
Friday, May 15, 2009

Lok Shasan Andolan suggests that if the State Govt along with PMC, PCMC amend their policies 3 -4 lakh affordable flats can be constructed

PMC & PCMC, free the land acquired under one or other pretext:

Satish Khot, sec-retary of Lok Shasan Andolan said, “There is about 500 hectare land avail-able in the rural areas adjoining Pune.

If more land becomes available under the residential area, it will also mean that more houses will be built.

According to Joshi, “There can be 220 flats of 450 sq ft built on one hectare of land.

If we consider the total amount of land, total number of flats available will be at least 3 to 4 lakhs."
To read more, please, visit - House that? Devidas Deshpande

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