
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

"Magarpatta City in Pune could be the model for a land acquisition and rehabilitation policy of The Confederation of Indian Industry ", Sunil Mittal

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), which has set up a committee to chalk out a land acquisition and rehabilitation policy, may suggest giving of shares to those displaced by land acquisition for industry.

Sunil Mittal, chairman and CEO of the Bharti group and CII president, said the Magarpatta model in Pune under which those who lost land were made a part of the area’s development, and issuance of shares by the Jindals in West Bengal, could become models.

Who am i congratulating? What do you think? Am i congratulating Mr. Satish Magar, M.D. of Magarpatta City? No!

I am congratulating The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)! I am congratulating each and every honorable member of the committee! I am congratulating Mr. Sunil Mittal!

"Congratulations! What an intelligent decision!"
Sorry, CII committee has not come to a decision. The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) "may suggest". So what? Still, they deserve congratulations!

"Mr. Sunil Mittal, may i suggest something?"
Yes, i want to suggest to him, not because i am one of the happy subscribers of Airtel or not because i am proud of Magarpatta City as many Punekars are. But only because when i was in KG, Miss Mary had told me that when i will become a big boy, i should tell what i see to those who can not see!

"Mr. Sunil Mittal, why don't you do one thing, why don't you send your committee members to Nanded and talk to the villagers? Oh! yes, i can understand your problem. When this SEZ was not there members of your association had to manipulate only politicians. Manipulating citizens of India was done by the politicians. Your members do not have hands on experience, i can understand.

But, Mr. Sunil Mittal, you all are learning new skills very fast. For example, if Jamsetji Tata would have been here today, he would have had thought of manufacturing cell phones in India and would have wasted his energy like Ratan Tata, who is obsessed with the idea of manufacturing 1 lakh rupees' small car. But you are smart. You said forget about manufacturing. Indians do nothing but talk so let them talk all the time and in a very short period of time, you became one of the richest persons in India. Very smart of you!

Please, boost the moral of your members and send them to Nanded. Yes, do not forget to tell them one more thing. It is very obvious that a person who has gone to school or college and runs an industry will take more time to understand any simple thing than the illiterate farmers of the small village!

So do not feel shy and ask the villagers of Nanded, why did they opt for Magarpatta Model and what are they getting out of their 700 acre township. Alternately, if your people wish to do an in depth study of the issue they can visit Avasari Khurd village. Because from Pune Nanded is only 20 km but Avasari Khurd village is 40 km.

You all are welcome to visit the villages anytime only on one condition. You have to bring along with youMr. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee. Yes, the Chief Minister of West Bengal who is always nagging your friend Mr. Sajjan Jindal, vice-chairman and managing director, JSW Steel. Why? How can you ask why? Wouldn't you like to show the last communist, Stalinist Emperor how farmers unite and form their own SEZ? Come on, do not miss this chance of taking a sweet revenge. You all have tolerated them enough!

Mr. Sunil Mittal, i am sure about one thing, after talking to the villagers of Nanded and Avasari Khurd your committee members could make a firm and final policy decision about following Magarpatta Model.

But, i am not sure whether your friends would be able to form the SEZs before the villagers of India pool their own land and form their own SEZs on the Magarpatta Model!

P.S. Mr. Sunil Mittal, this is for your eyes only! Thanks to Mr. Sanjeev Batra for this presentation:

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

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