
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Palash 2i at Wakad - Pre-launch offer: 2 bhk flat for Rs. 29.3 lakhs & 3bhk flat for Rs. 36.8 lakhs: all inclusive

Effective cost under the Green Umbrella Offer:

Offer valid till 30th September '08:

To know more about Palash2i visit:

Palash 2i:

Palash 2i means the i wing of Palash 2.0! The building has 12 floors and 48 flats. 2 bhk flats - 962 & 977 sq.ft. 3 bhk flats - 1216 & 1230sq.ft.

In my last post i said, "Vilas Javdekar and Associates of Palash 2 are going to launch 2 bhk flat for 36 lakhs, all inclusive!". No! sorry, i made a mistake. Today Vilas Javdekar and Associates released an ad in Sakal and announced a pre-launch offer. They are offering 3bhk flat for Rs. 36.8 lakhs. And 2 bhk flat for Rs. 29.3 lakhs. (Including every thing)

Yes, this is 'effective cost' under, now world famous, The Green Umbrella Offer, which is valid till September 30th, '08.

Here is an offer, please, click to enlarge or visit the website of Palash 2i for the details.

Wow! Wakad!!

Lots of attractive and exciting things are happening in Wakad. I am sure, in coming season we will see many more offers from all corners of Pune. To receive updates in your reader or mail box, subscribe for free to my Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog. To know about my other Pune real estate related blogs, please, visit and join for free my Google Group - Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Blog Group.


  1. 2 BHK with Area 977 - Total cost 35 Lk.. for 20 year EMI will be 35094
    After 20 year interest on loan will be @ 20 Lk……….
    SO Total cost of flat will be = 35 Lakh + 20 Lakh = 55 Lakh

    Builder will pay 18 months * 35094 EMI = 631692 Lakh

    I don’t understand…. instead of paying 631692 Lakhs to financial company(from where we are taking loan) …builder can reduce the basic rate(3240).
    It will be simple.....

  2. Palash 2i 2j 2k ..

    New names to extort money from people..

    90% loan and saving shown is complete bogus scheme. Builder will get money and people will pay 40000 Rs emi for 20 years..

    Wah Wah Wakad!!
    Sagle zale Makad!!

  3. Ravi, In your post said: " Lots of attractive and exciting things are happening in Wakad. I am sure, in coming season we will see many more offers from all corners of Pune."

    So do we wait for new offers as palash2i till 30 sep only...

    I see such offers only in Wakad ( e.g. Park street)..

    Do you foresee such offers in Baner also ..?

  4. Ravi, in today's weak real estate market I do not feel comfortable paying 90% upfront to any builder no matter how good the name is. Am I not taking a big chance?
    Your views please.

  5. in my months visit to Pune in August, I visited wakad ofetn to my frien's place, what a sick place...!!! bad roads not wide enough for future...
    the road goes internally from wakad to dange chowk is a big mess...typical rural area, slums and dirty people.
    The funniest thing i saw is most of the big builders with big schemes are right on this road, what a great location and a great mix, right...!!!
    Wakad-Maakad is a perfect match for this situation :)

    i don't think it's wise to book in wakad at this rate... too expensive and not value for money...

  6. I don’t understand…. instead of paying 631692 Lakhs to financial company(from where we are taking loan) …builder can reduce the basic rate(3240). Will you pay 100% down payment if builder reduces the basic rate? Builder thinks "NO! You will not pay 100% down payment to the builder." What do you say?

  7. 100% down payment for a ready possession is understood, but here Palash XYZ is just a concept on paper and nothing exist in reality.
    Builder has setup another boogie trap for all of us. Once we pay 100% to him then we are at his mercy and we know how these builders are..!!
    Ravi, it is a great shame on you that you advertise and support such builders and cheat us.

  8. Hi Ravi: Great blog. All your articles look neutral. But some how I get feeling that your tone is favouring Palash and Vilas Jawedekar. Just my thoughts. Please do not loose true spirit of this blog...inert and non-favoring

  9. Will you pay 100% down payment if builder reduces the basic rate? Builder thinks "NO! You will not pay 100% down payment to the builder." What do you say?
    I guess no one.....
    but in this offore.. only builder is getting more share in benifit.
    what abt customer ????

  10. Ravi, it is a great shame on you that you advertise and support such builders and cheat us. Please, read this:
    Is it wise to give ADF in the present economic conditions?
    Pune real estate boom is over. This type of an offer is the proof of Pune real estate slow down. PBAP has officially confirmed about the rising construction and land costs. Inflation is in double digits and not likely come down in this financial year. Because of the recession in US, jobs are not secure. In these circumstances, Is it wise to give ADF, advance loan disbursement, to any builder? Please, share your views in the comments.
    An exclusive offer from Palash-2, Wakad- No EMI till possession if you give Advance Loan disbursement to the builder (!)

  11. @" only builder is getting more share in benifit.
    what abt customer ????"
    Please, read this:
    Anonymous said...
    The builder has got all the money and can easily exploit you . He may delay the possession by 1 year and you cannot do anything since it is fully paid up .
    Also you dont know what the quality of the construction would be and since it is ADF your full EMI starts from day 1

    Never buy anything by ADF (Advance Disbursement Facility )

  12. No Ravi, you are again misdirecting the readers. Pune real estate boom is not over, do you see prices going down? NO..!!
    Builders are indirectly quoting the same or more price by such kind of fussy offers. Palash is still at 3200 psft not less, quite a lot money, right..!!

  13. Don't tell us about PBAP. Lalitkumar is a spoon of pawar, he talks what pawar tells him to... builders and politicinas do everything for their profit... how many thousands of crores pawar and klmadi have invested in pune real estate? have they not spoiled pune in real sense?
    we are in vicious endless loop... politicians suck all our money with help from builders, roll that money during elections and come on power and again rule on us... everything is in their hands, right..!! land aquisition, plan sanction, supply water/electricity to a particular scheme... build roads only for that scheme... all because they have power and their interest/stake in that venture... what happens to independent plot holders? they never get permission from the authorities to build their dream home, they never get water supply, electric connection to the site, never get proper roads to their plot layouts etc. etc.
    Ravi, do you agree with this???
    Do you or me dare to talk openly against these people? NO, because we will be killed in next one hour... they are present idols of our culture...
    We all are just helpless, forced to pay what they ask for... They know well, where we will go? no where, just live here helpless... we are their strength because we pay easily what they ask, isn't it?
    This will go on and on, never change, we never change...
    We make ourselves very happy by callind India as emerging world power, lets live like this and support Ravi for whatever he asks for for all his new offers in real estate.

  14. #Ref: "Pune real estate boom is not over, do you see prices going down? NO..!!"

    Bookings have slowed down. As far as i know, good project in Wakad gets on an average 5/6 bookings in a month.

    On the day of the launch of a project at Wakad, i spend half a day at the site office. I will always remember a family which entered the site office and asked the receptionist, "Wasn't it your ad about the launching of the new project in today's newspaper?" He thought that he had entered in the wrong project. Because he could not see any site visitor but himself.

    Salespersons could had their lunch at the exact lunch hour just like any working day.

    When the partner called, builder said, "Response is OK. More telephone calls than walk-ins!"

    About property prices:
    1) Inflation put the break
    2) Holding capacity of the builders.
    3) Postponed next projects.
    4) Most of the buyers are witnessing the slow down for the first time. Not the builders.

    A salesman like me who is in this real estate industry since 1995 has seen small spells of real estate boom and long stretches of moderate to slow bookings. Real estate sales is basically slow process. Very slow. And every builder is prepared to sale 25% project at "ready possession" stage.
    "Property prices will come down immediately" is myth created by media. Not the reality. This is not a share market. This is a real estate market.

  15. # ref: "Ravi, do you agree with this???"
    Yes! I agree with you.

    # ref:"Do you or me dare to talk openly against these people?"
    I do not talk. Because:
    1) I do not dare.
    2) I am not "anti" or "for" of anything. I do not mean i am "neutral" I expect them to behave like this!

    Tell me "why one wants power?"

    I do not think power, any politician and any government in any country is "for the people". Power is to rule the people, keep the land under control and enjoy the wealth of the nation. Recently, you get this privilege through elections. Previously, it was by birth or you have to fight for it. If you believe in this then you do not see anything "unexpected" in their doings.

    # ref: "NO, because we will be killed in next one hour... "

    No, not necessarily. Not in Maharashtra.

    # ref: "they are present idols of our culture..."

    those you want a bit of the power and benefit from it will always idolize but not those who do not seek it.

    # ref: "We all are just helpless,"

    No you are not. No one is. Not we, for sure. See, you are talking against some prominent politicians and the system. You can start blogging. Many will agree with you. You can express your views and spread you ideas and opinion. Web 2 has given tremendous for the individual.

    Some people prefer to think and express. Some like to act. I know many people take action against the "injustice", not only political but civic and business. Even in real estate business!

    # ref: "support Ravi for whatever he asks for for all his new offers in real estate"
    1) On this blog, i do not sell any "offer" of any builder. I only write, inform, talk, discuss the offer, just like what we are doing. If i had to sell, i would have sold the offer openly and aggressively. I am not doing that. I am not saying only how good it is. I am talking about the good and the bad side according to me.

    2) I have my opinions. I also respect your opinions. I may criticize. But i am never judgmental. I do not look at the things as right or wrong, good or bad. If you do not like some thing feel free to say no, you do not liked it. You can say i am wrong. I respect your opinion.

    3) I am real estate salesman. Definitely not a critic. Not at all a fighter against injustice. Not a promoter of "ethical business practices" That is not my cup of tea. I know my limitations and strengths. I do not try to hide that i am a real estate salesman. I do not feel shy to admit that i am a real estate salesman. I do not expect your support. I want you to buy. If you do not buy? OK! Some buy! Some do not. It's business.

    4) I hope, you are only talking sarcastically. If this is coming out of "desperation" because of the "helplessness" you described, i will feel sad. Come on, i can offer anything, you have the right and the power to say "No, thank you!"

    If you say no, salesman like me will think of some new offer!

    Thanks for the comment. I enjoyed it very much.

  16. Dear Ravi,
    I enjoyed to read the comments posted on blog & response given by you.

    I appreciate your efforts of sharing information & opinion on Pune's real estate.

    I feel the market may be bottom out soon and coming time will give the buyers a lot more options. Important is how the buyer makes his decision with a right choice.

    Builder's may think to extend the "Ganapati Festival offers" to "CYG Games 2008 Bonanza"
    Read at
    - Ravi

  17. Buyers aren't simply buying. There are no buyers even for builder's pre-launch offers.
    The financiers to builders have pulled out due to which builders face liquidity crunch.

    Slowdown in economy, job cuts, no increments especially in high paying jobs like IT

    Builders are having nightmares. To get rid of this they have to stop day dreaming & reduce prices as there is now no other way out.

    The current infrastructure doesn't allow high prices. No proper water, DP roads, 'Proposed XYZ' etc. & prices are well above 3200/-.
    Heard there are stalls for property show in IT companies in hingewadi. Developers have NO business outside.

    So now thay are coming to IT companies and setting up stalls, handing out brochures.

    These ppl are just like those credit card / mobile connection roaming agents, asking people to buy their products.

    Despite of all offers of Palash2i, Park street, and one news 15 days back about Bravuira@Baner at 2600 looks costier as of now and people should wait for 50-70% real estate correction

  18. Hi Ravi,
    For the past 15 years I am selling real estate in Pune and I am a positive thinker... always.Selling RE property is not a joke.Some of the blogger's are very aggressive against builder's schemes and they do not want genuine buyer's to take advantage of the buying opportunity as this is the right time for long term investors or actual buyers.It is very easy to criticize in this world as it does not cost anything. If this builder is prepared to pay the 18 loan EMI till possession, whats wrong in it? He is saving indirectly, he is also saving Pre EMI for entire construction tenure which is banks income over and above EMI interest component, customer also gets the tax benefit and If there is any delay in handover of the flat he is still paying more EMI's from his pocket so that there is no pinch to the home buyer.Those who do not like it look for some other choices.I am very sure Wakad infrastructure will also improve after some time. What was Baner few years back is Wakad today. This scheme is new to Pune but in North India say Delhi, Gurgaon etc it is a regular offer and there is no such hue and cry,I think Pune people need to polish their minds and wear clean glasses....

  19. I agree with all these comments that please dont pay ADF ...
    At Palash , builder is paying only "Prencipal repayment" components shich is not even 10% of your EMI for 20 years loan and for 1st-2nd year.

    This means builder is only paying around 60,000/- and the rest is the intereset which Builder himself to the money and claiming that its discount...

    Please go for Ready Pos.....



  20. also the builder will give the buyer money .. not pay to the bank. this means the buyer has to show this EMI as income and pay tax on that also. Its a chor scheme really. Builder takes money from bank upfront at 11-12% instead of 24% from market. This money is taken on the buyer's gaurantee. On top of this buyer has to pay extra tax. And no gaurantee of when the flat would be ready. They are just repackaging and fooling people. There should be a criminal law against such people who do not present the numbers properly.
