
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Restoring Taj hotel's glory may cost Rs.5 bn, take 12 months

The restoration of the century-old Taj Mahal Palace and Tower Hotel in downtown Mumbai that was considerably damaged during the terror siege could take as much as 12 months and cost about Rs.5 billion (Rs.500 crore/$100 million), experts on structural engineering and architecture say.

The owners of the property, Indian Hotels Ltd., have said that they would take all measures to restore the Mumbai landmark and had an insurance policy against terror attacks.

"We are not just determined, but completely committed, to rebuilding the institution. We will restore it to its fullest glory," said company vice chairman R.K. Krishna Kumar.
To read more, please, visit - The Hindu News Update Service

Visit Arun Shanbhag's Live Blogs:

Thanks to Arun Shanbhag, for the above photos.
Visit his photo blogs of:
1) November 26 / 27
2) November 28
3) November 29

Thanks to BBC News, for a list of events with approximate timings.

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