
Monday, November 30, 2009

Installation of solar water heater is mandatory in all new buildings coming up in Pune - City engineer Prashanth Wagmare

The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has set up an eco-housing cell. The civic body offers a concession of 10-50% on the total premium extended to developers depending on the rating of their projects. As much as 25% rebate will be given, when the building proposal is approved and the remaining after the completion of the project. The PMC also offers a 10% deduction in property tax.

The city has the ideal weather conditions for using solar devices. Currently, about 20 per cent of the houses in Pune are using solar water heating units. This percentage would increase because of the central government incentives, said Ghotikar.

"The solar water heaters are not expensive if we consider their long-term utility. One family has to spend approximately Rs 25,000 for a solar water heater. The central government is promoting the installation of solar water heating systems through a soft loan scheme being operated through the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd and banks,'' Ghotikar said.

Soft loans at 2% to domestic users, 3% to institutional users not availing accelerated depreciation and 5% to industrial/commercial users availing depreciation are available.

To read more, please, visit More homes opt for solar energy

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  1. You got a really useful blog I have been here reading for about a while already. I am a newbie and your success is very much an inspiration for me. Keep up the good post! solar water heating

  2. Thanks for sharing some important information about solar water heaterThe most of think about solar water heater its save electricity and cost & another advantage not expensive if we consider their long-term utility..

  3. Hi Ravi,
    Is it mandatory as per PCMC rules to have solar water heater in all new buildings? I did not find anything related to it under DC rules in PCMC website.
    If yes, can you please share some references for this news?
