
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Vastushodh Projects files police complaint against Ravi Karandeekar

Is the police complaint about my blog - "5 Reasons why you must not book a flat in Vastushodh Projects' UrbanGram & AnandGram"?

Vastushodh Projects files police complaint against Ravi Karandeekar - Kothrud Police Station Samajpatra

Yes! My dear friend Sachin Kulkarni, Managing Director of Vastushodh Projects, has filed police complaint against me!!

According to the samajpatra (समजपत्र) from Kothrud Police Station the complaint is -
1) I am misleading people by sharing false information about Vastushodh Projects.
2) By writing not that good words about him - I am spoiling Sachin's image.

The complaint doesn't mention any particular blog. But I assume it must be about my recent blog - 5 Reasons why you must not book a flat in Vastushodh Projects' UrbanGram & AnandGram.

Because, after posting more than 250 blogs in the last 5 years, for the first time, in my recent blog I have written - Do not book a flat in Vastushodh Projects' AnandGram & UrbanGram.

Certainly, recommending not to book in Vastushodh Projects was emotionally sad decision. But ethically it was a rational decision.

I write Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog for you - the property buyers. And it's my duty to give you my honest reviews & recommendations. Irrespective of my personal relationships with the builders. Without bothering about the consequences.

I am always ready to pay the price for my freedom of speech. But not my neighbours.

My neighbour couldn't control her tears when she told me how police questioned her when they found my flat locked.

"Why do put your life in danger by writing against the builders?," asked my neighbour.

"I don't write against the builders. I write for the property buyers," I told her.

"Writing for the property buyers - means - writing against the builders! Isn't it?," said my neighbour.

"Not really! You are witness. I am writing a blog for last 7 years. How many times in the last 7 years - did the police come to catch me?," I asked her.

"Never before. Not once in the last 7 years. Today was the first time. Aren't you frightened?," said my neighbour.

"No. Because - I know jo dar gaya samjho mar gaya," I said.

Let us see what happens tomorrow when I report at Kothrud Police Station.

Latest Updates:

1) Vastushodh Projects' police complaint against Ravi Karandeekar

Related Stories:

1) 5 Reasons why you must not book a flat in Vastushodh Projects' UrbanGram & AnandGram

2) Is Vastushodh Projects a Trustworthy - Reliable Builder?

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  1. Chi...thu...if you all buyers believe Ravi sir bribgs trutg..don't buy a single flat.

  2. Those who support must come forward openly on blig and give in writing complaint against such builders to collector, SP, Commissioner and CM.

  3. Ravi let me know if you need any help. This case is baseless. We can appoint best lawyers to fight this. Let them not harass you, we love your writing.

  4. Dear Ravi
    I am reading your blog since last 3 years and found nothing wrong in educating the property buyers.
    This indeed shows the fear among builder's community that someone is there to educate the property buyers and put forward the unethical practices done by many of them. This also shows that your blog is becoming popular and people are really able to make a right decision for their life`s one of the big decision.
    It’s sad that Mr. Kulkarni directly went to police instead of getting in touch with you to know what exactly went wrong this time. I do remember there are many posts, which you post on your blog recommending buyers to book a flat at Vastoshodh. That time Mr. Kulkarni must have been delighted by free publicity. However, we all Netizens who love your blog want to request you don’t feel any pressure and do what you think is right for property buyers.
    This also shows that the market is at peak and soon it should collapse (or actually come to that level which Punekar deserve based on city’s infrastructure)
    I wish you fearless blogging in coming years.

  5. Ravi, I am a regular reader of your blogs. I will be always there to support you

  6. Dear Ravi,

    This only shows the frustration of builders. I must admit that you are indeed doing excellent work.
    Also these idiot builders forget to see the falling sales of flats which is being published widely by all major media houses. What next ?? File case against media houses editors & put reporters in jail ?? Haha.

    Fact is :

    Builders are getting bankrupt due to poor sales,
    They need someone to put out their frustration.

    If they have any sense, they better reduce prices by atleast 50% & complete existing projects rather than doing ponzi scheme by launching new projects without completing older one.
    They should better do self introspection by looking at cases filed against them in consumer courts rather than filing case against you.

    As far as this case is concerned, spoke with my lawyers (which happen to be some of the top brains in this field) & they informed that the case doesn't stand at all. This is only pressure tactic, nothing more than that. I am sure even the cop must be laughing on the builder !!

    I never wish anything bad against anyone, but after KUL Nation filed police case & now this Vastushodh against you, I sincerely hope that buyers stop buying flats so that not only prices will crash but all such builders will also go bankrupt.

    Keep posting & god bless.

  7. Hi Ravi,

    Hope you are doing good & if you don't have any issues, please share what happened post visiting Police station.

    And look at statement made by same builder earlier in press :

    " Speaking about the budget, Sachin Kulkarni, MD, Vastushod, said the budget has completely ignored the sector.

    Talking about the Pune market, Kulkarni said that it has been stagnant for a long time and will remain so for some time longer. "

    This comment was made way before you published article few days ago. Wonder why builder is blaming you when builder himself has admitted problems with realty sector in Pune.

  8. Ravi,

    you are educating us with your honest and informative articles in real estate industry. Everyone has right to express his opinion about a product he likes or dislikes. The pros and cons of a product.


    long live "Freedom of Expression"
