
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tata Inora Park Undri Pune 411 028 - Current (August 2010) Property Rates

August 2010 Property Rates, Saleable Areas of 2 BHK & 3 BHK, Large & Compact Flats and the Property Prices in Tata Inora Park (

Tata Inora Park Undri Pune 411 028

View Tata Inora Park Undri Pune 411028 in a larger map

As per the official information i have received from TATA Housing Development Company Ltd., i am publishing August 2010 property prices of Tata Inora Park ( at Undri, Pune 411 028. Please, do not refer to the old property rates and property prices mentioned on these old blogs: 1) TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2010 Tata Inora Park Undri Pune - Current Property Rates Rs. 2,700 & 2,775 per sq.ft. + Extras 2) SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 2010 Visit to Tata Inora Park Undri Pune 3) SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 2010 Tata Inora Park Undri Pune increases property price! "Ethical Business Practice" of Tata Inora Park Undri Pune: 4) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2010 Tata Inora Park Undri Pune - Tata Housing launches 6 acre township of compact and large 2 BHK & 3 BHK Flats Property rate: Rs. 2,575 per sq.ft. for Saleable area

To Know More - Contact: TATA Housing Development Company Ltd. 310, 3rd Floor, B Wing, City Point Apartment City Tower, Street No. 17, Boat Club Pune - 411001 Tel: +91 (020) 6686 2386

Related Stories:

1) FRIDAY, JULY 9, 2010 "My budget is 20 lakhs and I want to own a 2 BHK Flat in Pune!" 2) TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 2010 Sunway - Megapolis Smart Homes 2 - Hinjewadi - Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park Phase 3, Pune 411 057 - Brochure and Property Prices of 2 BHK & 2.5 BHK Flats 2 BHK Flat - 805 Carpet - For Rs. 28.46 to 33.62 Lakhs 2.5 BHK Flat - 964 Carpet - For Rs. 33.51 to 39.65 Lakhs All inclusive property prices! (Yes, including Vat and Service Tax) 3) SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 2010 July 2010 - Most popular blogs on Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog

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  1. What is so good about the place to increase the price by 20% in last 5 months. Approach road is bad, no hospitals near by, still prices are moving up.

  2. Ravi, you may not like this but I'm sorry to say that you are sounding more like a mouthpiece for builders and developers now a days.
    I do not see any unbiased blogs from you helping property buyers.

  3. Dear Mistral,
    Ref: "Ravi, you may not like this but I'm sorry to say that you are sounding more like a mouthpiece for builders and developers now a days."

    "now a days" or mean "this post"?

    I can understand a blog "helping property buyers".

    But not "unbiased"!

    What do you really mean by "unbiased blog"?

    I always assume that you want me to write without taking a side of a builder or a buyer. Right?

    This blog you find - takes builder's side - so it is not "unbiased".


    Dear Mistral, you care for your side. You remember your opposition party - builder.

    But what about me?
    I write this blog.
    But you don't consider me at all!
    Like a coin - for you there are only 2 sides.
    1) You - property buyer.
    2) Builder!
    If i am not on your side -
    then i am on the builder's side.

    You don't consider that i can - may have my own side!

    I see and present Pune real estate from my point of - real estate salesman's point of view.

    I request you to read my blog as a real estate salesman's blog.

    Don't read it as a property buyer's blog
    or a builder's blog.

  4. Well.. your profile says "The real estate salesman who has stopped selling and started helping property buyers to buy a property in Pune real estate market."
    Your help is limited to advertising projects on behalf of builders and telling the readers some hypothetical stories.
    That could certainly be called "help" but it's more like helping yourself, nothing wrong with it but please remove "stopped selling and started helping property buyers" from your 'About me' section.
    You are still selling and not helping which is clearly indicative from your earlier comment.

    And yes, I was not referring to this post. I know this is merely another advertise (or help?).

  5. Dear Mistral,

    Ref: "I know this is merely another advertise (or help?)."

    So, you mean to say, providing the current property prices of Tata Inora Park is not helping the property buyers!

    Getting prices without calling and sending email to the builder does not matter at all. Right?

    Dear Mistral, can you tell me what made you visit this post on Tata Inora Park? You wanted to know prices. Right?

    Or you visit my each and every blog to check what i am writing?

    Even you would have been doing that, my dear Mistral, you would not have made a statement like this:

    "Your help is limited to advertising projects on behalf of builders and telling the readers some hypothetical stories."

    Dear Mistral, have you visited these posts on Tata Inora Park?



    OK. Let us accept your statement.

    Can i ask you? - what do you do in your comment?

    I create an opportunity for you - did you use it to put the property buyers side?


    Do you know that blog is a two way communication?

    You are free to post useful information, property buyers' view - side in your comments.

    Do i moderate your comments?


    Do i prevent you from putting the "other side"?


    Point is, my dear Mistral, if i am not writing what you expect me to write then you can do it! Don't you want to help Pune property buyers? Yes, i am sure, you want to. Right?

    Dear Mistral, i am honest. I am not a property buyer. I am not a builder. I am real estate salesman. I never pretend. I write from my point of view. Real estate salesman's point of view.

    For a property buyer and a real estate salesman - property price is very important information. It's more important for Tata Inora Park becasue this project is not yet launched in the main media. And you know, Mr. Mistral? Property prices are available only on my blog. Not even on the project's website. Isn't this useful information?

  6. nice try to duck the real issue.
    Well another thing, now you have admitted you are only a salesman and only pune property salesman available on the net, you'll sometimes have to bear the brunt of property buyers who are pissed off with the nexus of builders and salesmen.
    And again, I did not visit Tata page because I wanted to know the prices. I just wanted to let you what I feel about your recent blogs/ads/help(!?).
    It's upto you how you want to take this criticism. I'd suggest you to take a look at your own blogs you wrote couple of years ago and today's blogs. I'm sure being an honest man, you'd find there has been a change in terms of "help" provided.

  7. Dear Ravi, Mistral and all other readers,

    I must say that after reading Ravi's responses to Mistral's comments, I am very confused about what Ravi's motto is.

    I remember reading "A Salesman who has stopped selling and started helping property buyers" from Ravi, which now seems to be a VERY MISLEADING statement by Ravi.

    I am sure Ravi needs an full time occupation to fund his expenses and earn a living, which NOW seems to be the business model around this blog.

    Ravi, a lot of us read your blog because we were under the impression that you are NOT A SALESMAN any more (do not make commissions on what you suggest/recommend/review for the users) and in turn charge the users for the consultancy beyond the '3 minutes'.

    Sorry, but it is almost close to a con, when you say that you are not a salesman but in actual fact you are.

    I will still continue reading your blog but now with the knowledge that you are still a SALESMAN, and able to provide your arguments (possibly honest) over the web to a large user community.

    I suggest that you remove the MISLEADING STATEMENT and add a disclaimer in BOLD RED to say that you are a SALESMAN but that you try to be fair to the buyers by providing your honest thoughts about an investment opportunity.

    I hope that helps you understand Mistral's point and the readers expectations at large.

    If you need any more feedback, please feel free to write on the comments.


  8. Mistral/Tarun,

    I was just going through your comments but it seems the matter is blown out of proportion. Whatever Ravi writes its his right whether biased or unbaised...its upto the reader how they take it. We are here reading his blog becoz we get something out of it lets say free advice? if he was or he is salesman its his personal business. Ravi, does blogging becoz he likes it..and if u hate it or have some issue better live with it or unsubscribe....

  9. Dear Amar

    It seems that Tarun or Mistral have no problems with the right of Ravi to write whatever he likes. The issue here is he is pretending to be writing to "help" the property buyers. His "About Me" section says 'The real estate salesman who has stopped selling and started helping property buyers'.
    However he does not clearly seem to be helping but only selling. As Mistral said, there is nothing wrong with being a salesman but the problem is he is pretending not be a salesman and pretending that he is helping the buyers.
    Ravi needs to come clean and open about this and say that he is just a salesman.
    It's a false statement that he is making when said "The real estate salesman who has STOPPED SELLING and started helping property buyers".

  10. However he does not clearly seem to be helping but only selling? can i get some examples pls...

    R we living in fool's paradise? if he is selling then why are we buying? if he is not clean ....we still read his blog.

    I am not defending Ravi but trying to understand this issue in more detail. if he is selling then obviously there are buyers? i would say simply " its upto the readers to decide" on the commments/about me section to decide whether he is doing justice.

    For me even if Ravi was builder :) i dont mind at all becoz i get something to learn from his blog.... and end of the day its my decision.......

    if you can give me examples as to why you say that Ravi is here for selling? it would be great...

    End of the day we are discussing pls dont take it other way round... :)

  11. Dear Amar

    "if you can give me examples as to why you say that Ravi is here for selling? it would be great.."

    As per Ravi's earlier comment -
    "I see and present Pune real estate from my point of - real estate salesman's point of view.

    I request you to read my blog as a real estate salesman's blog.

    Don't read it as a property buyer's blog".

    Good enough?

  12. Dear Mistral,

    Ref: "And again, I did not visit Tata page because I wanted to know the prices. I just wanted to let you what I feel about your recent blogs/ads/help(!?)."

    1) Thanks for visiting my blog.

    2) Thanks for your critical appreciation of my blog.

    3) Yes, i agree with you.

    The reader who is interested in buying a flat and the reader who is interested in only reading a blog
    can have different opinions.
    Even opposite opinion.

    Here, i am trying to make my blog more useful for the property buyers.

    For example by providing the current property rates at Tata Inora Park at Undri.

    But, i don't stop at it.
    1) I post the slide show - which gives info about the project.
    2) I give the location map.
    3) I give the elevation.

    For the visitor who is interested in the project it may be useful information - the reader in US can see exactly where is Undri, how the project might look, and to-the-point info about the project.

    For the property buyers this may be a good blog - informative.

    But the same blog may look like an ad for the reader who is not interested in buying a flat in this project - like you, Mr. Mistral.

    I am i right?

    Are you looking at my blog from the property buyers point of view or as a critic?

    Your comments tell me that you are a critic. You are here to judge. You visit to examine my blog.
    You are welcome! I admire your efforts. I have only one request along with the criticism, please, guide me. Tell me how I should have written this blog so it would not have looked like an ad to critic like you. Be my coach!

    Or i should not have written this blog giving property prices at all? Tell me.

  13. Ref: "Ravi, a lot of us read your blog because we were under the impression that you are NOT A SALESMAN any more (do not make commissions on what you suggest/recommend/review for the users) and in turn charge the users for the consultancy beyond the '3 minutes'."

    Yes, Tarun Goel! You are right.
    I do not write "paid" blogs.
    I do not charge the builders for writing about their projects. My source of revenue is the property buyers - consultation and Google Ads.

  14. Ref: "I suggest that you remove the MISLEADING STATEMENT and add a disclaimer in BOLD RED to say that you are a SALESMAN but that you try to be fair to the buyers by providing your honest thoughts about an investment opportunity."

    Dear Tarun, you are right! Thats what the statement says! With this statement, i tell you how i look at the real estate. This statement says that you are reading a real estate salesman's point of view.

  15. Ref: "However he does not clearly seem to be helping but only selling."

    Dear Pune, are you interested in Tata Inora Park Undri?

    If not, then please, tell me what are you looking for?

    Did you find one blog giving useful information about a project in your preferred area?

  16. Ravi, i dont understand why do you need to provide explaination boss? :)

    Its ur blog its ur baby....if readers feel its baised or unbaised its there issue...i read the info and ultimately its my decision so i dont really care if the author is seller or buyer....

    If user have issue with your about me section they still are here? why? they cant give jugdements to change ur about me..

  17. Ravi, when can i see your views on greenland, pimple saudagar? :)
