
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Be aware when somebody asks you these two questions: "Do you love your country?" "Would you like to become a member of the club?"

Search Google!

Ashutosh, reader of Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog, shared his experience with me and said that it's my moral responcibility to make my readers aware about this "issue".

He has also suggested that one should search Google for these two attractive terms before taking any step.

Elections are over, so nobody is going to ask you whether you love your county or not.

But, be aware, Ashutosh says, you may receive a call asking you about the membership of the club. Caller may offer a plot of land along with the membership.

Generally, i don't get involved in these "issues". I am real estate salesman. I blog to help property buyers to book a flat. If i have any doubts about a certain project, i prefer not to write about it. However, I searched Google, as Ashutosh told me to do. Result is this post!

Thanks, Ashutosh! You are right. I should make my readers aware about this "issue".

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  1. Hi Ravi,
    why can't you write about a bad project?
    you should also educate the buyer by writing about bad projects/ builders so that he does not suffer at the hands of unprofessional, unscrupulous builders.
    Please make it a point to write about such builders or projects...

  2. # Ref: "Please make it a point to write about such builders or projects.."


    I don't have to.

    If you read the comments and my blogs, you will realize that, i can afford not to write any negative thing about any project.

    Because most of the comments, generally, focus on the negative points. Including this comment, yours!

    So if i have to bring out any bad point in any project, i know what to do. I just have to praise it little bit more. And in the comments you can see a long list of negative points.

    I have tested this many times.

    Point is we all know well what is bad about real estate. Problem is we don't know enough good things.

  3. Hi Ravi,
    can you do a favour to many readers like me,and suggest some properties for
    those who are interested in buying 2 bhk properties in the strict range 19-21 lac.
    these people in the middle tier,dream of 900-1000 sqft flat,though not luxirous but
    atleast having good flr plan and reasonable quality,and though not in
    very prime but well known\connected area.

  4. Well, can you tell me what is good about pune real estate?
    It sucks ! !
    its all greed ! ! greed shown by builders.

    so you use scarcasm to bring out the bad points. And finally i think with your approach of bringing out the bad points, you have to praise the builder and wait for somebody's mercy to get some nasty comment on it ;)

  5. # Ref: "wait for somebody's mercy to get some nasty comment on it ;)"

    Yes, sir! You are right.
    "Nasty" means not only the labels like you have posted:

    It sucks ! !
    its all greed ! ! greed shown by builders.

    Describe what you mean by this. Labels only express your dissatisfaction and anger. It doesn't tell you why are you so? What exactly you don't like. What you expect? Share your experience. Share your expectations. Tell what should be changed.

    Because labels are ignored by one and all. Take for example this comment:

    "Its all greed !!"

    How builder will take it?

    He will say, "Greed is Good" and will not bother to justify it.

    But what will happen when you talk about getting not worth of your money by giving example of the specific plan or project? Can anybody ignore it?

    I believe that property buyers have a great power to change the real estate market. I request you to control your anger and use your power. It works. I have seen it.

  6. # Ref: "suggest some properties for
    those who are interested in buying 2 bhk properties in the strict range 19-21 lac."

    No. I don't have to suggest. I have already posted and i am going to keep on posting about the projects in this range of budget. For example: 1) Darode Jog's Greenland County 2) Sara City 3) Eiffel City 4) Nano Homes

    Please, subscribe to my blog and you will get info in your mail box.

    Plus one more point on real estate pricing:

    Builders, generally, know your budget. Particularly, when there is no boom in the market. However, properties are priced in such a way that you have to stretch your budget a little bit. For example, if your budget is 19 -20, property would be priced at 23 - 24. These last 2 -3 lakhs make you take extra efforts to own it. These extra efforts create sense of value about your home. When you buy that property you get a satisfaction of an achievement. Because we all believe that good things in life never come cheap. Right?

    This principal about pricing of the product is applied to all products we purchase. Good example is mobile phone. You can get a basic mobile for 1200 rupees. But they add lots of features, camera, music player and all, spend huge amount on advertising to crate a belief that these features are essential. Result is you increase your budget to buy the particular handset.

    In real estate, amenities, specifications and location have proved very useful for the builders to keep the prices high. Because over the years builders have educated the property buyers to pay for this.

    If you have to get a home within your budget, you have to unlearn many things and change your beliefs. Which is not that easy to do. That's why the Tata Housing has to extend the last date for accepting the booking forms of their 3.7 to 6.7 lakhs Subh Griha Nano homes in Boisar, Mumbai.

  7. Hi Ravi,
    I will tell you what greed is!

    Holding on to unrealistic prices and asking the government for bail out packages is greed.
    This is what the builders have done.
    The builders have resorted to many tactics to keep their fat profits intact and tax the buyer.
    The prices have increased upto 3 folds in many areas. The common reason attributed to this price rise is high input costs ! which can't be justified ! ! if you can justify Ravi pleaase do it.

  8. Ravi you have written:
    For example, if your budget is 19 -20, property would be priced at 23 - 24. These last 2 -3 lakhs make you take extra efforts to own it. These extra efforts create sense of value about your home.

    For a person who is going to spend his hard earned money on buying a flat, every rupee is valuable for him. Every rupee spent creates a sense of value for the flat he owns.
    do you mean to say that if you take extra effort and pay more than your budget only then you get a sense of value ?!? doesn't the amount 19 -20 lakhs in itself create any sense? infact those extra 2 - 3 lakhs are a burden !

  9. sense of value is directly proportional to the amount spent, after a certain threshold (which is usually your budget).
    For example, 19 - 20 L creates a sense of value no doubt, but paying 2 - 3 L extra actually creates extra sense.
