
Friday, December 12, 2008

Try Google Chrome, please!

My dear Internet Explorer (6.0) and (7.0) users,

It's not easy to try a new browser.
I know.
Because most of you, (70 %) of you, my dear readers, use Internet Explorer (6.0 & 7.0), i have tried to use IE for a while!
Within no time, i shifted back to my old love, Firefox.
Though i am big Google fan,
i did not bother to try Google Chrome when it was launched.
How could i?
I was so happy with Firefox 3.
I couldn't think of breaking up my relationship with Firefox 3 and
all those extensions, plug ins, add ons.
But one day, i found out that my younger brother, Arvind is using Google Chrome!
Now, that was a shock to me.
(Arvind is "Karandikar", not "Karandeekar" like me!)
Arvind is "corporate" type of a person and not an early adapter like me.
Still, he was using Google Chrome, which was in a Beta state at that point of time, only for the speed of it.
So, i thought, i should at least test drive Chrome.
Yes, it's not easy to try a new browser.
But it's not difficult too.
Try Google Chrome, it's out of BETA, please!


  1. Hi Ravi ,

    Me too use Firefox . I was happy to know that u too use the same .

    Bye the way , I am a regular reader / visitor to ur blog ( almost every day ) no I am not related to real estate but I like ur blog bout pune real estate I think it has latest update on pune real estate than any other property portal . Its like News Channel( of thses days )

    Ok coming to Google Crome . I also dont want my loyalty to change for Google . and the appearance of Crome ,I felt bit confusing ! may be because we r so habitual to Fire fox

  2. Hello Anonymous! Thanks for the complements! True, Chrome doesn't look like a browser, at least now. After the customization and personalization Firefox becomes yours!
