
Friday, August 14, 2009

Swine flu: Follow these 7 steps

Step One:

If you have symptoms like fever, cough, sore throat, cold and running nose, consult your family doc. If he says so, visit the nearest designated government testing centre or hospital for a check up. Your risk is higher if you have developed the symptoms after returning from an infected country or have met a person who has tested positive for H1N1.

Step Two:

If it looks like you're one of the unlucky ones, wear a mask while moving out of the house. In case infected, you could spread H1N1 through coughing or sneezing. Private hospitals or labs are still not authorised to test patients for H1N1.

Step Three:

After clinical assessment, the designated medical officer would decide whether the symptoms would require sample collection and testing. The doctor will check you for symptoms of pneumonia, infection of the chest, fever and ask your travel history.

Step Four:

If it's found that you need testing, throat and nasal samples will be collected and you will be asked to go home and stay indoors for seven days. In case the patient looks serious, he will be admitted in the hospital right away, while his samples are tested.

Step Five:

Sample testing will take 24-48 hours. If found positive, the sample is then tested for H1 and swine A virus. Meanwhile, you will be called back and immediately started on treatment of Tamilfu - one tablet twice a day for 5 days. All your contacts will also be traced and checked for symptoms. (Infected people are liable to infect others from the day before symptoms develop and up to 7 or 8 days after becoming sick. In short, you're liable to pass on the flu to someone before you know you are sick. That's why H1N1 is so very infectious).

Step Six:

If you have a mild infection, you would be given the option of admission into the hospital or isolation and treatment at your own house. If you chose the latter, you and your attendant will have to wear a three layer mask at all times, and confine yourself to a room. Obviously, you can't go out or meet guests. Your family members will also be given a prophylaxis course of Tamilfu. Avoid meeting high risk groups in your family like small children, people with heart disease or pregnant women. In case you feel respiratory distress or your nails turn blue, immediately report back to the government hospital.

Step Seven:

After seven days, in hospital or at home, you will de declared fit and discharged if you show no more symptoms. ET

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  1. hi ravi,
    i really admire ur work, especially the info on swine flue and it precautions. there was a concern. i hd been reading ur blogs regularly, but since many days i hv noticed tht there r less comments submitted on ur blog as compared to the number of posts u had posted. may b many of them hv shifted to indianralestateforum. is it so ?

  2. # Ref: "since many days i hv noticed tht there r less comments submitted on ur blog as compared to the number of posts u had posted. may b many of them hv shifted to indianralestateforum. is it so ?"

    Yes, i have noticed it too!

    Number of subscribers of Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog are increasing every day.

    Number of readers of Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog are increasing every day.

    Members of Google Friend Connect community of Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog are increasing everyday.

    But comments are decreasing day by day!

    Particularly, comments criticizing me.

    Talking in critical and negative tone about Pune builders.

    Expressing their anger and frustration about property rates.

    I missed them all. I miss those genuine feelings. True voice of the property buyers in Pune.

    Thanks for your concern. Take care!
