
Monday, September 28, 2009

Right time to buy your house

Expect hardening of interest rates and a spike in property prices soon. At least that is what banking circles and real estate players would like their prospective clients to believe.

Bank officials say the soft interest rate regime is set to end with rates likely to creep up in a couple of quarters. Real estate players say property prices have corrected and the demand has started picking up. Bankers and realtors also say the festive season is the most fascinating period for house hunters. That means, if you have been waiting to buy your dream house at ‘‘the right price'', probably this is the time for you to go for it. Why so?
To read more, please, visit The Times of India

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  1. This ToI should mind its own 'news' business rather than enter into RE business.

    All times are best times to buy a house, provided you have inflated money in proportion to the inflated prices.

  2. TOI = Toilet Paper of India...

    They get lot of money from builder lobby for advertisement, hence help builders to speculate like this.
    Just ignore TOI news.

  3. Hello Everybody
    please read article on following site.

    This seems to be authentic information on the state of real estate.

    Beware of this state , If you have invested in property at higher rate. please consider disinvesting. property prises are going to crash again.

    if you are planning to buy a property, think about resale property. if you can wait best option is wait until Dec 2009.

  4. C'on guys, ever since Bennete and Colmon has signed private equity treaties with RE builders, how can TOI (Toilet Paper of India) sit quite? Its their indirect way of doing business which is in fact win-win (don't mistaken here buyer..its Builders and B & C group) treaty for both :)

    Also, did you see last couple of days of Times ad junks (sorry paper and supplements like Property times)? So who is contributing to cash starved group? Not you me , its these nice builders who are helping these poor fellows who are also in business of news with nice logo of RK Laxman's common man logo. Isn't that something we should be prod of and we should support this cause?

    Thanks Ravi for posting nice jokes and Happy Dasera to you and all regular readers!

  5. Some people don't like the reality that housing market is picking up so they go overboard blaming TOI or anyone who carries the news. The very same people will happily believe if TOI or ET reports baerish news. It shows the hypocrisy of these posters.

  6. "Some people don't like the reality that housing market is picking up so they go overboard blaming TOI or anyone who carries the news."

    Yes, housing market is picking up (Courtesy ToI).

    And builders are going to increase flat rates by Rs. 500 per sq. ft. (Courtesy ToI).

    ToI sponsors so many Property exhibitions.
    Why? Because housing market is picking up.

    Long live ToI!
    Long Live Builders and Bankers!
    Long Live other RE Players!

  7. Well Newspaper is Cheapest thing which we can buy today .... so you cannot hold them all responsible for every news ... it is team of editors that work and same like unlike fingers we have ... they too have writers paid by builders to infuence weak minded people ... so for smarter ones ... I think we know now to take advt with pinch of salt same applies for these kind of news articles published .... At end of day everyone should do their own HW(Homework) .... just like when u buy vegetables ... we look for essentials like Freshness, Qlty, Qty etc Do more fact findings for your own peaceful or distressed future .. Cheers, PD

  8. Hi Ravi,
    What about Yogesh Chabria's views on RE? One think I probably agree with this guy, this unstoppable force of free and democratic online medium is at least not controlled by any of these influencers and out of thier reach and thats the reason I'm able to put my two words here any many are doing..poor builders are thinking media can change people's mind's ... they better stop these paid campains and be ready for the big brother coming up (RE regulator) and the awareness among real buyers

    Real Estate Prices To Crash 70% Across India - If You Want Them To!

  9. # Ref: "What about Yogesh Chabria's views on RE?"

    Thanks for the link! I liked the blog. I subscribed it too. Interesting and absolutely right. If buyers decide anything can happen. I completely agree with Yogesh. Not in the real estate market but even in the stock market too! People have changed not only governments but even political systems!

    # Ref: "they better stop these paid campains and be ready for the big brother coming up (RE regulator) and the awareness among real buyers."

    This is not fair. As much as buyer the builder has the right to influence and use the media. Saying "stop" is undemocratic and against the freedom of speech.

    Why are you depending on "the big brother"? Don't you believe in the power of property buyers? Do you feel vulnerable? Please, check up!

    Don't confuse between home buyer and real estate investor. Home buyer is always aware! He doesn't need to consult investment guru to buy a home to raise the family. As hungry doesn't need dietitian. Office goer doesn't consult weather bulletin and decide whether to go to the office or not! Home buyer don't go by the market trends. They follow their life plan.
