
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tanaji Malusare City (TMC) Karjat and the famous 'digg effect'!

It's all about the right to own your home in Mumbai!

Last week, my Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog received maximum visits from Digg. 1,458 visits to all my stories on Tanaji Malusare City (TMC), Karjat. For me, this is a Digg effect! Because, on an average, i receive 3/4 visits every day from Digg to my Pune real estate market news stories. Which is quite good. I am happy about it. Because, Pune Real Blog cannot expect more than this.

This time, the stories were about Mumbai real estate. Media calls 'cheap homes', 'low budget flats' to the recently launched real estate township project Tanaji Malusare City's 1 room kitchen, 1 bhk and 2 bhk flats.

Pravin Banavalikar, CEO - Matheran Realty Pvt. Ltd., SPV of Eredene Capital Plc, a UK-based venture capital fund and the company behind this 100 acre township, insists on calling his scheme, TMC Karjat, "social housing". He says, if you see the current property rates, the term "affordable housing" has lost it's meaning in Indian real estate market. Plus, Sterling Construction Systems (SCS) is all about quality construction technology which takes less time to build a home which lasts for 100 years!

I think visits to my stories from digg proves Pravin's claim of "Building a home for the big segment of society which was never offered an opportunity to own a quality home was an idea behind the conceptualization of Tanaji Malusare City (TMC) Karjat!"

I think, all my digger friends are the representatives of this 'big segment of the society' - young, dynamic, well educated and net savvy young India. It's one more proof of how anti- social Indian real estate industry is which does not bother to build a home for the back bone of the country.

About digg:

Here are few links for my non-digger readers:
1) Digg: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2) Digg company profile on CrunchBase

3) How Digg Works: on HowStuffWorks

Join me on digg!

I invite you all to join me on digg. I am sure, you will enjoy it. Because digg is a "fascinating toy for Google guys". In no time you will become a digg addict! You will not only visit my blog to read the story on Pune real estate market news but you will 'digg it' too! Like me, you will believe in, "Digg could do better than $200 million. Google should pay more for 'the social news site Digg'!" Together, we will sing our favorite song "Gotta Digg" by Kina Grannis.
When I'm feeling lazy, at school or when I work
I sneak to my computer, and then I like to shirk
I don't go online shopping, I don't email with my mom
I open up my browser, and go to digg-dot-com

Chorus: Gotta digg, gotta digg, gotta digg
Gotta make this story big!
Did you hear that awful sound?
Another server's down!


  1. Realty firms seem to have lost their appetite for properties in Kolkata, where developers such as Emaar MGF Land Ltd and DLF Ltd were fighting to secure plots for building luxury hotels. For the first time, a tender to lease out a prime 10-acre plot on the western fringes of the city is being scrapped because there was only one bidder. The Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority (KMDA) had invited bids for two more properties, but the response to each was poor. KMDA officials had claimed that developers such as Emaar MGF and DLF had enquired about the properties, but none of them bid even for the 10-acre plot, which was to be leased for building a five-star hotel. Less than a year ago, Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) had set a new benchmark by buying a five-acre property on the eastern fringes of Kolkata for Rs276.20 crore, or Rs55.24 crore an acre. LIC has since announced it would build 50-storey towers on the plot.A KMDA official, who didn’t want to be named, confirmed that the tender for the 10-acre plot would be cancelled, but he wasn’t sure what would be done with the bids for the other two plots— one measuring five acres and the other 2.7 acres. “The bids aren’t attractive, but we haven’t decided yet,” he added.For more view-

  2. Real estate is a popular industry that many individuals are starting to take an interest in. There are many homes for sale on a daily basis in various places around the world, and it is time that you get your share of the action!

  3. i have heard of this 'digg effect' too but wanna know more.
