
Sunday, September 20, 2009

InSignia_Pune News - Allotments completed for the group housing project

Vanshaj InSignia at Baner-Sus:

Nitin Degaonkar, leader of Hinjewadi IT professionals' group housing project Vanshaj InSignia at Baner-Sus, has announced the completion of the allotments. In an email send to the InSignia_Pune Group, Nitin says:
Dear Members,

I am pleased to inform that we have completed allotment of all 68 units in Insignia Project as per list posted today.
Thanking the core group members, Nitin appeals to all members to actively participate in the development of the next project. He says:
As there are many members wanting to have houses in the group housing project we can certainly have another project. However going by the learning so far it is quite a task to do and if we want to have another project, we need some members to work actively on this.

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  1. What a crap! The group Insignia has still not got the house and all these years their moeny has been used by the builder played mind games with the group. The group has invested their money and the construction has not even started even after 4 years. Its a new game in the market use peoples money cheat them. if The builder wants money from market then he has to pay 25-30% interest. This new game uses peoples money, assures them group discount ,people then lose patience and leave the group. That guy has collected about croores of ruppees from various people and still they havent got a house. RAVI as an expert I think you should caution society and your fellow fans about this changing real estate scence. What do you think?

    1. Yes! It's my job. I would like to talk to InSignia guys. Please, arrange a meeting.
