
Monday, October 26, 2009

Death rate of traffic accidents in Pune is 29 per lakh population

Number of accident-related deaths on Pune roads is equal to the number of people dying due to tuberculosis in India:

The most important point that the study, carried out at the University of Pune's Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, highlights is that accidents do not occur by chance.

In fact, there are two reasons that lead to maximum number of cases: One is human behavior and the other is poor civic infrastructure.

A large number of deaths and injuries are occurring due to poor road conditions.

Behavioural risk factors like over speeding and driving without observing traffic rules were found to be major causes of injuries.

Environmental factors like congested roads, roadside hazards like stray animals, unmarked dividers on streets and poor street lighting were also identified. Read More

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  1. Looks like Ravi is not getting enough to blog on Pune Property market these days. Does that also mean that the market is really stagnant, no new projects, no buyers, etc?

  2. Please read carefully !
    The news posted by Ravi are many a times indirectly related to real estate in pune.
    You dont necessarily have to post news of rates being hiked or reduced,do you?
