
Monday, August 29, 2011

Die for a Politician & Live for a Builder

Not anymore!:

I am Anna
I am Anna!

Anna Hazare's movement for the Jan Lokpal Bill has proved that we can do more than what we are supposed to do - die. Die for a motherland and let the men in power live a long life.

For the first time, we found a leader, Anna Hazare, who was ready to die for us. So, that we can have a 'say' and live a respectable life.

What politicians had to accept, for sure, builders can't refuse. Like politicians, the builders have to accept that we, the property buyers, are the masters.

Now, builders have to stop exploitative abuses. Builders can't go on exploiting us, anymore. Builders can't take disadvantage of their collective dominant position of the only source of housing to abuse property buyers. (Read More)


  1. Ravi,
    please touch your heart and tell us if you really qualify to talk about Shri. Anna Hazare.
    You yourself are corrupt person in a way to cheat with buyers by favoring builders lobby.
    You know the answer well...
    be honest before you reply this comment, PLEASE.

  2. Dear Trupti, you can admire me for not moderating comments and let you express your heart on my blog.

    You know what? From the day i started this blog there is always someone like you who has the same opinion about me!

    My answer is - Trupti, please, use this space to spread the truth about Pune real estate.

    Just a bad word about me is not enough.

    Keep on talking about what is wrong with Pune real estate market. There is no limit on words and no moderation. Keep it up!
