free Homes' - why didn't Guardian Developers launch the offer only after constructing the homes?

Without ready for possession homes - we find it difficult to convince our spouses that - Guardian Developers' Offer is genuine - without 0% gimmick!

No! This is not done. We are all talking about - how the offer is positioned - described - in the advertisement.

Since we all know that the advertising agencies in Pune do not have the interest of builders at heart - we should not give any importance to the ads. We should focus only on the actual offer. I said.

How can I convince my spouse that the property price quoted by Guardian Developers - is the right price? Mr. Shahane asked.

When all world is sure that the current property prices are irrationally exorbitant - and may go down at any point of time - price correction is inevitable - how can I be sure that the price quoted by Guardian is the right property price in Wagholi? Mr. Shahane asked.

Since, Guardian has not given us specific details about the particular project - it's not fair to say that - their prices are right or wrong. I said.

It only means that - we can decide whether the Guardian Developers offer is genuine or not - only after we come to know all the details about the property price. Right? Said Mr. Shahane.

Not only the price & details of the property - but - we can decide whether Guardian Developers' offer is genuine or just a publicity stunt - when Guardian invites us for the flat selection & allotment. I hope - by then - we will know all the terms of transactions mentioned in the agreement. Said Mr. Patil.

After hearing all of you - I have come to the conclusion that - if the offer is genuine - Guardian would have been transparent - right at the start. It looks like a trap to me. Said Mr. Kadam.

I think - you are wondering - whether Guardian Developers' offer is genuine - or - just a publicity stunt - because - you have realized that - there is a huge gap between - what you expect from the builder - and - what the builder is offering. It would be better - if you decide what exactly you want from the builder. I said.

I want ready possession homes. Said Mr. Shahane.

If the flat is under construction - not yet ready for possession - I expect that - at the time of booking - the project must have obtained all sanctions & approvals - including environmental clearance - and the documents related to title of the land should be available for scrutiny before I give booking amount. Said Mr. Patil.

I am serious about the quality of construction & warranty - guaranty. I want third party construction quality audit - at every stage - up to the possession - and 5 years warranty - guaranty. Said Mr. Kadam.

I insist on society formation - as per the law - after the certain number of flats are sold - and possession with completion & occupancy certificate - and of course - conveyance. Said Mr. Patil.

I want compensation for delayed possession - and other fair terms in the agreement. Said Mr. Shahane.

What about the interest on home loan? Isn't it the most important issue while buying a flat? I asked.

Yes, of course! Interest on home loan is important. But it is between me & my bank. A builder should not bother about it. I expect that the builder should mind his own business - planning - constructing - possession of the project. Said Mr. Kadam.

If this is what you expect from the builder - I wonder - why are we talking about Mr. Manish Sabade & Guardian Developers' 100% Interest Free Homes? I asked.

Because 100% Interest Free Homes is a good idea. Said Mr. Patil.

We must all thank Mr. Sabade for inspiring us to buy a home with our own money - without taking a home loan from the bank. That's all. Said Mr. Kadam.

But what about '100% Interest Free Homes' offer? I asked.

We should cancel our enrolment & call Mr. Sabade on his mobile & tell him to do what we want! Said Mr. Patil.

Do you mean to say that - we all must appeal to Mr. Sabade to stop '100% Interest Free Homes' offer? I asked.

Yes! Tell Mr. Sabade that we are the paymasters - owners - and he is just one of the 'housing service providers' - Sevak. Tell him to become a good service provider. Don't try to become our guardian! Said Mr. Shahane.

What say you? Please, share your views in the comments.

Related Story:

1) NGT cracks whip on projects without Prior Environmental Clearance

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  1. Kudos Ravi Sir! what a masterstroke blog which explain everything @offer...educating flat buyers...thank you again for great work... :)

  2. Very good article Ravi. As a property buyer (though won't be buying as waiting for price fall), few questions which I get in such projects & offers are -

    1. What if builder runs away mid-way ? Or abandons project after taking 65-67% of flat amount ?
    As you mentioned this is time linked payment plan, not construction linked, this is a possibility which can't be ruled out as such cases have already happened across the country.

    2. Without sanctions, project is illegal. How can legal system help in illegal transaction, especially when buyer is fully aware of illegalities ?

    Guardian developers are simply giving fancy name to not so fancy offer/scheme. Builders may be retorting to such offers can be due to real estate news as mentioned -

    Over the past six months, the BSE Sensex has fallen 13.5 percent while the CNX Realty index is down 34 percent. For many investors, the fall in property shares is reminiscent of the 2008 crash, except that, unlike then, there has been an absolute lack of excitement with respect to such stocks preceding the crash.
    There's one more difference. Some of the stocks are trading at valuations that are cheaper than were witnessed even during their 2008 lows.

    Real estate barons lost 90% of wealth in a decade :

    Some of the country's top real estate barons have lost the bulk of their fortunes in the past decade. The combined net worth of the country's 12 biggest real estate barons is down 90% in rupee terms since the high of December 2007.

    The future of the real estate sector remains grim. Analysts say prices and demand will continue to remain under pressure due to oversupply and affordability.

    In the last two years, factors such as low income growth, rising debt, subdued industrial activity and an unrealistic increase in property prices have dented demand for property.

    For me, what I have learnt from such news and your blog is to wait for prices to fall by atleast 50% and then buy ready for possession flat having all sanctions and descent infrastructure.
    Thank you once again Ravi for enlightening your readers with such analysis. It's best to avoid sleeping with somebody else's mistress. ;P

  3. I am a NRI planning to invest in pune. No where on the Internet I was able to understand the story behind 100% interst free homes.. thanks for your informative blog. I wish many more people witness the reality

  4. So hard to understand the truth behind 100% free homes. Thanks Mr Ravi for educating us on this unknown riddle.

  5. I am a NRI planning to invest in pune. No where on the Internet I was able to understand the story behind 100% interst free homes.. thanks for your informative blog. I wish many more people witness the reality

  6. Super!
    Instead of using RBI money I have earned - I am using bank money to buy not only petrol & dinner but to buy a high value stuff like a home. By doing this, I am increasing supply of money in the economy. Which is leaving me trapped under a mountain of home loan & credit card debt for the rest of my life! That is real sakshatkar!
    How many bhakts will get this? Is the real question.

    1. Thanks a lot, Nitin!
      I am from advertising. I know how much efforts you have to take to convince a buyer to use your washing powder.

  7. can anyone guarantee that the loopholes mentioned over here (about Guardian offer) are not there when we take a bank loan and book a flat at pre launch? Construction quality, possession dates are still an issue with most of the Pune builders. Also some of the income sources banks does not necessarily consider while giving loan and thus hold us back from buying desired homes. I guess whoever books a flat here should unite and form association. But if everything goes well buyers will end up saving lot of interest money. Also if we wait for ready possession then prices may not be affordable at that time. Not sure whether to go for this offer or not, but it is definitely not that bad as you had suggested. Issues are common with other builders as well.

    1. Loopholes and pre-launches go hand in hand. If you want peace of mind, buy ready for possession flat which has all relevant sanctions from concerned dept.

  8. Can anyone guarantee that the loopholes mentioned over here (about Guardian offer) are not there when we take a bank loan and book a flat at pre launch? Construction quality and possession date are still an issue with most of the Pune builders. Also you may have income sources which banks doesn't necessarily consider while giving loan and thus hold us back from buying desired home. I guess whoever books a flat here should unite and form association. But if everything goes well buyers will end up saving lot of interest money. I am not sure whether to go for this offer or not but it is certainly not that bad as you had suggested. Issues are common with other builders as well. My suggestion would be before booking if all the approvals/sanctions are not shown then simply opt out of the offer.

  9. Awesome blog, Ravi sir.

    Thanks for sharing your and Your wife's thought
    As property future buyer we will consider your blogs summary

    " Not fall in this Marketing gimmicks"

    "relationships - personal as well as business - should be debt free, without any liability - without any obligation"

    "Pay 100 per cent property price for the ready possession flat. Move into 100% interest free & debt free home"

    "Project should have received environmental clearance & all other necessary sanctions & approvals."

    "Prefer properties with ready to move"

    Addition to that (not mentioned in this blog)

    "consider project with good ratings from genuine agencies such as CRISIL"

    1. One sentence - BUY WHAT YOU SEE.
      On paper may not turn into reality.

  10. Very good article Ravi. Few questions which I get in such projects & offers are -

    1. What if builder abandons or delays project after taking 65-67% of flat amount ?
    As you mentioned this is time linked payment plan, not construction linked, this is a possibility which can't be ruled out as such cases have already happened across the country.

    2. Without sanctions, project is illegal. Isn't it naive to buy in such projects ?

    Guardian developers are simply giving fancy name to not so fancy offer/scheme. Builders may be retorting to such offers can be due to real estate news as mentioned -

    Over the past six months, the BSE Sensex has fallen 13.5 percent while the CNX Realty index is down 34 percent. For many investors, the fall in property shares is reminiscent of the 2008 crash, except that, unlike then, there has been an absolute lack of excitement with respect to such stocks preceding the crash.
    There's one more difference. Some of the stocks are trading at valuations that are cheaper than were witnessed even during their 2008 lows.

    Real estate barons lost 90% of wealth in a decade :

    Some of the country's top real estate barons have lost the bulk of their fortunes in the past decade. The combined net worth of the country's 12 biggest real estate barons is down 90% in rupee terms since the high of December 2007.

    The future of the real estate sector remains grim. Analysts say prices and demand will continue to remain under pressure due to oversupply and affordability.

    In the last two years, factors such as low income growth, rising debt, subdued industrial activity and an unrealistic increase in property prices have dented demand for property.

    For me, what I have learnt from such news and your blog is to wait for prices to fall by atleast 50% and then buy ready for possession flat having all sanctions and descent infrastructure.
    Thank you once again Ravi for enlightening your readers with such analysis.

  11. We will see for final result Mr. Ravi sir...wait..

  12. Hello Ravi Sir,

    I am planning to buy a flat in wind shire project of guardian please suggest your opinions whether it will be worth or not?

  13. What is wrong in buying Guardian Flats? I am looking for my first flat and I am going to take 20% from personal Loan to give token amount to Guardian's. Please advise; whether is it good to believe in Guardian as investment as well as for residence.

    1. Yes, we can have someone here who can tell self-experience story. Certainly, you can be one. Kindly update us as payment processes (and construction also).

    2. Payment -
      1) 20% down
      2) 15% covered in 3 bullet payment -end of 12, 24 & 36monthsfrom registration
      3) 65% devided in 84 months EMI

      - I can 20% is to be paid everywhere in any housing (mostly, some can offer 10 70 10 10)
      - Delay in project is common thing but you have not paid 100% of the amount and you get possesion when you have paid around 65% which gives you good chance to get what you want corrected. In bank process back would have already paid builder and you have to bank mandetorily.
      - Good option for cash rich ppl

    3. Good option for cash rich ppl - Dear Sudarshan, are cash rich people so stupid?

  14. Very good article Ravi. Few questions which I get in such projects & offers are -

    1. What if builder abandons or delays project after taking 65-67% of flat amount ?
    As you mentioned this is time linked payment plan, not construction linked, this is a possibility which can't be ruled out as such cases have already happened across the country.

    2. Without sanctions, project is illegal. Isn't it naive to buy in such projects ?

    Guardian developers are simply giving fancy name to not so fancy offer/scheme. These schemes are only to attract cheap funding for project or repaying debt without taking liability of completing project on time.

    Real estate barons lost 90% of wealth in a decade :

    For me, what I have learnt from such news and your blog is to wait for prices to fall by atleast 50% and then buy ready for possession flat having all sanctions and descent infrastructure.
    Thank you once again Ravi for enlightening your readers with such analysis.

  15. I would rather like to see & buy in 100% PEACE OF MIND project rather than 100% interest free.

    1. You are right "TheMonk" I have abandoned my plans of investing in Guardian 100% interest free homes. Rather I would go for ready to move projects.

  16. Ravi,

    Why aren't you publishing my comments posted in past 2 days ?? I don't think there is anything abusive in it. I have edited it 2-3 times and reposted making it short and precise, still not getting posted :(

    And please don't publish this post as readers should not think that you are biased towards certain posts.

    1. Thanks for bringing it to my notice, TheMonk! Don't know how - but your comments were in spam. Sorry. Now, I have published both.

  17. I have visited their site Kharadi Annexe and sample flat is ready also it is approved by leading banks.
    Still after reading this article I have doubt whether this project is approved by different departments.
    Please help me out. I have enrolled for the scheme and want to clear my doubts before paying booking amount. Whether this builder can be trusted?

    1. Dear SKM, please, share APF numbers of the banks which have approved Kharadi Annexe project.

    2. You have enrolled - we all make mistakes, SKM. Certainly, you can correct your mistake!

    3. Dear SKM, before questioning the builder's trustworthiness - please, check whether you have really understood what you are getting into!

    4. Different departments means environment , PMC etc.
      Actually, HDFC bank is offering loan for this project.

  18. Thanks Ravi sir for enlightening and educating us specially new prospective buyers.. I.was also confused after looking at the ad and their comment that it is not a gimmick...Thanks again..

  19. Kudos Ravi for all the enlightening blogs you have been writing in the intetest of a property buyer.....fearlessly. Wish & pray for your good health & long life. Amen.

  20. Its good that someone is offering this scheme. . If its approved by leading bank then cant see any reason to not buy...

    1. It would be better if you make such a claim after giving project name & APF numbers, A CHAN. Hope you know what is APF number!

  21. This scheme is good for "advertising" but in reality, its very very risky. The scheme is "interest free", yes its interest free money for the builder!!!
    Lot of risk involved as the possessions is only after 3 yrs at best, so for 3 years you lose of interest and someone else (builder) uses that money for free!
    Also, what is the gurantee that the posession will happen on time. What is the guarantee that the builder won't go bankrupt in 3 yrs?

    1. Spot on.
      Your payments are guaranteed, not the possession.
      This deal is such that builder is 100% safe, & buyers are 100% Ram Bharose :P

      What's the solution ? Buy ready to occupy flats with completion certificate. Simple.

  22. There are always few flaws in almost all projects; does that mean we should not buy any house/flat anywhere in this world?

    1. Are all the houses/flats in this world illegal ??
      And certainly, you are free to buy here, we on other hand learn from other's experience ;)

  23. Thanks a lot Ravi sir for enlightening us with your fearless and wonderful articles. I have realized my mistake and would surely enroll out of scheme.

  24. Isent the same thing applicabe for bhartiya jan ghar yojana???? By maple ????

  25. Thanks Ravi sir. All readers Ravi sir has made an initiative and its our duty/responsibility to spread this article so that no one get fool/regret if they are planning to buy flat from this developers. Use facebook/other social media and share this..

  26. Hi Ravi,

    What do you think of Virage project (by Shubham properties) in sudershan nagar chinchwad. Not a big project (15 apartment) and only necessary amenities like Security, power back up. Its a redevlopment of 2 properties (2 bunglows). I personally like the ones that have big space inside apartment but does not rip us in the name of amenities.

  27. Hi Ravi,

    From everyone you was asking for APF Number please find and tell me is now things cleared ?
    SBI : APF/RBO/PUNE1/15-16/46



    1. Sorry, Bhakti, I didn't get you. Is it APF number for Kharadi Project?

    2. Good to know that SBI has given APF number for Kharadi project. However, Bhakti, why do you want "APF number"? Please, follow the builder. Don't borrow money from the bank. Buy a home with your own money. Buy "interest free home"!

    3. Dear Bhakti, please, have a look at SBI Home Loans - List of Approved Projects at -
      There are quite a few projects in this list which are not doing well. Means, SBI approvals doesn't mean that the project is safe to book!

  28. Given the current circumstances where available flats are more than the actual demand. Is it because there is really less demand or just that the prices are out of reach for a common man and builders/promoters are not reducing prices? Thoughts Ravi?

    1. You are right, Craig. 1) Prices are out of reach for the typical first time home buyers. 2) For those who can buy find out that most properties are not worth buying. 3) Basic civic infrastructure is not available so these properties are not suitable to live. 4) Most builders are not capable to do business in the current municipal framework. 5) Though price reduction can generate sales - most builders are not in a position to reduce the prices. 6) Property buyers have realized that buying a home is luxury - not a need. There are many reasons.

    2. Areas like Wakad, Pimple Saudagar which were villages once upon a time - are now boasting rates around 6500 per sq ft. These are not worth by the look of locality. and rates are out of reach for only one reason - closer to IT. Do you think Pimpri-Chinchwad could lead to the same rate in near future given its proximity to Hinjewadi, Pune-Mumbai highway and tathavde IT park near Nigadi? ANd more importantly chinchwad has still kept its original locality (less crime compared to kalewadi, pimpri, wakad)!

    3. I am interested in investing in Chinchwad area? Research related to builders and their credibility I will have to do that yet. But Ravi as you can see in my previous comment - I have these views about chinchwad. Would you please share your thoughts about Chinchwad area? There could be some cons that I might be missing which you can throw some light on? Would appreciate your reply on this!

    4. Location is a personal choice, Craig. Better follow your heart. Every neighbourhood has plus & minus points. You do your own evaluation.

  29. I do see that bloggers have removed a facility of expressing your views or facility of asking query on post. WHY ? I could not add my view on Little Earth Pune where blogger got fancy DIWALI gift from builder of Little Earth Pune. I suggest blogger to continue the facility of asking query on blogger news and allow to provide more information about project to every one so that blog can be more reach in information.

    1. 1) Sorry to know that you couldn't post your comment on the blog of Little Earth, Unknown.

      2) However, this comment proves that I haven't removed the facility to comment.

  30. I don't think little earth has got enough booking to complete the phase I. Blogger need to confirm this and I also suggest to avoid taking Gift from Builders so that he/she can be neutral about providing information.

    1. 1) The builder of Little Earth has claimed that he has received enough number of bookings to complete the construction of this phase. Why do you think that - he hasn't, Unknown?

      2) I respect your views about gifts, Unknown.

      Of course, I don't agree with you.

      Builders & my readers know well - gifts, relations, legal notice & threat don't stop me from expressing my views.

  31. good to see this facility again back. Thanks Mr. Ravi.

    1. It was already there. It is always there for years. It's not back, Unknown.

  32. I would like to see the clear cut views in simple language from bloggers for prospective buyers. Unfortunately views are GOL MATOL and most of the time real information is missing.

  33. Hi Ravi,

    First of all I want to say thank you, for sharing this useful blog. And I will advise my all friends to read this blog how all willing to buy new flat, instead of giving any other advise.

  34. It is imperative to check if they are offering the flats at their normal rate or if they have heightened the price ( just to cover up the scheme and make money out of hidden strategy, if any)....i had come across same scheme a year ago where the builder had increased the price by ~10% compare to their rates only and the rates in sourrounding area....sir plz can you enlight us on this aspect if you have made any discovery...

    Thank you

  35. I also had gone to Pandit farms to check this gimmick.

    One more thing was 5-8 lakhs extra for flats facing the river (sinhagad road project).

    Apart from all the interest free gimmick, rate increase after 6th floor. First 4 floors are parking. So, effectively rate increase after 2 residential floors.

  36. Thank you sir, I too visited the Kharadi (Wagholi) site recently to check 100% interest free home offer. Offer looks lucrative also found that all clearance are available for the project. This blog was written long back so I would like to know your current views on the offer. After having clearances and delay compensation clauses in agreement as per RERA, does the offer look safe now?
    Please let me know your valuable feedback asap.

    Thank you,

  37. Dear Sir,
    First of all I would like to thank you for writing lengthy blog, though it was getting annoying sometimes I still somehow managed to complete it with the hope that you would rather at some point in the above "essay" straight forward to says Pros and Cons about this which I hardly found any matter. I tried to read "between the lines" but it all seems to be your personal interest with other builders. WE THE PEOPLE look at you as professional blog writer with Straight forward answers. anyways I wish you all the best for your blogs and hope that you will write to the point and precise without adding night stories
