
Friday, August 15, 2008

Is it morally improper for well to do people to apply for the flats in Tanaji Malusare City (TMC) at Karjat?

What do you think?:

While i was overwhelmed by the huge number of readers and subscribers to my Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog, Mr. Anonymous has raised an important issue about social morality and responsibility! He feels, i am encouraging "investors and speculators" by calling TMC Karjat- HOT! or by posting a blog - Application forms of Tanaji Malusare City (TMC), Karjat - Many people are applying for all 3 types of flats! 1 room kitchen, 1 bhk and 2 bhk flats

His point is "well to do people should not book a flat in Tanaji Malusare City. TMC Karjat is for the lower income group". What is your opinion? Is it "immoral" to book a flat if you are well to do?

Proof of Income and Lock in Period:

Do you think to become eligible to book a flat in TMC, Matheran Realty, promoters of Tanaji Malusare City Karjat, should have asked the applicants to submit the proof of income? Write your opinion in the comments!

What do you say about - to stop the speculators from selling flats at huge profits immediately after the possession, lock in period of few years should have been a good idea!

For sure, i am not trying to encourage the investors and speculators. I am only happy to see that the internet and blogs have become as important as print media for marketing real estate. When i asked one of the top executive of TMC Karjat, "Why did you not upload the application form of TMC on your website? It would have been easy to download than coming down to collect it from Karjat or CBD Belapur!" He said, "We never thought that those who want to book a flat in TMC would be internet savvy!"

Who is eligible to fill an application form of TMC Karjat?

We are having a good conversation on Tanaji Maluasre City on this blog. Truly, blog is a conversation. It's a two way street. What you say is as important as my article. Some times even more so! So, come on, join in the conversation. Say what you want to say. Let us talk! Write your comments. Subscribe to Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog and keep the conversation going.

If you find it easy to talk, call me on my mobile, 91 98600 44110! This is just the beginning. In coming 10 years, Pravin Banavalikar, group managing director of Great Maratha Corporation, a joint venture between Sterling Construction Systems (SCS) and Eredene Capital Plc, a UK-based venture capital fund, is planning to launch few more projects of an affordable housing around Mumbai!

Related Stories:

Subscribe to my Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog and get free emails of all stories i write on Tanaji Malusare City Karjat and real estate projects in Pune!

1) TMC, Karjat is hot! Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog ranked 8th in real estate section of, Blog Directory

2) Tanaji Malusare City (TMC), Karjat, application forms for three lakh rupee flat now available at:

3) TMC - Tanaji Malusare City at Karjat - to launch 1 bhk and 2 bhk flats too!

4) Tanaji Malusare City, Karjat - application form for the first 2,500 three lakh rupee flats will be available from August 12, 2008

5) To know more about Tanaji Malusare City at Karjat, please, visit their website

6) Tanaji Malusure City, 100 acre low cost housing scheme near Karjat, to offer 10,000 flats at Rs. 999 per sq.ft.


  1. That's the first thought that came to my mind when I read about TMC in your blog : Is it a government sponsored scheme? It appears as if the scheme is providing housing at below market rate pricing. Why would a private builder be interested in doing that? at the end of the day it is profits which drive business.
    I have seen government sponsored low income grade housing. In that case all the suggestions you mentioned are in place - lock-in period, certificate of income etc. Unfortunately in Pune there is no "pune development corporation" which would do this. PMC is definitely not doing it nor is interested in doing it. They are overwhelmed managing development activities around youth games I guess, which themselves don't seem to be in any condition to complete with quality given the time duration left!

  2. Can we have other update's from pune real estate, we had enuff of TMC.
    When i asked one of the top executive of TMC Karjat, "Why did you not upload the application form of TMC on your website? It would have been easy to download than coming down to collect it from Karjat or CBD Belapur!" He said, "We never thought that those who want to book a flat in TMC would be internet savvy!"

    Thats ture, so plz lets shift our focus from TMC

  3. Had it been a government scheme, asking question of morality does suit. But dear this is business. Suppose, if TMC is not able to sell all flats (let's assume, say some news floats in market about quality etc), is the same Mr Anonymous, going to buy and help TMC for sake of morality..?

    TMC also has to sell so many flats. And the response developer gets for TMC won't be same for his further similar schemes. So he has to keep interest levels high. Otherwise why does he even has to do ADS across mumbai... he is getting free mouth publicity, sure enough to sell TMC... But he actually needs the urge alive in people, so that they should line-up even in his future projects.

    Surely an idea of lock-in period or non-renting period would have increased the public image of builder, but again it might have created problems for his future projects. After all he is not doing social work.

  4. Seeing above anonymous post, it seems, you got to consolidate TMC blog postings and reduce number of posts on TMC. People feel uneasy when there is something good that they cannot reach to.. and wan't to better keep their eyes away from it. And I think this may be condition with many blog subscribers.
