
Friday, November 25, 2011

Florencia Wakad Pune - Public Caution

The Ad Published in Today's ( 25-11-2011) Sakal, Pune:

Florencia Wakad Pune Legal Issue
Florencia Wakad Pune

Click Here to Visit Sakal


  1. Same kind of notice was there in newspaper for Paranjape "Yuthika" - Baner also a month ago.

    You can make people aware about it as well.


  3. Thanks Rohit - for sharing the link about Parajape Schemes' Yuthika at Baner.

  4. Hi Ravi, so what should the consumer at large do when something like this comes through?

  5. similar notice was there for Balark Arcadia project on Sinhgad road. Do you have any updates on that?

  6. As this is just MOU.Is this binding in nature if breach of MOU ??

  7. Hi Ravi,
    Similar sort of public notice was there in newspaper for Pate Developer’s project "Balark Arcadia" - Sinhagad Road in the month of Aug 2011.
    What should the consumer do when something like this comes through? Because I have booked the flat in that project & do you have any updates on that? Please make me aware about it.

  8. I have booked a flat in florencia a year and half back.. I got the notice also.. What am I suppose to do now? Can you please suugest?

  9. Ravi,
    Based on your experience in Real estate, what do you suggest a customer should do?
    I have like many others booked a flat and also got registered the Sale agreement (not sure if thats what it is called). I made the down payment and
    applied for Bank loan, which was approved. No that I have received this notice of course I am not going to make any further payemnt, but what should be my course of action.
    Should I just wait and pray that they may settle internally and resolve the issue? is this a game they played to raise the rates as everyone around them has different rate?
    Or will I end up paying more money once this thing settles?

    Lesson learned, never buy from non established builders. may be pay little extra but buy from good builders.
    Ravi, will apreciate your comments or suggestions.


  10. Dear Jag, you should ask your builder to give written explanation about the legal notice. Consult your lawyer about the builder's written explanation and follow his advice.
    Sometimes, these notices are not that serious as they sound.

  11. Ravi,
    Thanks for sharing the information.
    I brought flat in this scheme in 2010.
    What worst thing can happen here.

  12. Mr. Karandeekar,
    Thank you your opinion, I did contact one of my lawyers and they said, at times these kind of issues get resolve over time by themselves. Some time they get streched. He did give similar suggestion to ask for written explanation from the builder for the issue and notice sent by other party. I appreciate your fair view to this. Depending on my luck, lets see if this is dragged for months, years and if I end up paying more money to get same flat.

  13. Hi Friends,

    Please note that Vishwa Vinayak Developers have won the Civil Application M.A.No.-517/2010 filed by M/s Jain Housing Construction Ltd., Chennai.

    Interested people can contact at Site office to see/get the document proof.

  14. We, the flat owners of Florencia, have formed a online group.

    After the builder's suit issue we are actively using this group fro communication.

    Please join the "florenciawakad" yahoo group. You can search by this name.

    Here is email address

    Also update the excel sheet with your details and read the word doc.

    Feel free to forward the request to Florencia flat owners that you know.

  15. Is this legal issue with Florencia is resolved. I am planning to buy resale flat in florencia. Can any one suggest on it.

    1. Demand an answer from the builder's lawyer in writing, Amol!

    2. Hi All florencia people,
      I am looking to buy a flat in florencia.Please suggest if the issues are resolved and there is no problem of water ,electricity or any other issue.

