
Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy new year and hurrah for 2008

This is the time of the year to reflect on the year gone by and to plan ahead. As most people will agree 2008 was the year to bury leverage for good. Borrowers with good credit saw rates go up regardless and there were no prizes to be won for being a good kid and being frugual in your livestyle. Everyone got hit pretty bad. The difference being that the prudent investor still can rebound whenever the market turns, however the speculator is bankrupt and will have to restart his life from scratch to recoup the money back lost in the de-leveraging process.

2008 also put an end to the lot of myths about real estate:
To read more, please, visit - India's housing bubble

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1 comment:

  1. Ravi,
    Wish you and your family a very happy new year! Thanks for keeping us updated on latest happenings on RE across Pune.

    BTW - I checked the blog (india housing bubble) and seems very interesting..thanks for posting the link...

