
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Proposal by developers Hines and architect Pelli Clarke Pelli formally selected for San Francisco Transbay Transit Center and Tower

After a hard fought campaign, the winner has been chosen for the San Francisco Transbay Terminal.

Beating off heavy competition from Skidmore Owings and Merrill, and Rogers Stirk Harbour, the winning plans as voted by every member of the Transbay Authority's Board of Directors are by Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects with Hines as the developer.

Hines and DLF

Yes, Hines who had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with DLF</span> to form a venture to master plan and develop a site of 15 acres located on Golf Course Road in Gurgaon, India. The site is located directly across from the DLF Golf Course and its residential community known as DLF Golf Links

San Francisco Transbay Terminal

The Pelli proposal if realised in its current design will be 1200 feet or 365.7 metres tall and have a 5.6 acre park standing atop of the new transport terminal. It's design is typically Pelli with a gradually tapering glass skinned skyscraper and facade overrun for a crown resembling a smoother version of Hong Kong's International Finance Centre.

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