
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Multimedia business to shift base from Mumbai to Nanded City Pune via Pune?

(What do you do when you are starving to read positive news in an era of economic recession and job cuts? What do you do when you are not sure about the future of big integrated townships in and around Pune? What do you do when you doubt the Indian growth story because of the recession in US economy? What do you do when you are not sure whether you should cancel your booking or sign the agreement of you 2 bhk flat? You search for a clue, interpret the news and boost your morale!)

Pune - an animation and gaming hub:

"Pune is fast progressing as a multimedia hub. The talent here is backed by necessary social infrastructure and the right training facilities. The city has already taken the lead in developing and promoting itself as an animation and gaming hub," NASSCOM’s Lavanya Jayaram added.

Gaming Park at Nanded City Pune:

And the facts confirm the trend. In last two years, 4-5 animation giants have shifted base from Mumbai and Bangalore to Pune. Chetan Deshmukh, committee member of the Marhatta Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture’s (MCCIA) animation company said, "Big Animation, Anibrain, Krayon pictures, Jump Games are just a few of the many biggies that have shifted to Pune. Besides, experts from international animation giants like Dreamworks regularly visit the city to conduct workshops and seminars. The township of Nanded city on the outskirts of Pune is coming up with a gaming park too. The acceptance that animation industry has received in the city has laid the platform to make Pune an animation hub in the country over the next few years," Deshmukh said.

Indian animation industry:

As per the NASSCOM 2007 report, the Indian animation industry was estimated at $354 mn in 2006 and is expected to reach $869 mn by 2010. Key findings of the report include an expected compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25 per cent over 2006-2010, and a CAGR of 72 per cent for gaming. Animation and gaming represent at $80 billion market worldover, projected for reach $123 billion. To read more, please, visit - The big draw- The Times of India

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2) What next for India? - Nirvikar Singh

3) Nanded City Pune News - Get ready to select the flat, pay your own contribution and register the agreement!

4) Good news for Pune real estate market! Gaming industry looks set for at least another year or two of strong growth!!

5) Magarpatta's Nanded City - Pune: Mr. Suresh Kalmadi, MP and Chairman, Pune Vyaspeeth, you too?

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  1. Nice to know that puna is becoming great in multimedia,In todays economic recession and job cuts i think this will help people to find good alternative and survive.

  2. Will One multimedia park will make diffence in current scenario........and pull up economy ??
