
Friday, September 11, 2009

Pethkar Projects is now an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Firm

Congrats my dear neighbor and promoters of Samrajya, a new phase of Balwantpuram in Shivtirthnagar on Paud Road in Kothrud, Pune, India!

I feel proud of myself whenever i visit Samrajya, Balwantpuram. Have a look at these photographs, i took today morning:

Thanks Abhay Firake, of Nucleus Interiors & Construction ( ), architects, interior designers, turn-key project mangers of Bungalows and Weekend Homes in and around Pune and my dear friend & associate for sponsoring me. Because of you, i can take and show actual photographs to my readers.

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NRI property buyers are still shopping in Pune real estate market!

Pethkar Projects' Samrajya - Balwantpuram compact 2 and 3 bhk flats at an affordable property rate of Rs. 4,000 - 80% flats booked in 2 days!

Pethkar Projects, at ShivtirthNagar on Paud Road in Kothrud, opens bookings of 2 new wings of Samrajya - Balwantpuram at Rs.4,000 per sq.ft.!

Hot Pune Real Estate News:
Pethkar Projects launches Samrajya, township with swiming pool in Balwantpuram at ShivtirhtNagar on Paud Road in Kothrud

Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog - most popular blogs - August 2009

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  1. these are really awesome pictures. it also reveals the beauty of location of samrajya. amidst luch green hilltops - truely said.
    in one picture i seen workers wearing helmets, this is a rare sight now a days.
    my best wishes to Pethkars.


  2. thanks for making this clutter-free. i feel like reading it again.

  3. well buyers can visit this blog a very helpful link

  4. # Ref: "clutter-free"

    Thanks to you for pointing it out!

  5. # Ref: ""
    Thanks for the link. Yes, i agree with you. I not only visit it but Tweet important discussions. Property buyers helping each other is simply great phenomenon.

  6. Wow! Pethkar has managed to remove critical comments about him....

    Is is very difficult to digest critics, anyway...

    Bloody critics, wasps rather, who come in the way of business...

  7. # Ref: "Wow! Pethkar has managed to remove critical comments about him....

    My dear friend,
    be specific.

    Don't you think that you can make your point and contribute substantially by being specific when you post a comment like this?

    I don't mind commenting Anonymously. Because i hope that being Anonymous can help you to gather little courage to be specific.

    My dear friend, when you post this type of a comment, it only tells about yourself.

    I pray to God, to make you happy and assertive person.
    God bless you!

  8. "I pray to God, to make you happy and assertive person."

    Pl. pray to god for long life of Pune builders
    who are only ruled by greed and capitalism ...

    Quite surprised about your posting of 'critic' mail ...

  9. # Ref: " Quite surprised about your posting of 'critic' mail ..."

    "Surprised" because this must be your first visit to Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog.

    However, Welcome! nice to see you here.
    Hope to see you often.
    And hear your views and experiences about Pune real estate market.

    May god give you courage to be specific in the comments, instead of being sarcastic and cynical.

    May god make you responsible person and give you courage "to own your views and insights" you express in the comments by signing in using any authentic id provided here:

  10. Let god save everyone; me, you, builders, agents, house buyers, etc.

  11. "My dear friend, when you post this type of a comment, it only tells about yourself. "

    What does it tell?

  12. Ref: Wow! Pethkar has managed to remove critical comments about him....

    hello mr.Anonymous,
    i didnt understand wht exactly u want to say. it will be nice if u cld elaborate ur findings about us.
    we always enhance our customer satisfaction and will always remain committed for the same. if u hv some bad experience about us then u shld mention it here...

    jitendra pethkar
    project partner
    pethkar projects

  13. "if u hv some bad experience about us then u shld mention it here..."

    Refer to:

  14. Dear Anonymous,
    i hd already gone thr the link long back and its contents tht u hd mentioned in ur post. i know wht r our plans for samrajya, and i m confident tht when thie entire project will b completed in yr 2011 it wuld be a landmark in kothrud. u may hv diff opinion on this, but i dont care for tht.
    u shld recently visit our site and see to status of project, flats remaining and quality of cons. as reg L5, we hd already discussed the matter about the amenities and clarified. so 3rd person shldnt be concerned.
    lastly i believe in 'Nindakache Ghar Asawe Shejari' (if u understand marathi) so ur inputs r appreciated.

    jitendra pethkar
    project partner
    pethkar projects

  15. "u may hv diff opinion on this, but i dont care for tht."

    Pethkar Sahab, thanks for your comments.

    We know you don't care for us, except for our hard-earned money.

    Best wishes for your business and prosperity.

  16. I really wonder who is buying these 2 BHKs for 60-70 lakhs. There may be a few but few swallow do not make a summer. How long flats will be traded to agents, investors.

    Pune is most hyped real estate in India. Its just matter of time when buyers will buy only when prices reach to 50% of current peaks.

    Why ? Because increased awareness of builder led economical loot, nexus of media-blogsites promoting hihg rates is open to all. Add to it, shrinking affordability.

    My best bet for 2 BHK at this project is 20-25 Lakhs. Its not worth a penny more, no matter what will be said to justify the prices. Because, ultimately, its end user who will deside final price at time of registration. Meanwhie, talks of full bookings, dummy bookings will go on in Pune real estate. Like I saw at another forum, Every project will be 'book'ed at launch day but its ad for 'few' flats will remain available for next 3-4 years at times property ads, property exhibitions, agents, magicbricks sites..


  17. "Its just matter of time when buyers will buy only when prices reach to 50% of current peaks."

    dear home seeker. if u r expecting such a downturn in Pune, RE then ur wait shall be unending.
    "I really wonder who is buying these 2 BHKs for 60-70 lakhs."
    if u hv any doubts then u can see urself in month of jan/feb as to how many of the flats are occupied.

    jitendra pethkar

  18. If it were true, you did not need to defend here about it. :)

  19. if clearing your doubts means defending myself then you can say it like that. i know the truth and thts more than sufficient for me. i dont use this platform to market my scheme. my product and service does it and so is the result, which u and others will see it in jan/feb.
    i would like to invite you at the possession ceremony of L6.

    jitendra pethkar

  20. Thanks but no thanks. I may not want to be part of 'wise' buyers who paid 60 lakhs (1 Cr+ if u take loan repay into account) for small 2 BHK flat amd pay EMIs rest of the life.

  21. > i would like to invite you at the
    > possession ceremony of L6.

    What for?

    Just to show how you bamboozled hapless buyers?

    "I may not want to be part of 'wise' buyers who paid 60 lakhs (1 Cr+ if u take loan repay into account) for small 2 BHK flat amd pay EMIs rest of the life."

    Yes, well said.

  22. yaar, chhote shahar main to puri colony bas sakti hai 1 Cr rupees se..yeh pune real estate to bakwas hai..aisa girega na ye..kyun ki the bubble has inflated to sucha a dangerous level..either builders or buyers who is paying high prices..are going for a sure burst

  23. I agree..any price over Rs. 1000 psf is pure loot. Compare this with current prices which are 2000-3000+, and see how much profits are being earned.

    Well, my say is not to blame builders but also buyers who are felling to peer pressure, marketing gimmiks. No builder will acknowledge this and will say its demand-supply..etc crap. So its only buyer who is to blame if he pays inflated price, especially in Pune where inventory is manifold than current demand. A 2 BHK nearling 1000 sq ft should cost at best 12-15 lakhs. This includes profit to builder as well and this range is right for most of the buyers waiting today.

  24. Well, one thing to note now. What is said above was true for last couple of years. Not anymore. For one, there are no buyers left who can afford today's prices and secondly, folks who were ready to give those prices have already paid them and bought house. How bad this decision was, thats time will tell slowly. but for now, surely there are no buyers who are paying current prices. Also, a lot of possetions happenign these days are for buyers who booked in pre-boom phase at reasonable rates. At times, there is an attempt to showcase this as new possetions as result of fresh bookings.

    One good thing as said above, flats can not be traded among agents and investors for long whoo are trying to earn thru speculation. That time is over now and crude reality is yet to follow. In the end, prices will be determines whay end user will pay, and though this is my personal opinion I'm sure everyone knows what those levels are..sub2000 range for psf prices.

  25. "A 2 BHK nearling 1000 sq ft should cost at best 12-15 lakhs."

    this is possible only in slums. be realistic man.

  26. If thats the case, all cities except metros will be called as slums since all those beautiful flats exactly fall under same range and their quality is better than Pune's.

    Also, just 3-4 years back, Pune flats were selling at same rate. SHould they also be called as slums dear :)

    Its time for your castles in air to collapse and wake up to reality

  27. Then in that case you better WAIT for the golden time to come.

    Best of LUCK !!!

  28. In finding you a buyer today !!! ;)

  29. I do believe in LUCK, but its proportion is just 1%. for me product & service counts 99%.
    so there is no separate help needed from you.

    it seems tht there is no fullstop this argument. i do not wish to indulge myself in such blog war. so if there is something genuine to be dicussesd then i am always available at my office.

    jitendra pethkar
    project partner.

  30. Where is this Mr. Anonymous hiding now
    - Abhijeet Pardeshi
    Samriddhi Estates
