
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Would you feel proud to book a flat in Parsvnath Pratishtha at Pimpri-Chinchwad, Pune?

This is not New Delhi and NCR. This is Pune.!

We all, including Mr. Pradeep Jain, Chairman, Parsvnath Developers Limited, know that real estate is a local business.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh can ignore Bhopal gas victims. Prime Minister of India may not held Dow Chemical, the parent company of Union Carbide, responsible for 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy in which several thousand people were killed due to the release of 40 tonnes of deadly methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas.

Even state politician (!), Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh could not ignore the 'Warkari' sect in Maharashtra. When they, Warkaris, intensified their agitation against Dow Chemical, demanding closure of its proposed unit near Pune, Chief Minister had to order a month's stay on the project work.

Mr. Pradeep Jain, though you are from New Delhi, you are not a politician! Sorry to remind you, you are a real estate developer. You can not ignore the sentiments of the local population. You can not be proud of Dow Chemical's chemical experimentation facility in Vasuli Shinde village, near Pune. Or Are you starting Parsvanath Pratishtha for Dow Chemical?

Parsvnath and Dow Chemical may have or may not have any type of association. According to the news in The Financial Times it sure, looks like Parsvnath is proud of Dow Chemical and has little respect for the life of a common Indian citizen. Please, let me know in the comments, would you feel proud to book a flat in their project, Parsvnath Pratishtha at Pimpri Chinchwad?

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  1. you can drive DOW away from pune and lose 10,000 jobs to hyderabad (or chennai)
    And you think having NCL in pune is safer than DOW.
    Grow up (in terms of business)

    (we lost Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco and most tech giants - lets not lose research labs now)

    Now.. let he hate comments come in!

  2. All of us know that DOW is just too huge to be missed. However, let us look at their past behavior.

    Why do we keep forgetting what they did in Bhopal?

    One thing is for sure they are not doing to a R&D on clean technologies in Pune :(

    In the name of R&D they would set up a chemical facility and pollute our rivers and lands.

    So I am OK to give them a pass and let these 10K scientist go to Hyd.
