
Sunday, July 26, 2009

In search of space for wadas

Film-maker Umesh Kulkani's "Vilay", dissolution of the city, is a subtle comment on changing structure of Pune:

Film-maker Umesh Kulkani, of Valu, the wild bull fame, is concerned about the diminishing heritage wadas and the changing nature of the city.

So much so, that he has expressed his angst through a medium he is best at— films. He is making a short film on old wadas called Vilay.

"I was born here and have grown up watching the many shades of the city. The heritage wadas, which were the pride of the city, are now being replaced by buildings which don't have an identity," says Umesh.

Kulkarni feels that tall buildings and the indifferent flat system are depriving city dwellers of many experiences. Read More

Related Stories:

1) Wadas of Pune ripe for redevelopment

2) Raste Wada - Fading glory

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