
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Nyati Enclave residents nail PMC's lie on 'water affidavits' - Ritu Goyal Harish

"We spend a lot of money on water because of the PMC's slipshod work. They should not give building permissions to builders without adequate infrastructure,"

Nyati Enclave, a 288-flat housing scheme in Mohammadwadi, has a huge water problem. Since 2007, its chairman Major General (Retd) VK Madhok has been running from pillar to post to get the water scarcity issue of his society addressed by the top authorities in the Pune Municipal Corporation.

However, the problem has remained critical. To read more, visit DNA

Related Stories:

1) City waiting for PMC's call on 'water affidavits'

2) Correct 'water affidavit' mistake - news link to DNA on Water, PMC, Builder and You

3) Drinking Water - Pune Municipal Corporation, Builders, tanker mafia and you - news links

4) What can we learn from the 'open fight at Nyati Enclave between builder, residents and Pune Municipal Corporation'

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  1. The problem is not the Pune Municipal Corporation.
    The problem is this crazy obnoxious foul mouthed old (retired) Maj Gen VK Madhok himself.
    He has damaged the relations of the society with all govt departments.
    He also writes articles against the govt of India and the ministry of defense.
    Pity the soldiers who worked under him.

  2. Ravi,
    Its not worth your while to engage with this Ritu Goyal Harish. I did a background check on her at DNA. See her profile as "Ritu Harish" on LinkedIn. She is basically anti-Mr.Nitin Nyati as is her family. Her rabble rousing gibberish is unworthy of being accorded any respectability by being given any space on your blog. Please stop carrying her trash. She is a failed cub reporter. That's the sad truth.

  3. Do you even know what you're talking about dear Anon? Prove your allegations... Even a 'failed cub reporter' has done a better job at 'investigating' than you! LOLOL

  4. How is the water supply in nyati enclave at present?
