
Saturday, January 17, 2009

‘Waiting for the market to bottom out’

"Investors need to cautious while investing their money
as there is still a lot of uncertainty about
the future upcoming projects.
Demand is not a problem in India, however affordability is.
The supply needs to be introduced at the right price points to meet the demand,
only then will the level of transactions pick up,"
Anshul Jain, CEO-India, of DTZ International Property Advisers, said in an interview to Praveen K Singh.
Please, visit - IndianExpress

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  1. Your blog is good take on real estate situation in Pune. I have been following it for a long time.
    Thanks for doing this.
    But I have to say, now a days it is cluttered a lot with repeated links, lots of ads. At times its difficult to figure out what is the topic and where is it located, If there is too much clutter, readers would lose interest in what you have to say. Please take some time and un-clutter the page structure.

  2. # ref: "now a days it is cluttered a lot with repeated links, lots of ads"
    Thanks! Yes, you are right! I will do it.
