
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pune holds first Pecha Kucha Night

Pecha Kucha Night (PKN) - It's a way of bringing together architects, writers, artists and other creative minds..
Pecha Kucha Night (PKN), the brainchild of Klein Dytham Architecture, a Tokyo-based firm, originated in 2003 and is today held in over 240 cities in the world.

In Pune, the first PKN was held on October 23 and had 90 people in attendance.

Twelve individuals from the fields of dance, journalism, architecture, fine arts, poetry and literature met at well-known architect Christopher Charles Benninger's office.

The presentations included a slide show on the evolution of a chair by senior architect Shrikant Nivasarkar,

Falguni Gokhale's journey as an artist;

Varsha Gavandi's interesting facts on Chinese gardens ( Ravi & Varsha Gavandi, Landscape Designers' of Darode Jog Properties' Blossom Boulevard, super premium apartments at Koregaon Park ) and

demonstrations on the finer nuances of classical dance by Kathak dancers Kaveri Agashe and Sheetal Kolwalkar.

Pecha Kucha derives its name from a Japanese term for the sound of conversation ( chitchat'). It will be a regular activity in Pune to help creative people share knowledge.
To read more, please, visit The Times of India

Tain Square at Fatima Nagar, Pune -
Creation of Christopher Charles Benninger:

If you have ever been to Fatima Nagar - Wanawadi in Pune, i am sure, Christopher Charles Benninger's stunning creation Tain Square must have left a lasting impression on your mind.

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